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high240 t1_jaaadue wrote

Literally me today lmao


Gurdel OP t1_jaaidad wrote

Seems like today was dentist day for a lot of people!


cinobalanos t1_jaahk8d wrote

Extracted a tooth today, as soon as he was done mf started a similitude with removing teeth and going fishing with smaller or bigger lures and I was like "dude you just extracted a piece of freakin bone from me what the fuck" but I love the man anyway (true story, happened 15 hours ago more or less)


Gurdel OP t1_jaaifok wrote

Makes my mouth hurt reading this


shadowslayer569 t1_jacnoji wrote

Or when he says open wider. Like, bro, my mouth is wider than a whore sucking 2 dicks at once...


YFleiter t1_jabufdd wrote

Any dentists in here care to explain why you are so sadistic?