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peaches-in-heck t1_iu0krhb wrote

Literally just got my car inspected 7 minutes ago in metrowest.


operator_1337 OP t1_iu0t4zi wrote

It was down most of the morning, i went to three different inspection stations and they all said the same thing.


Kissfan07 t1_iu0wnjb wrote

My station was down most of the day yesterday, but I’ve been doing them all day today without a problem.


bubalusarnee t1_iu0aoxx wrote

It could be worse. It could be something important.


operator_1337 OP t1_iu0axxz wrote

That is important according to the MA state government lol


bv8ma t1_iu0uh2n wrote

I know we have our share of shitboxes here, but have you ever been to states with no inspections? You see way more death traps in places like Ohio.

I am a car enthusiast myself and have had my frustrations with our inspections, but I am thankful for the dangerous stuff it catches, even if it isn't everything.


jkjeeper06 t1_iu1t4fm wrote

This! All you have to do is go to michigan and see what we would look like without inspections!


mattvait t1_iu3qi2m wrote

I failed inspection because my license plate wasn't shiny enough.....


bv8ma t1_iu3x39f wrote

Ya I've been there. I'm not saying the system is perfect, but it's definitely better than nothing.


mattvait t1_iu67q1e wrote

I lived in a state with nothing and it was fine. It unfairly increases the cost of entry to owning a car especially with rules like "no surface rust". Those at the bottom stay stuck at a job within bus routes.

I wonder if there's any data showing inspections reduce traffic incidents or if the state just likes the revenue


jkjeeper06 t1_iu0kg3h wrote

I just realized my fun car expired in June! At this point its almost time to put it up for the winter


bubalusarnee t1_iu0x93q wrote

they're just changing the rules now, no more free months for putting it off. :(


jkjeeper06 t1_iu1svcg wrote

I had read that! Oh well, I wasnt trying to put it off or get free months, I just didnt notice it was expired. The car doesnt have to pass emissions so not much is checked on it


OG24_Jack_Bauer t1_iu0uuyr wrote

Get it done in October last month to move it and be on October going forward. The law changed and after that is will be your last sticker date no matter when you get it done.


WooNoto t1_iu0zk20 wrote

Can you help me understand this? I wasn’t aware the law was changing and haven’t seen anything on it.

ETA: Just googled this and this is the dumbest fucking money grab. I’m so tired of these laws that are obvious money grabs and do nothing to actually help the state. Yearly inspections are stupid in general.


SpecterCody t1_iu1hu4c wrote

I wonder what happens if you go over a year with an expired inspection. Do you need to get 2 inspections lmao.


ProfessorJAM t1_iu1ixoe wrote

You get pulled over and get a ticket. Another money grab


PM_me_PMs_plox t1_iu1emx5 wrote

I mailed an out of state inspection form to the RMV and they told me I have to submit it online. The online form requires you attach an inspection form, even if the jurisdiction you're in doesn't do inspections. So it's impossible for me to submit the form online, but they probably won't listen to me. Wish me luck.


goPACK17 t1_iu0g0ne wrote

Ya, that'll happen from time to time


Mellero47 t1_iu15i2d wrote

Oh yeah, that reminds me...


langjie t1_iu0swx7 wrote

oh yes, I need to do this


Alluminatus t1_iu13whn wrote

You will not be ticketing me today, Springfield!!


spewaskew t1_iu1vh98 wrote

Halloween! Ghosts in the machine.


Jaymoacp t1_iu3u8s0 wrote

Glad I still register my car in CT.


sailboat198476 t1_iu0ccbm wrote

Government scam job, serves no purpose other than to steal from citizens.


TheDeadlySpaceman t1_iu0cjtd wrote

It ensures that your fellow motorists are operating vehicles that are safe enough to drive alongside.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0d8tv wrote

If you knew how lax the inspections were and how bribeable the inspectors are, you wouldn't believe that.


JaesopPop t1_iu0r0yq wrote

Isn’t it pretty tough to be bribable with the current system?..


langjie t1_iu0tcwi wrote

I think only emissions can't be defeated right now


JaesopPop t1_iu0trfm wrote

Every inspection has five cameras covering it


Serious-Barracuda-13 t1_iu0w2gv wrote

Cameras are there, sure, but is there someone going through all the hours of footage to ensure that no car that shouldn’t pass made it through? That’s a lot of cars. And you’re gonna have a good amount of cars and footage that pass because they can, where the shop looks like it’s carrying on normal. Maybe they could go back retroactively if they wanted, and find something, but I think to just expect that the camera actually prevents cars from being passed when they shouldn’t is naive.


JaesopPop t1_iu0y5x2 wrote

> Cameras are there, sure, but is there someone going through all the hours of footage to ensure that no car that shouldn’t pass made it through?

Every one? No. Some? Yes. Is there enough of a chance of getting caught that it's worth risking your significant investment into being able to do inspections for a $20?

>but I think to just expect that the camera actually prevents cars from being passed when they shouldn’t is naive.

What do you think the cameras are intended for?


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0r8kt wrote

No. Incredibly easy. I've had a few of them offer to pass my... not inspection ready vehicles for an additional fee


JaesopPop t1_iu0rduh wrote

What do they do about the cameras?


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0rqji wrote

What about them? Nobody checks them. Most safety inspections are an absolute joke. I've sent cars with serious issues into an inspection and gotten a clean bill of health before.


JaesopPop t1_iu0ru81 wrote

You’re sort of just glossing over that little tidbit.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0s4to wrote

Which aspects?

Let it be clear, I've never paid a bribe to an official. But I've driven a lot of junk cars over the years because I can't stomach 25k for a new car that's worth 10k after 2 years. I've gone in expecting to be failed for glaring issues and gotten nothing.


JaesopPop t1_iu0s774 wrote

The one thing I said lol.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0sdd9 wrote

The cameras? They do crime out of frame and simply pass the car.


JaesopPop t1_iu0sgjx wrote

There’s five cameras and parts they use a handheld camera for, when are they out of frame lol


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0smb1 wrote

They simply put the camera down, walk into the waiting room, and say something like "hey, your tires are no good, I'm gonna need to rotate them for $40 each and you're good to go. Or I can go back and take another look at the car..."


JaesopPop t1_iu0su8p wrote

Friend, the cameras are pointing at the car. The car they are inspecting.

And telling someone they need to buy your services isn’t asking for a bribe, it’s extorting them lol


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0t0d4 wrote

I'm familiar with the cameras. The cameras can't see if your steering column is fucked up, or how rotted your fender is, or if your headlights meet the brightness requirement.


JaesopPop t1_iu0thbb wrote

They can definitely see two of those within reason


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0tm64 wrote

Not really. The depth of body rust is difficult to gage visually, much less on those shit ass cameras. Same for the lights; they don't know how bright they are.


JaesopPop t1_iu0tpk5 wrote

Yeah cameras don’t have any perception of brightness.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0trwn wrote

Not in a specific and measurable way, no. They're not exactly HD


JaesopPop t1_iu0tz6o wrote

It doesn’t need to be specific and measurable. Once someone passes someone who clearly has lights too bright that’s going to be enough to end up with them in trouble.

Inspection stations aren’t risking their business and the five figures they’ve invested into being able to do them for your $20.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0u4nx wrote

It does, in fact. It also doesn't account for lights that are too dim. Not that anybody checking.

I assure you, many are.


JaesopPop t1_iu0u97b wrote

> It does, in fact.

It doesn’t.

>I assure you, many are.

I assure you, they aren’t


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0uogd wrote

Believe what yoy want. Next time you see a rusted out truck and wonder "how'd that even pass?", remember that it passed for like $40 in bribes to the inspector.


and-its-true t1_iu1nbpq wrote

There are many things wrong with what you said.

For one thing, getting your car Inspected can save YOU from problems with YOUR OWN CAR

Also, it definitely helps catch tons of issues with tons and tons of cars and it undeniably makes the world more safe.

You seem to think that if something doesn’t work 100% of the time, it’s useless and should be done away with. So let me just tell you, doors locks don’t work 100% of the time, either. Are you going to remove all of yours?


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu1nh16 wrote

How often should it work to be considered an effective policy, then? I've been to inspectors across the state and found the same issues.


and-its-true t1_iucu5i7 wrote

If 90% of people were paying off the inspectors to approve their dangerous cars, I would agree with you that there needs to be change. But somehow I think the actual number is much much much much much much much much much much much much much much lower than that.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iucwvy3 wrote

You know who pays off inspectors to pass their cars? People with junkers that shouldn't be on the road. So while it's a low percentage, it's an important one


and-its-true t1_iud74xq wrote

It doesn’t matter. Vehicle safety inspections make the road significantly safer. It doesn’t matter if some things slip through, all that matters is the overall net effect. You need to think rationally and logically instead of emotionally.

99% of houses that are broken into had their doors locked. I can’t believe you got scammed by Big Door into buying locks!


operator_1337 OP t1_iu0vkhm wrote

So do you feel unsafe when the countless out of state cars who don't require inspections are driving around you? ... Some of those states even border us... Show me data that states like NH or OH have more traffic accidents per capita because of car mechanical issues and failures(strictly with vehicles registered in the state).

You should be more concerned with the fact that 70% of drivers on the road are either on their phone, have no idea the rules/laws of the road, are in SUVs or trucks but have no idea how to safely operate a large vehicle, aggressively driving, have unsecured loads, or are intoxicated/mental impaired? Or what about lack of DOT commercial inspections, lack of weight stations, failing bridges/overpasses everywhere, construction zones that have been going on for years, lack of DUI checkpoints or enforcements, major roads that give Jeeps a run for their money and the list goes on.

Also where is this money going? Over 2 million registered in MA, if only 1 million of those get their inspections stickers yearly that is 30million dollars. Not to mention other million dollar revenues streams like the Pike toll, registrations, excise tax and vehicle sales tax. Where the hell is all this going? Certainly not into the roads, you know to make them safer.

It's not about your safety...


Recent_Record t1_iu238uz wrote

NH has stricter inspections than MA.


Enragedocelot t1_iu4205r wrote

Good! They should. Half of New Hampshire is inbred making them more of a danger and a higher need to control


sailboat198476 t1_iu0d4kj wrote

Unless you know a guy and pay his mob tax to pass you even tho ur car fails. I'm a state inspector, all it serves is to check your check engine light and make you dump money into a car, or to get you In trouble for tint. Literally that's it.

99% of state inspectors do not check anything other than the engine light and tint.

Has zero to do with saftey. 99% of roads in masschusetts aren't in good enough condition for your car. Pot holes damage suspension, damage rims damage tires damage winsheilds with gravel.


langjie t1_iu0t5pl wrote

the places I go for inspection at least jack up your car and check your suspension


hacdriver t1_iu0i6nt wrote

Former Ma. Resident living in South Carolina and no vehicle inspections here. Just another Ma. money grab.


Responsible_Smile789 t1_iu1gox5 wrote

It costs me $35 a year(less bc you can drive for awhile with it expired). Not really a huge money grab its more logical that is for the benefit of controlling emissions and keeping the road safe