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FelixTaran t1_ir8sdpe wrote

We don’t have a skunk epidemic. We just have skunks.

Skunks are actually pretty non-aggressive. Spraying is defense, not offense. Also, they don’t have great eyesight. So, if one is coming at you: don’t try to chase it or scare it away. You can back slowly away, or stop moving altogether. Just try to let it go where it’s going without panicking.


knit_run_bike_swim t1_ir9k4r5 wrote

It’s that time of the year. They’re scavengers. Treat them like any other deranged person you’d meet on the street in Manhattan:

-don’t make eye contact.

-stay off your phone.

-go to the other side of the street.

-and if that doesn’t work give them the ol’, “Not interested,” and walk with some urgency. Don’t look back.


Remarkable_Debate866 t1_ir9jopn wrote

They stamp and turn their tail up in your direction before they spray. Give them space and warn anyone walking a dog if you see them in the area. You are extremely unlikely to get sprayed, 1000% more likely to get hit by a car as a pedestrian in that area.


slimda0 t1_ir9rfa0 wrote

Poor skunks. They get a bad rap, but they’re nice animals that are pretty smart and affectionate. As others have said, they only spray in defense. And they’ll give you a warning before they do so, too.

I’ve always wanted to have a skunk as a pet (they are legal in NJ - NJ Exotic Pets sells them in the spring.) We shall see.


JBarracudaL t1_ir8tj8q wrote

Befriend them with kibble and tie them to a sleigh for free Luxury Transportation!


Lilmitten82 t1_ir94g53 wrote

Eh I have like we have more of a lanternfly epidemic but what do I know.


glitterpumps t1_ira1lx0 wrote

My dog got sprayed a few weeks back. What a nightmare


literarytswift t1_iro456l wrote

They're way more afraid of you than you are of them! Just leave them be and you won't have a problem. Don't scream at them or throw things or make loud noises or big sudden movements -- just walk away and give them their space. (Dogs tend to get sprayed because they are not good at giving them their space lol.) As someone else said, spraying is a defensive not offensive move. Stay calm and you will be a-ok. They're just living their cute skunky life! :)