mrchuckbass t1_je2de2r wrote
I won't downvote you but I will say this is the dumbest post I've ever seen
Randy_Magnum29 t1_je2e365 wrote
I down voted OP for you.
RustyRuss_ t1_je2e5tk wrote
This post is fucking hilarious. Thank you. I needed a chuckle today.
oVerboostUK t1_je2drf6 wrote
Multiple people? Sources please… I’ll wait.
special_when_littt t1_je2kgud wrote
Their uncle works at Apple
jhnyrrr t1_je2egbo wrote
This is too dumb not to downvote.
ppb1701 t1_je2ap0b wrote
I doubt it, it’s probably there biggest money maker.
InUrGutz t1_je2ccws wrote
Common sense says Apple isn’t going to stop producing their 100+ million sold every year product. iPhones are not only their bread and butter but they complete the apple ecosystem.
CA1900 t1_je2cgt1 wrote
It's their best-selling product, selling hundreds of millions of units each year, representing billions of dollars in annual profit for Apple. I can't see any scenario where Apple willing walks away from its biggest market any time soon. I think you're safe!
TAbramson15 t1_je2yfdr wrote
The ONLY way this happens is if they simply rename the name of the phone and call it something else, which is equally unlikely but the only scenario in which this even remotely makes sense.. yea they stopped making “iPhones” to call it something else 😂
DevynDavies t1_je2fgay wrote
Apple makes half their yearly income with iPhone. Obviously they’re going to keep making them as long as they sell.
hillandrenko t1_je2g9gw wrote
This is how Trump got votes; people believing dumb shit like this
Short_Guy1104 t1_je2ehof wrote
iPhone will never be discontinued. What may change is the form factor and that’s it.
1buzer t1_je2kjng wrote
Apple is actually going focus only on calculators next year. They will stop making iPhones and focus on education/business products only. This guy heard it right from the guy that his uncle’s cousin worked with a few years ago at a mall as a sales rep across from the Apple Store at a generic phone case stand.
Flair_Helper t1_je3l2wh wrote
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MarcosSenesi t1_je2ag6j wrote
why would they ever discontinue one of the best selling products in the world lmao