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footballsportsfan69 t1_jd6vgxo wrote

Most of the world things they're villains because they're fighting for one.


Cliffbreaker-d t1_jd6t5qd wrote

Think they are villains... Uh, because they are? If 99% of the people you know call you an asshole, you may be an asshole.


Smiling_Mister_J t1_jd6tm8r wrote

I don't know, man. Like, they're just guys, y'know, just trying to make a little bit of money by killing some folks in a sovereign foreign nation on behalf of a totalitarian dictator, y'know.

I mean, we all got, like, bills to pay, man.


Omegalazarus t1_jd90xjm wrote

You gotta do what you gotta do. It's like the sign says.


aberroco t1_jd9jziy wrote

You forgot to mention that they, y'know, probably killed someone before, or raped, or, y'know, mugged someone, that's why they're convicted.


Laymanao t1_jd6x0q7 wrote

What debt does a convict have? Family has moved on, very likely he had to leave sweetheart back in prison , or he died in Ukraine? Now he is free to return to life of crime (instead of Crimea ....)


Omegalazarus t1_jd91ahf wrote

This is probably a propaganda post


Ikoikobythefio t1_jda2u4h wrote

The plus side is Russia now has to deal with all these well-trained criminals scurrying about


MakavelliRo t1_jd9bhlb wrote

Man, check your autocorrect feature, it changed KNOWS to "think" by mistake.


Kahrbon t1_jda8s3t wrote

Well.. It's like they dont have a choice.


[deleted] t1_jdies6n wrote

They do. These guys were recruited from prisons and colonies, in return for freedom/reduced sentence. I call that a choice.


DIWesser t1_jdbhdkn wrote

'Mercenary boss hugs returning mercenaries' doesn't exactly prove that most Russians see them as heros. Like, even the support the troups diehards aren't inherently gonna stan everyone working for blackwater.


dudewiththebling t1_jddscf5 wrote

And those who didn't come back are victims of a war started by a mad man


cubeincubes t1_jd7k376 wrote

People think what they are told to think


mogdoggydog t1_jdh5z0k wrote

NATO fucked around and found out, now Russia and China have taken over