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black_gravity27 t1_iug9fe3 wrote

Yep. Played it a ton with my sister, while growing up. Was a fun game from what I remember.


RockShada95 t1_iugaujg wrote

This was my jam back in the gap! Never got all the belts tho, gotta replay soon. Still got the case and disk!


blowymcpot t1_iuhnf5k wrote

I actually dis get all the belts, was a great game. Soundtrack slapped hard too


OGDumbleDoobie t1_iug9mow wrote

I definitely used to play this when I was a kid


phish_sucks t1_iugaysa wrote

Got it for my birthday, the bomb bay level is my favorite


Sitherio t1_iugcgwh wrote

Was pretty fun. My sister really got into it. We could never beat the challenge level where you had 1 health in a giant robot fight. Everything else was doable iirc. But that one level prevented us from 100%. I wonder how difficult it would be as an adult.


macaronibrocolis OP t1_iugcnl9 wrote

When i was a kid i was stuck in a fight with a giant robot fish :(


KPokey t1_iuhpnbt wrote

I think about this game a lot. Remember the robot level?


ZaneDarko t1_iugdoha wrote

The game of my childhood. It was amazing.


AlizaNox t1_iuhv6vl wrote

Damn. It has been a long time since I saw this. Last time I was just a kid.


EilamRain t1_iugciz4 wrote

I've only seen gameplay on G4 (original run) it looked pretty fun though


Platypriest t1_iugdoh3 wrote

Around the time I met one of my best friends he was like "you gotta come over and play ininja" so I did and when I found out what it was I claimed it a ratchet and clank knockoff


SleeplessYeet t1_iugh7w6 wrote

Played it back in the day. Was an alright game i liked it


Couchfist95 t1_iujirlp wrote

Walmart had a demo disc in the kiosks with this on it. I also remember G4 showing it, but I remembered the kiosk a few years ago and finally got a copy. Pretty cool game. :)


Helplessadvice t1_iuk72lq wrote

My cousin had a demo disc and that’s how I found out about the game wayyyy back when


GitPhyzical t1_iujpwid wrote

Oh yeah, had it on Gamecube


Helplessadvice t1_iuk6tm0 wrote

NINJA BARAGE!! Bruhthis game was probably my childhood favorite even though I never beat the game. I use to constantly run kyza. Wish they made a sequel