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gmaclean t1_iw9vpcm wrote

HDTVTest to me is the authoritative knowledge for higher end TVs and does extensive testing. He has probably a dozen videos on his channel regarding this tv, best settings for it etc. This is an early one, but point remains. The verge is terrible at reviewing products.


DropShadow13 t1_iwacglw wrote

How do they compare to RTings?


gmaclean t1_iwah4mo wrote

I think both are good for what they offer. Rtings has a MUCH larger scope of devices, but you’ll typically get more intimate real world review on the devices he has.


redline83 t1_iwatpvg wrote

RTings has become surprisingly bad. Their scoring is very questionable and inconsistent, especially on LCDs. Vincent at HDTVTest is the best there is.


Abba_Fiskbullar t1_iwa2f10 wrote

I absolutely love my C1, and I've had two family members buy OLEDs after seeing mine.


Omz-bomz t1_iwasz5n wrote

I'm thinking about getting the C1 or the C2 (as an upgrade to my old LG)
Having the C1, is there anything about the C2 you feel you are missing? the increased HDR nits and general light levels are what are interesting for me.

It's just twice the price, so feel I can't justify it over the c1


Abba_Fiskbullar t1_iwav99h wrote

The C2 is pretty similar in performance but actually loses a few features like black frame insertion on 120hz content. If you buy a 55" or larger C1 that was made towards the end of 2021 or anytime in 2022 it's likely going to have the same EVO panel as the C2. The C2 will likely get software updates longer than the C1, but LG has been pretty good about updating their OLEDs for a few years so it might not matter. You can't go wrong with a C1. The only thing about the C2 that I'd prefer is the stand puts the TV a bit higher off the table, so you can put a sound bar or center channel in front of it more easily.


Omz-bomz t1_iwb26u6 wrote

I'm looking at the 77" for reference, and it will be wall mounted so the stand doesn't matter to me.

I'm only looking for the picture quality, and brightness.
Is the EVO panel marked on the products in some way (serial code or whatnot)


SupVFace t1_iwcck8l wrote

I have the 77” and it’s a beast. I love this TV


rsmuss t1_iwbmuh7 wrote

C2 has evo panel atleast in europe and its much lighter body.


TheW83 t1_iwbls15 wrote

Same here. I bought a 65" Roku QLED and I thought it looked fantastic but it had 3 small dim spots on it that annoyed me and I couldn't un-see. I ended up returning it to Amazon but since I bought via a Prime Day deal there were issues with the refund. In the end, through some screwy customer service they ended up just refunding the price of the TV I paid and then gave me a gift card and credit for the difference in price with the expectation that I would buy the same TV again (it was like $350 more after the sale). But I was able to apply that $350 for the LG G1 55" and got that instead.

I was amazed at the picture quality difference. It's a stunning panel with absolutely no visible flaws.


Sarcosmonaut t1_iwbrk0p wrote

Also very happy with my C1. Gonna keep this thing til the wheels fall off, or until home streaming starts making demands it can’t match (Dune was how I convinced my wife to upgrade. That scene with the worm rising on our old tv was just black. The C1 showed the deep detail like we’d seen in cinema)


mecon320 t1_iwce1ei wrote

Switching from my old, cheaper 4k to the C1 was almost like switching from CRT to an HDTV for the first time.


bladerunner2442 t1_iwbw1rp wrote

After my 65” Samsung bit the dust I got the C1. I’ll never buy anything else ever again.


nokinship t1_iw9wn3c wrote

Lmao what is a top tier TV if not OLED? Sure QLED has the highest brightness but it does not have perfect contrast and optimal black levels like OLEDs do.


ComCypher t1_iwa8wm5 wrote

OLED is far superior to anything else out there right now but burn-in continues to be a concern. My next TV (probably in a few years) will hopefully be a Micro LED which has all of the advantages of OLED and none of the downsides.


fingerfight t1_iwauy83 wrote

Burn in is a problem if you do the same thing over and over again.

Like playing a game.

For movies and TV series burn-in is not a big concern.


WhenPantsAttack t1_iwbim1m wrote

Modern sets from reputable brands have all but gotten rid of burn in. If you have logo detection on, it will find static pixels in the display and dim them so they won't burn in. So far it seems to work on static TV logos in the corner and UI's like video games.


ComCypher t1_iwavyxi wrote

Agreed. The only stuff burned into my OLED TV right now are UIs from a couple video games. Fortunately I don't notice them unless there are solid colors being displayed.


R_eloade_R t1_iwbfh2g wrote

Makes me wonder, what do you play and how often?

I have a Lg B9 from 3 to 4 years ago. It’s on every day and a play mostly games on it. Thousands of hours of Warzone, FIFA, Overwatch but still…. No burn in whatsoever when I do a burn in test. I do see the UI for just a little bit when switching games but that goes away in seconds


ComCypher t1_iwc8vgy wrote

It sounds like you are describing ghosting which is normal. I have an LG E6 (2016) so it doesn't have the anti burn-in features that the newer ones have. I had it on 100% OLED brightness up until last year when I started noticing the degradation, so now I keep it at 80%. It now has burn-in showing BOTW's hearts in the top left, Splatoon 2's matchmaking screen on the right half, and some strange perfectly vertical bar down the center that I can't explain. I've played both a decent amount but not anything that would be considered abnormal or excessive.

Edit: I just remembered I had posted a picture of it on reddit last year:

The Splatoon matchmaking screen (and other Splatoony stuff) is burned into my OLED TV


Rotflmaocopter t1_ix1o5m0 wrote

Not my experience with the C1. I have used it for a year as my desktop computer for work and play. No burn in yet


Ragnar_Dragonfyre t1_iwbyzm6 wrote

Gamers tend to upgrade their TVs every generation so as to take advantage of new display features.

The burn in is a big problem.


jdmachogg t1_iwb8d1g wrote

Burn-in isn’t an issue on the newer OLEDs. Unless you leave some shitty news channel or a desktop running for literally 24hours a day 7 days a week.

Playing 6 hours of the same game every day doesn’t even come close to burn-in


joombaga t1_iwq4iky wrote

I've had a c1 for a few years and have no burn in at all. Now I'm using a c2 as a monitor for programming ~8 hours per day. It's only been 3 months, but no issues so far, with logo detection on low. There's another feature that slightly moves every pixel, but that causes the edges of the screen to get chopped off which is annoying so I disabled it.


crixusin t1_iwa9972 wrote

I think the consensus at the moment is that quantum dot oled is better, but basically I distinguishable right now and not worth the price difference.


superseriousraider t1_iwb2amb wrote

I have a 5 year old LG oled that I have used extensively, (basically 100% of the covid years).

Burn in is not a problem.


shepanator t1_iwb02lf wrote

It will probably be more than a few years before micro led is viable for consumer level products


SupVFace t1_iwcd4vc wrote

Depending on what you mean by consumer level, microLED isalready available, just not at pricing for us mere mortals.


shepanator t1_iwddyc4 wrote

I guess there's no strict definition for what qualifies as 'consumer level', but I'd argue that what is basically 219" of commercial signage in somebody's living room doesn't count lmao


lilrexy t1_iwbm0it wrote

When is Micro LED gonna be available for the consumer (price wise)?


ComCypher t1_iwc95y4 wrote

I'm being somewhat optimistic when I say a few years, but realistically it will probably be another decade.


rsmuss t1_iwbm9q1 wrote

Qled does not automatically imply it has the best brightness.. Qled can have shitty brightness especially if it’s edge led LCD


nicuramar t1_iwbenkq wrote

Right. There are two OLED technologies now, though. This one, “WOLED”, and the QD OLED from Samsung.


SupVFace t1_iwcdp6a wrote

Micro LED, which is crazy expensive currently.


nokinship t1_iwce4rf wrote

True, but no consumer is purchasing that unless you are in the top 1% literally.


Boschala t1_iwa4p6n wrote

The best thing about the C2 for me was getting me a discount on a C1.


redline83 t1_iwatlpw wrote

Good thing The Verge gave us this super timely review of the LG C2 that's going to be replaced in 5 months by the C3.


NakiCoTony t1_iw9ml0e wrote

Does LG still rolls with 10/100 Lan in their oleds?

Yupp... Wifi 6 paired with a 10/100 Lan on a 2022 TV.

From the c2's manual:

Network Setting Warnings Use standard LAN cable (connect to Cat7 or higher with RJ45 connector, 10 Base-T, or 100 Base TX LAN port).

//Edit: I myself also use a USB to Lan but on my old oled with usb2, still LG why u need that 25cent saved instead of putting in a gigabit Lan...?!


gmaclean t1_iw9uzeo wrote

The only “good” thing is the C2 at least has USB 3.0, so you can use an inexpensive USB to Ethernet adaptor for gbps lan speeds. My CX has USB 2.0 and gets a max of approximately 300 mbps… which to be fair is more than enough, but silly I need to do it all


Elvaanaomori t1_iwafgwf wrote

Hol’up, you can hook it up like this for network?


gmaclean t1_iwagsxx wrote

Sure can! Various adapters maybe affect results, but he used a cable matters on these two tvs. - this video is a year old, but premise is the same.

Something to keep in mind if you use home assistant with at least LG OLED TVs, using a USB adapter will not allow you to remotely turn on via LAN. Not huge, but something to keep in mind if you use that platform for smart devices.


Elvaanaomori t1_iwahder wrote

Right now it’s on wifi as it’s faster than cable…

HA, Homekit, even official LG app has trouble waking up the TV. Works about 50% of the time I’d say, no idea what’s the issue.

I’ll maybe go the apple tv route since it will be hdmi woken up


gmaclean t1_iwajv6g wrote

Yeah, I had a real PITA with wake on LAN with wifi too. The built in LAN was working for me, but was terrible with Plex rips due to that 90ish max speed


Elvaanaomori t1_iwak787 wrote

Yes, it's on wifi for that reason, can't watch a lot of things with that 100 lan...


bengringo2 t1_iwxusjc wrote

My Apple TV pretty consistently interoperates with my C1. Even controls my sound bar.


appmapper t1_iwavevz wrote

Cat7 lol. The 10/100 port is annoying but you can just get a cheapish usb NIC.


NakiCoTony t1_iwbpa1a wrote

Premium standards on LG Oled tvs, they cant just tell you to plug in a pleb Cat 5e. :)


stout936 t1_iwa4vfn wrote

I daily drive a C1 as my computer monitor. I really like it for my purposes

1 word of warning about the C2: My Life In Gaming thoroughly tested one as a retro gaming display (through scalers, of course), and it arbitrarily added a ton of input lag if the picture mode was set to 4:3. Maybe this has been fixed with updates, but it was definitely a problem at launch.


JackNewton1 t1_iw9ozns wrote

Who uses the OS that comes with the TV? Buehler..Buehler?

Jesus no. Roku, Apple (waay too pricey, but nice), anything but the native, and you have your TV. OLED is nice. So’s QLED.


thenerdal t1_iw9w6s1 wrote

I do. I don't see the downside. We have a new TV. I can cast to it since it's built in.

The old smart TV lasted longer than the chromecast and fire TV box


PSEOL t1_iwa1ync wrote

My firesticks have barely lasted 2 years before going to shit. They literally are plugged in and don’t ever move. They are just THAT poorly built.


thenerdal t1_iwan0a1 wrote

That's actually how I found out my chromecast died lol.

We had a super old roku TV that was slow. It's the main reason why people here hate smart TVs, but it was already pretty old.

My family didn't mind the slowness but I did. So I bought a chromecast for them to use and they didn't use it. I thought it was because it wasn't like using a control.

Few years later I tried to switch them to a streaming box with a remote. The fire TV. They started using that but eventually went back to the slow TV OS.

Then one day the fire TV just stopped working so I got the chromecast back out and that wasn't working either.

I decided not to bother buying another streaming device and just deal with the slowness.

Thankfully mom finally bought a new TV. It's not because it was slow though. Our old one was pretty small for our living room and I kept telling her to get a bigger one.

Its a TCL Google TV and obviously much faster. I probably won't buy a streaming device ever again since TVs come with casting abilities and even though my old TV was slow at casting, I just browsed Reddit for the few seconds it took to load.


lightningsnail t1_iwa2e3k wrote

I do. Why would I give a third party money just for less functionality?

Now if someone made high quality "dumb" tvs. Then yes. Unfortunatley monitors don't get that big.


JackNewton1 t1_iwa4cwc wrote

Then you just have to deal with it I guess. Personally, whatever TV in the size I’m wanting at the right price that has decent reviews is fine.


Juice805 t1_iw9q3b2 wrote

100% and if you ever feel the experience is starting to show it’s age or just not what you want anymore? It’s a fraction of the price to upgrade rather than replacing the likely still good panel.

And if you do upgrade the panel you have the same familiar experience already set up the way you like it.


gladamirflint t1_iwabjco wrote

I do, because I like the magic remote function with LG’s webOS. Yes it’s a small thing but I like how it glides around.


nosferatWitcher t1_iwbj1ec wrote

I hate the magic remote pointer with a passion. I wish you could disable it.


joombaga t1_iwq5er7 wrote

I put the stock remote in a drawer and bought a universal for that reason. The pointer seems a lot harder to trigger accidentally on the c2. I'm not sure if that was a software change or a hardware change.


imagineerbytrade t1_iwaekf3 wrote

I use a nvidia shield pro. I also have a hue play box so I needed an external media player.


Eswyft t1_iwab8bv wrote

Roku comes with plenty of tvs.


TheMatt561 t1_iwatyop wrote

Have they fixed the awful ad filled app menu?


WakednBaked t1_ixaoz4j wrote

Nah still shit.


TheMatt561 t1_ixav7tl wrote

Lame, glad I got a C10. They never should have changed the blades ui. My in-laws got a C1 and after the shit show I saw I told them to just go through the Comcast box and turned the internet to the TV off


sideburns2009 t1_iwba1vp wrote

I’m 5 months in to my C2 (and my first OLED) and am still impressed with it. No issues thus far.


Sir_Donkey_Punch t1_iwbu8n7 wrote

Not sure if this concerns you, but I’m pretty sure none of the LG OLED’s include DTS audio codecs anymore.


sideburns2009 t1_iwbxv93 wrote

No concern of mine. I have DTS as I use an external audio system like a sane person and nothing passed through a tv or the built in speakers with a weak soundbar. I rely on a decent audio setup for sound, not the tv. I only care about a tv’s image.


Sir_Donkey_Punch t1_iwcf6oj wrote

Yea I’m in the same boat. External AVR + sound processing. Folks who rely on ARC from the set might care tho


sideburns2009 t1_iwcok3v wrote

Ah, the beginners you mean lol I’ve always paid more attention to surround and audio than picture quality in the tv room. Finally upgraded so they’re equivalent


gmaclean t1_iwcpmlb wrote

Haven’t for some time, I’ve got a CX and it is missing there too. It’s really fucking annoying using it with Plex. Having to transcode 4K streams kind of sucks for power usage on my server (no graphics card) and buffers time to time.


Robert315 t1_iwa122u wrote

The previous whole series of LG OLED is fantastic. Wish I needed a tv because the 77” is down to around $2350.. Love my 65CX. LG owns the technology and sells it to Sony and others, so LG’s are always going to be ahead of others.


an29o t1_iwb7h9q wrote

Does this also have the autodim-issues?


CliffMainsSon t1_iwbu2rf wrote

I bought the 65” C1 immediately after they announced the C2 and had the price drop - my one and only regret was not springing for the 77”


Say10sadvocate t1_iwauq9y wrote

I'm actually in the market for a new TV, this seems to tick most of the boxes, if only I can install Kodi onto webos like I did on my android TV...


Keptforgetting t1_iwaye8a wrote

Why not just get an OLED on the android tv or Google TV platform?


Say10sadvocate t1_iwb0lla wrote

Yeah that's what I'm after. A 4k 120hz (for the ps5) oled on the Android platform...

... At a reasonable price. Lol


Leo_Heart t1_iwbiuw0 wrote

Take it from someone who has a 4K 120hz with a ps5, nothing on the ps5 runs remotely close to 120 hz


Say10sadvocate t1_iwbl0yz wrote

Still, if I'm getting a new TV I want it to last as close to a decade as possible.

It's no good investing in something without 120hz which will want replacing when either game development improves or the ps6 runs at 120hz.


Keptforgetting t1_iwb1dzj wrote

Not sure where it's available but Sony brought back the 55A80J OLED from 2021 for black Friday this year and priced it at £999, might be available in other markets too


MaximumShitcock t1_iwbjqu9 wrote

I recommend checking "My life in gaming" on Youtube who also made an extensive video about it. They compare it to the C1 model in a lot of detail.


Silver_Branch3034 t1_iwcd9c8 wrote

The C1 is the greatest tv I’ve ever owned, see no point in replacing it as long as it works.


NRiyo3 t1_iweik02 wrote

Anyone have a good way to disable the ads?


sdscraigs t1_ix8ng39 wrote

My family room has side windows, easy to close blinds, lights will be on during the day inside for when the kids watch tv, my wife and I will watch our shows at night with everything dark, C2 still ok to get?


NOSWAG420 t1_ixmttqe wrote

I got the LG C2 OLED the other day to go with the PS5....upgrade from my few year old Samsung TV...and lemme tell ya WOW! I didn't know PS5 games looked this damn good! Freggin LG blew my mind.....

I thought the PS5 was having HDR issues becuase the games was too dark at times and other times the HDR looked like trash....This LG took care of all the problems I was complaining about...quick. Now that my eyes have been opened...these PS5 games are Absolutely Gorgeous! Somebody finally did something right for a change....

I highly recommend anyone looking to upgrade to a new TV for the PS5 to grab tha LG C2 OLED!! Its Legit!


Nummerneun t1_iwb4dhb wrote

What about hanging next to a window ? Is it stell fine ?


kjbaran t1_iwbo0sk wrote

G2 is better


tiduz1492 t1_iw9yw5d wrote

Apparently LG forces you to agree to share all your data, viewing history, what you say into the remote, etc etc. No thanks.


PSEOL t1_iwa25d3 wrote

What do you think your phone is doing, your internet provider is doing, your web browser is doing?

TV OS is a weird line to draw…


tiduz1492 t1_iwa38cv wrote

I want my phone to have a web browser, social media, texting, etc..

I want my TV to display an image from my input source. I'd really like to see less smart TVs and more dumb TVs.


suid t1_iwag0b7 wrote

You can get excellent "dumb" (i.e. do what I say) monitors, but for a lot more. Like if you want a 55" 4K gaming monitor, you're looking at paying maybe 3-4x what you pay for a smart TV.

Why? That data collection subsidizes your low cost. That's how they offer an excellent 55" 4K tv at a discounted cost of around $1000-1200.


thedm96 t1_iwa1yhh wrote

Use NextDNS and apply a block list.


Adoiron07 t1_iwbagun wrote

I bought a c9. Without any warning at all, the tv started sparking and immediately shut off. The screen never came back on. After talking to two LG certified repair shops, neither of them had anything good to say about LG OLED, reporting numerous cases of the panel going out and having minimal support from LG to repair it. With the repair cost being extremely high they advised to just buy a new tv rather than pay to fix it. I called LG and they refused to extend the warranty to cover this cost. I love the C series but I just cannot risk buying another one when this one didn’t even make it to 3 years. I always powered it off when not in use, moved it only only once. Would not recommend.

Again I loved the tv. Best on the market as far as software and picture goes. But do I want to buy the c2 or c3 or switch to something else?


RoaringSilence t1_iwbgts3 wrote

Did you let the TV perform its pixel refresh cycle? All OLED need to do this after powering off, but still plugged in.


found_a_thing t1_iw9kyi7 wrote

WebOS is terrible. Never again.


Juice805 t1_iw9mnps wrote

Still better than Samsung’s.


MatthewCrawley t1_iw9ogk8 wrote

Lol I have to deal with both of these at my parents and my in-laws house. Sure their TVs are nicer but at least the one I got cheap on Amazon has a great OS and I can download every app lol


sebmojo99 t1_iw9tl4k wrote

I have never been annoyed by the LG interface - what didn't you like about it?


christoskal t1_iwph1p4 wrote

It's worth it to point out that WebOS has many versions that are considerably different, even on recent tvs.

The WebOS on my GX looks and acts completely differently from the WebOS on my C2 for example. Perhaps you have tried a similarly old, or older, version?


Skavis t1_iw9z15i wrote

Well you can go wrong by spending money you don't have, to buy a television you don't need. Otherwise I agree, great television.
