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sqexe t1_ja4n6zx wrote

Why not just push the pushtop down?


CthuluSpecialK t1_ja5zjrf wrote

Honestly... it's happened to me countless times before and I just grab something small and hard, like the handle of a butter knife, or a bic lighter, or anything really... and just pop down onto the scored part of the lid with whatever's hard in my hand... easy peasy. Easier than peeling the whole top off the can in any event.

Although, no hate to OP, peeling the top off the can does feel cool... so points for that, but 0 points for efficacy.

OP should have titled the picture, "Got frustrated when the tab didn't pop, and had to teach the can a lesson" would have gotten more upvotes than claiming this as "creative" methinks... still, no hate.


Psychological-Set125 t1_ja6spee wrote

Just grab a spoon and pry it up enough to get a grip on the tab


CthuluSpecialK t1_ja6xmvz wrote

Oh, in my cases the tab broke off before the scored part of the lid was pushed down. I might've misunderstood what happened to OP, but in my cases as the tabs broke off (I don't remember the brand of drink) I just knocked the scored part of the lid inward with something hard. Just a little "bop" down holding something hard.


kwall24 OP t1_ja7iqzi wrote

The rivet didn't hold. The whole tab pulled up, so it doesn't have the leverage to pop the top correctly and just keeps peeling from the middle of the can. You can see it in the picture, though it's easy to miss.


contrabardus t1_ja9psey wrote

You can just use something to pop it open by pushing down on the area that the tab would normally push down.

A pen, a lighter, a spoon, a key, whatever. Just a quick little jab would do it. You could even do it with the broken tab.

What everyone is saying is that you made an extra effort for no real reason by removing the top like that.

The "problem" was easily solved just by jabbing at the area the tab would normally dislodge with just about anything else.


kwall24 OP t1_ja7it92 wrote

The rivet didn't hold. The whole tab pulled up, so it doesn't have the leverage to pop the top correctly and just keeps peeling from the middle of the can. You can see it in the picture, though it's easy to miss.


no_need_really t1_ja8ee0e wrote

You don't need leverage, just give it a well aimed whack with a butter knife handle. The seal holding it is pretty easy to push through.


kwall24 OP t1_ja5ij4l wrote

Knowing my luck I'd have ended up knocking it over and spilling it everywhere or otherwise mucking it up and making a mess.


satluvscheese t1_ja4kbxw wrote

Well at least you poured the drink into the glass...don't wanna cut yourself... 🤕


ComplaintPlastic2873 t1_ja5ot8y wrote

Find a screwdriver press against the tab and flick the handle


itszwee t1_ja70vwt wrote

I have a “safe” that looks like that!


Appleseedboom t1_ja7e3wv wrote

How'd you crack it open like that?


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Collector_2012 t1_ja653s2 wrote

You can turn it into a hollowed out can and use it as a piggy bank


HobbitKid14 t1_ja6j7i3 wrote

Last time a can wouldn't open for me, I was trying to get some conned fruit and ended up spending like 40ish minutes jackhammering the top of it with a metal fork. 100% worth it, in fact, I'd say it made them taste even better.


FactoryBuilder t1_ja7615k wrote

Conned fruit? Did you scam someone out of their fruit or something?


HobbitKid14 t1_ja7zfdi wrote

More or less was too lazy to go back to the kitchen to grab the can opener that I forgot


Abrahamlinkenssphere t1_ja6y2xp wrote

My best friends dad used to be a truck driver and he hauled the can tops almost exclusively. We had so many of them and we were always “gonna do something” with them. They’re probably still sitting in his moms house somewhere.


Jedifoot9 t1_ja7p46g wrote

I get it. It’s funny because soda is the funniest of beverages.


murtr t1_ja7twlb wrote

Gotta do what you gotta do lol


qetral t1_ja8ov0m wrote

That's one way of doing it. I use a screwdriver to pop the top when it gets stuck or breaks. But don't think that I didn't imagine cutting the top off the can too. I also toyed with the idea of using a nail to create two holes in the top to pour out the contents.


BloodChasm t1_ja8wfcj wrote

My best friend in highschool taught me how to open it like this with my teeth. Yesterday I was the best man in his wedding. Man, time flies.


MissionFar6037 t1_ja90isw wrote

Maybe switch to diet cuz your fat ass fingers can't open a can anymore.


No_Software_5716 t1_ja9uwpi wrote

Now put a slit down the side and you have a beer disguise.


austinsoundguy t1_ja4hfvj wrote

I can do that with my teeth


UnfortunatelyBlessed t1_ja4prd7 wrote

a soda with only 38% sugar DV? It looks like Dr. Pepper... what is it?


TheAdamGalloway t1_ja54ldp wrote



shtoopsy t1_ja58hx8 wrote

Wait. 100g of sugar is the recommended daily amount?


Fact-Fresh t1_ja5d9lq wrote

yes if u want reach next life after death faster LOL