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ninjamuffin t1_j6c2q2y wrote

What a mixture of high and low class cuisine


progun_il OP t1_j6c30tb wrote

life is all about balance


hotlavatube t1_j6c4mx9 wrote

Moe: "Bring us the finest food you got, stuffed with the second finest."
Waiter: "Excellent sir, lobster stuff with tacos."
-- The Simpsons


progun_il OP t1_j6c5l1o wrote

one of my favorite shows of all time. thank god they ended after the 9th season and didn't continue making utter bullshit garbage for another 23yrs.


ZeroKidsThreeMoney t1_j6d1d8r wrote

Please take me with you when you return to your timeline.


blchpmnk t1_j6dciod wrote

I've never understood this line of thinking.

a) There's lots of funny episodes and great moments in Season 10 and onwards

b) If you don't like it, just don't watch it.


Plastic_Ambassador89 t1_j6dl3a4 wrote

eh, there is a pretty clear gap in quality between modern and classic simpsons. As much as people are allowed to enjoy what they want, we're also free to criticize it.


Phlecktone t1_j6etiw5 wrote

I used to love watching South Park when it first came out. I have probably seen a handful since 2000 or so. I am curious to what people the show now.


Plastic_Ambassador89 t1_j6eyvdf wrote

I actually don't mind modern south park, but it's not for everyone. It's a very different show now than what it was. I think it helps me that it's basically always remained the passion project of just two dudes, so even when there's dips in quality or changes to the humor/storytelling, there's still a consistent essence to it. It feels genuine at least. To compare it to simpsons, which at this point kind of just feels like a corporate shell of itself.


egorlike t1_j6f7gxh wrote

Dunno I havent watched South Park for the longest time, really like the early stuff. Couple of years ago I was flying and they had south park in the infotainment. I watched it and it was pretty damn funny and unhinged just like I remembered it


Plastic_Ambassador89 t1_j6fa3c4 wrote

yeah I still think it's funny, it's held up way better than some other shows. They did serialized stories for awhile which was pretty different, but it's still always felt like south park is what i was getting at


Rieiid t1_j6duua1 wrote

It's the same with Family Guy, which mind you is one of my favorite shows. Yes there ARE good episodes and some funny jokes still, but anything after like season 10-11 of Family Guy really started to decline. Some of it is still good, but a large majority of it is either bad or extremely mediocre.


blahbleh112233 t1_j6efbxp wrote

a) There's much more of a noticeable drop off in quality after season 10, not saying its more shit than not like it is today, but the first 10 seasons had a very high and consistent quality

b) we don't, I'm only reminded that the simpsons exist when google news pushes me some AI generated article about x celebrity set to do a cameo as themselves on y season of the simpons.


Talarin20 t1_j6dd57f wrote

Have you considered that it is now a favorite for the newer generations who vibe with it, and that perhaps we're just grumbling boomers at this point?


Plastic_Ambassador89 t1_j6djwxu wrote

but is it tho? when was the last time you heard a zoomer talk about the simpsons? viewership numbers have declined drastically and it's not the cultural icon it used to be, idk who's watching anymore, but it's certainly not the kids. Probably just a few dedicated boomers and latin america at this point.


Talarin20 t1_j6dkzqh wrote

Personally I think there can be other factors at play here, such as: a constant and oversaturated flow of shows via streaming platforms; the possibility to watch the Simpsons online at any time; a much higher amount of other content to watch online such as YouTube and Twitch.

I think, even if you still loved the show as much as you did back in the early days, the viewership would have declined all the same.


Plastic_Ambassador89 t1_j6dlqoh wrote

Yeah for sure that stuff has played a part. But also maybe the quality of the show has just declined too, those can both be true. idk why we have to be so afraid of criticizing things, disliking modern simpsons has hardly been controversial until right now apparently

I'm mostly questioning that there is a new audience for the simpsons. I don't think there is. I think it's only vestiges of an old audience.


Vli37 t1_j6dj1qy wrote

This is actually a good argument for why in each generation, we just don't understand each other 😅


YsnYlmz t1_j6djby9 wrote

Don't you think it tastes like zucchini?


CJRedbeard t1_j6ekqib wrote

Don't forget the ass's quite exquisite.


barryandorlevon t1_j6bzhz9 wrote

“Whole ass” has always been one of my very favorite units of measurement.


xlaaane t1_j6c85gs wrote

but it’s only a whole ass half


usernametoolongtofit t1_j6crie6 wrote

Half ass, then


HYPERBOLE_TRAIN t1_j6ddn09 wrote

“Never half-ass two half-loaves. Whole-ass one half-loaf. “

-Abe Lincoln


usernametoolongtofit t1_j6de7iw wrote

Wise words from a wise man. So wise, in fact, that he saw bruschetta and knew garlic bread would become a thing a century later


jakebbt t1_j6crlxx wrote

Still needs a banana for scale to know the actual unit of measurement


Volt11111 t1_j6c29uz wrote

That is a confusing spread, have a great meal


progun_il OP t1_j6c2dvc wrote

old pic but it was clean out the fridge day and iirc i was too drunk to go get real food.


Volt11111 t1_j6c2i37 wrote

Hell ya, that’s the best way to eat/cook


hondaridr58 t1_j6c7mj3 wrote

How old we talkin here? That's some ancient artwork on that fermented rice water can. Can't even read them hieroglyphics.


progun_il OP t1_j6c7twb wrote

it was my old apartment so somewhere between 7 and 12yrs ago.


Ianilla1 t1_j6eewk6 wrote

I was gunna say, this is like pure high or drunk meal, nothing really works together but Goddamn if it's not a tasty ride.


Lavasioux t1_j6c05zy wrote

Fuckin A!


Changoleo t1_j6c4b6r wrote

Hey, Peter, man! Check out channel 9! Check out this chick!


Real_TomBrady t1_j6cbbeg wrote

😞 Lawrence can't you just pretend like we can't hear each other through the walls


Tastins t1_j6cdvcq wrote

I’ve never heard of fermented rice water-what’s it for, what’s it taste like? Super curious.


progun_il OP t1_j6cefeq wrote

not sure if you're serious or not, but budweiser is brewed with rice.


Tastins t1_j6cjt1p wrote

Sir-as we say in New York I was an am completely DEADASS serious. I have never in all my life heard it referred to that way. Thanks for replying.


progun_il OP t1_j6ckb42 wrote

i think i kinda just made it up tbh.


FUNBARtheUnbendable t1_j6dqoqc wrote

This sent me on a rabbit hole. Turns out Bud (and bud light variants) are the only American beers brewed with rice. So you’re description is mostly correct.


Grenaidzo t1_j6d678i wrote

You had me second-guessing if Barley was a type of rice for a min there...


Tastins t1_j6dgnq3 wrote

You had me on Wikipedia at 7am looking at the history of beer. Lol.


ballsmigue t1_j6ee58y wrote

Tastes like watered down piss.


Tastins t1_j6eej33 wrote

I drank a tall boy once in the 8th grade. I’ve never had it again so I can’t speak to that lol.


Toiretachi t1_j6d58a5 wrote

Lobster tail looks like something you found discarded near a pier


BulkyDogGrommet t1_j6d8akv wrote

Where did you get an early 2000s budwiser??


CareerMicDrop t1_j6d98rj wrote

Meal reminds me of a mullet haircut.


Mountainfungi78 t1_j6dbvsj wrote

"Tell us you're a bachelor without telling us that you're a bachelor" platinum level kit.


Dull-Fisherman-9371 t1_j6d9vvb wrote

When you aren’t sure what you want so you have everything


defect_9 t1_j6dbk8k wrote

I mean that’s an awesome stoner meal and all. But please don’t ever insult rice like this ever again.


bugsyxb t1_j6flf33 wrote

weird combo but looks delicious


Sir_Poofs_Alot t1_j6flxhi wrote

Remember kids: don’t half-ass a whole thing, whole-ass a half thing


azdood85 t1_j6c0y1g wrote



progun_il OP t1_j6c1m15 wrote



topherlagaufre t1_j6c2mf1 wrote

If youre chicago-ish that rice water should probably be old style.


progun_il OP t1_j6c2uh1 wrote

i say chicago-ish as i grew up in the city on the south side. now i live far enough into the suburbs that it's fairly safe. a few miles to the east is a little more than questionable

anyway, 15yrs ago or so old style changed their recipe and started charging more money. i didn't really like it and i figured if i'm gonna pay the same amount as budweiser i might as well drink it.


topherlagaufre t1_j6c345w wrote

Fair enough. I've only lived in the are for about 7 years. Used to live in Lakeview but bought a house near Burbank a couple years ago, so not super familiar with the intricacies of Chicago. I also tend to go on the bougier end of beers.


progun_il OP t1_j6c3dhk wrote

i'm out in tinley park now. robbins, south holland, markham etc are just to the north and/or east of me.

don't drink anymore but 3 floyds and laguanitas were some of my favorites. when you're drinking like i was drinking it was cost prohibitive to do that all the time.


topherlagaufre t1_j6c3rul wrote

Hear that. Kudos to your will power.


progun_il OP t1_j6c3wj3 wrote

not hard to quit when it puts you in a hospital for a week and a doc tell you that if you keep drinking you'll die.


SaintPeanut t1_j6c46l2 wrote

finally, some good fucking food


zerodrama_ t1_j6c63u4 wrote

You are classy! I liked this, it looks delicious.


JordanJP t1_j6c93ta wrote

eclectic but I like it


TWiTcHThECLoWN t1_j6c9zr8 wrote

Random as fuck. But I would hesitate for a second lol You had me at garlic butter


EyeVanArends t1_j6ceo2a wrote

Whole ass half loaf of garlic bread. 👍


Unkindlake t1_j6cg8y2 wrote

I honestly have no idea how to cook lobster or if this was the right way. Same with rice water, but the rest looks on point except for that fancy sparkling water


progun_il OP t1_j6ckvvw wrote

the sparkling water you're referring to is the fermented rice water.


Unkindlake t1_j6clojz wrote

no, I said "rice water". I was talking about the "beer"


Dynamite089 t1_j6ck27g wrote

Ah yes, a whole ass half loaf.


Sid15666 t1_j6cttdj wrote

Is there a dog in that chili? Looks like a plain chili with no dog. The only thing to improve would be get a better beer!


BlossomCheryl t1_j6cupzy wrote

I would eat this with you while our lower intestines submit cease and desist orders. It would be worth it.


Nytonial t1_j6d0puy wrote

" whole half a garlic bread"

I think that's not the meaning of the word whole...


progun_il OP t1_j6dkdej wrote

it’s not half of a half. it’s a whole ass half


kindredbud t1_j6d27a8 wrote

A lot of these post I gaze in wonder, and ask myself, what part of the world serves this amazing dish?

You, sir, are all American.

Source: Am American


Solution66 t1_j6d6k20 wrote

Weird but I like your style 😎


omegasix321 t1_j6dfg2t wrote

Well, that definitely one of the combinations of food of all time.


LegendofPisoMojado t1_j6dkxgu wrote

I’ve never seen the phrase “whole ass half _____.” I like it.


Lumbergod t1_j6dm2kd wrote

You need to step your fermented rice where game up.


flock-of-bagels t1_j6do5vr wrote

This is what I would eat if left you my own devices


BadBoppa t1_j6ds3kp wrote

This screams of emptying the fridge/freezer before going on holiday


TheRegular-Throwaway t1_j6dse6n wrote

I don’t know what I’m looking at but I’m pretty sure that it’s cool.


MortLightstone t1_j6e4pot wrote

It's there an actual dog under that chili? Not criticizing, just checking, 'cause I can't see it


SlaterVJ t1_j6eecx1 wrote

I am confused by the inclusion of the chilli dog, and piss water that can barely pass as beer.


progun_il OP t1_j6efbdq wrote

you’re obviously not on my level of culinary expertise.


PainMango t1_j6g3sgy wrote

This is straight ambrosia


goldbars0202 t1_j6gck1c wrote

This is such a solid meal. Nice work big dog. 👏


davemeister t1_j6grwzc wrote

Wouldn't a whole ass half loaf just be a half assed loaf?


progun_il OP t1_j6gsrle wrote

no. not a half assed loaf. not a whole ass loaf. not a half of an assed loaf. not half of a whole ass loaf. it's a whole ass half loaf.



davemeister t1_j6krj70 wrote

You can all it anything you like. Just don't call me late for dinner. Because I'd eat the whole ass whole ass half loaf.

What kind of lobster is that btw?


progun_il OP t1_j6ksbf0 wrote

no idea. that pic is at least 7yrs old. i plugged in an old external HD and still had all my 4chan stuff. i've been doing this for years.


gazevans t1_j6cnvae wrote

Whole half? 🤔


aaabbk t1_j6cpz81 wrote

East coast vibes LOL


RHAmaxis t1_j6dfz65 wrote

What the hell kind of combination is that?


Shinypuller t1_j6dhzg4 wrote

Was this photo taken in the 90's?


funnothings t1_j6dijhw wrote

this is chaotic last meal material


chicken_potpie t1_j6djcmz wrote

Looks like a death row “last meal” lol


Cornp0ppp t1_j6e82eg wrote

That is some strange mix


jflatt2 t1_j6efa2i wrote

Oh, are we still doing school lunch photos?


EatsRats t1_j6eh9m7 wrote

You were a good amount of high, my guy!


MetricJester t1_j6ej996 wrote

Did you forget the honey content of the fermented rice water?


Just4pres t1_j6c3e30 wrote

I’d destroy that. Dip the tail in that rice water


progun_il OP t1_j6c3ghf wrote

pleb. the microwave melted butter is for dippin'
