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LuwiBaton t1_isstxn4 wrote

Not at all bias… and totally excellent presentation of the data. /s


vjb_reddit_scrap t1_issqftt wrote

Well, the amount of debt he has will tell another story.


KingNFA t1_isu3ayj wrote

Bruv his company will file for bankruptcy in a few years


XPlutonium t1_issnvmk wrote

I really think you should check out their balance sheets to get a better picture. Adani is actually deeply over leveraged. So he’s effectively doing well so long as he’s cozy with India’s current administration

Asset valuation on itself has The GDP Problem so it doesn’t always give you an accurate picture


howbownow6 t1_isspl6o wrote

It’s a very short sighted presentation, just taking last one year, 5 years would be more real of analysis, but just looking at 1 year this is interesting, but does not really prove who are the best or worst investors since one year is too small of timeframe for real analysis without temporary swings in markets etc


Bewaretheicespiders t1_ist2xal wrote

> does not really prove who are the best or worst investors

I mean most of them shouldnt even be called investors but entrepreneurs. They dont have a portfolio, they have shares in the cies they created or raised, and little else.


Ajsat3801 t1_issql3l wrote

Yes...and India as a country is still growing unlike other places which are struggling from inflation and lack of growth


No_Communication5538 t1_issvb92 wrote

Also depending on cheap oil from Russia, funded by the misery of the Ukrainians.


cherryreddit t1_issw6o7 wrote

No. Stop with this anti India propaganda. Oil is still costlier than pre pandemic. . Europe should have had many more billionaires when they are using 100x more russian gas than India.


No_Communication5538 t1_isszm5q wrote

The cheap stuff India is buying is oil not gas


cherryreddit t1_ist0wpj wrote

Oil is not cheap now and Russia accounts for only ~12% of total Indian oil imports. Whereas the real money that Russians are using to kills Ukrainians is coming form the 100x gas that Europe is still buying from Russia. It is Europe that propped up Russian economy by increasing gas buying for almost a decade after Crimea. Blaming India is hateful propaganda by western media to avoid facing the blame for their own decisions.


Ajsat3801 t1_issyo8s wrote

Which in turn lowers the oil price of everyone..its every man for himself...USA is funding this propoganda to support Ukraine cos it suits its interets..what about Armenia? are Armenians not humans? What about Yemen? What about Afghanistan?

Also why should India support the same country that supported a genocide of Bangladesh and attack on India by supplying weapons to Pakistan?


Walking_billboard t1_isswvtj wrote

Ya, this guy is building a legendary-grade house of cards. He buys companies, saddles them with debt, and uses the cash to buy the next company. Wash, rinse, repeat.

There is always the chance he pulls it off, but there is a much larger chance his companies implode in the next 18 months.


LivingMemento t1_istmg2z wrote

That was the technique the Mafia used although they had respect for the workers. Wall Street then followed the Mafia model without the basic human decency. Private equity is usually best explained using the lessons from Goodfellows or the Sopranos sporting goods store episodes.


rvng_is_bst_srvd_cld t1_isssij2 wrote

Adani is just a debt bubble......


LivingMemento t1_istlxsk wrote

What do you think Musk is? He’s a huckster who couldn’t cobble together $44B for TWTR and is now a frontman for MBS and Putin. 🤪🤪🤪


mmarollo t1_isuuc5n wrote

lol cobble together $44B. Do you think any of the people have their fortunes in the form of cash?


LivingMemento t1_isv8o0d wrote

Where do you work? First year at Bear, Stearns. 🤦‍♂️

The dude could literally not get the financing. Which is why he now tweets Putin. Whatever MBS wants from him, he got it too.


Latter-Yam-2115 t1_issswdu wrote

Adani is one of the largest Bubbles in global markets haha

He’s a whole different ball game!


aatmanirbharindian t1_isss910 wrote

Compare the revenues of the firms they owned and you will know the reality


TwoStepsSidewards t1_issuc4r wrote

This infograph is kind of silly. The weathly utilize debt for fiscal risk management.

Calculating simple loss doesn't really show the full picture.


Which-Moment-6544 t1_isswo0j wrote

India is also a silly place to have money. I heard when people get rich, they buy gold shirts and are murdered by friends.


Gnawlydog t1_issxgxh wrote

The gold shirts I believe is pretty much a textile tycoon thing.. And India isn't the only place that rich get murdered by "friends"... Other countries are just better at hiding that.

In the USA when it happens the cops turn the other way while any speculation of that matter would be considered a crack pot conspiracy.


LeatherHedgehog1113 t1_ist5j0m wrote

Muricans should refrain from alleging murder on others.


Which-Moment-6544 t1_istb0hi wrote

cool your jets leather daddy. Nobody is here for your fake internet cat fights.

Read a short story about a rich guy in india who bought a gold shirt and was murdered by friends.

Don't know how I alleged this on them folks, smdh.


LeatherHedgehog1113 t1_istbfvm wrote

Oh wait, homicide only takes place in India. People who kill each other in schools and bar fights, don't need to give peace lessons. Have a great day.


Which-Moment-6544 t1_istfeux wrote

Yeah, we are actually killing daughters for looking at us funny.

I also didn't type this with my fingers, because using my gun to type is faster.

Stay woke bitch.


Uncle-Cake t1_issny5j wrote

Oh look more Indian propaganda on r/dataisbeautiful; what else is new?


AdmiralKompot t1_issqnq5 wrote

What idea do you think OP is trying to push here? Don't think it's propaganda.


Uncle-Cake t1_ist01uy wrote

I've seen so many charts like this... "Look at how rich India is compared to other countries!" or "Look at how much greener India is than the US or China" or "Look at how much progress India has made since independence". In all of them it's clear that the author has a pro-India agenda.


AdmiralKompot t1_ist2yog wrote

Sure thing, I've seen many such charts and maybe trying to be like - "Look at how much progress India has made", but still not propaganda. It's a very strong word.


Uncle-Cake t1_ist5qw5 wrote


No, it's really not a strong word. It's actually a pretty broad term.

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


TooUnderOverrated t1_issp0tp wrote

Billionaires making even more money isn’t propaganda. If anything, it’s a testament to how corrupt the system is


toastyroasties7 t1_isssy0c wrote

The billionaires in this are shown to be losing money...


TooUnderOverrated t1_isst1oh wrote

Not the Indian one though

Edit: am I being downvoted for literally stating the facts in the chart?


cherryreddit t1_isstxni wrote

>what else is new?

Anti Indian propaganda masked as neutral . Previously it used to be direct racism and religious bigotry, nowadays these people are trying to fool others by masking themselves


Nudder246 t1_issuyev wrote

This comparison is laughable


Pakodasinghrathore t1_isstbs5 wrote

The guy’s got too much debt, but I sure hope his conglomerate doesn’t collapse like Daewoo, that’d be disastrous for our economy.


deepak_26 t1_issvn50 wrote

Well he got Modi hand on his back, Modi ditched Ambani for Adani.


-Spin- t1_issw003 wrote

They aren’t making or losing money. Their assets is just worth more or less.


noxx1234567 t1_isswegt wrote

Adani's net worth is being propped up by market manipulation , it will never be sustainable.


capwillkidd t1_ist0zqp wrote

So coal is bad for everyone else in the world. But if we can dunk on billionaires, let's herald the Coal King!


bpknyc t1_issud3j wrote

Sergei lost more than money this year though


coldneuron t1_issxzm1 wrote

If they lost money does that mean it went somewhere? Did 60 billion dollars go from Musk to someone else? Or is this mostly imaginary money that is speculated based on possibilities.

Whenever I see a billionaire but it’s in stock I think it’s mainly Schrute Bucks or Stanley Dollars.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_ist3sud wrote

No money went anywhere, for the most part. Its just the value shares of each enterprise currently trade at.

You have a piece of art thats worth 10'000$ then suddently people decide its just not cool anymore, your net worth drops by 10K but no money was exchanged. Wealth is created, and it can also be wrecked.


coldneuron t1_ist6cd6 wrote

I don’t understand how billionaires who are created that way owe society anything. They are only rich because people decide they are. If everyone in America suddenly decided I was a billionaire I’d think they were all insane. And if they then decided I owed more taxes because they imagined I was wealthy I’d think they were extra nuts.

If I earn money I can pay taxes on that. If someone says my shoes are suddenly a billion dollars they’d better be willing to give me a billion dollars for it.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_ist7rut wrote

People have forgotten that wealth is created. They thus think thats its a zero-sum game (its not). And so they (wrongly) think that is someone has more net worth, it must mean that they took it from other people.

Sadly societies that start to revile wealth creation quickly go on a path of poverty.

edit: Because markets are going down, did you notice we didnt get those how much time did it take for these billionnaires to ""earn"" X million dollar since January 1st news time this year haha.


manbehindthespraytan t1_isvulj2 wrote

Yes, money moved. No one bought more than those that sold, for money. When people move the value (money) back to themselves or anywhere else... the value (based on currency) moved. Thankyou for giving me a chance to correct your misconception.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_isvw62k wrote

Money doesnt even have to move. Just changing the bids and asks without resolving any transaction would change the market capitalization. Certainly money does not have to move to or from Musk for Tesla share prices to change.

If you want to correct misconceptions, first learn.


manbehindthespraytan t1_isw4jvv wrote

Why would ppl get scared if the money wouldn't move? It can, will, and does. In that scared state, ppl are trying to move the money around, thus affecting value. Money moves. You are very welcome for my assistance.


GlitteringRelease77 t1_ist3wqy wrote

Everyone knows Forbes, Bloomberg, etc. have zero knowledge on how rich anyone is - billionaire or otherwise. You might as well get it from TMZ.


koebelin t1_ist562c wrote

Putin used to have an estimated $40 billion. That probably went down this year.


hanz6pack t1_istc7z9 wrote

All I see is extractive industry and worker exploitation.


Rmf16 t1_iswk55g wrote

Damn I feel so bad for all of them



harsha_cg t1_it2rm5a wrote

Bcz Adani is the Only billionaire who own a prime minister


Kindly_Education_517 t1_isswuea wrote

Elon Musk begging people to buy his burnt hair perfume so he can buy Twitter while his Tesla cars are in the news every week for catching on fire is laughable as hell.


waynehihihi OP t1_issn0jb wrote

Data Source: Bloomberg Billionaires Index

Tools: Canva Pro for design, Tableau for bar chart used


MasterOfTheAbyss t1_ist4en3 wrote

Do you know what they call the person at the bottom of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index?


A Billionaire


waynehihihi OP t1_issn5l1 wrote

Notes: The bar chart shows the year-to-date net worth change in billions of the world's top 10 richest as of 11 October 2022, with individuals ranked in order of net worth from top to bottom


dog_eat_god t1_issnnff wrote

Of course he made billions. He and his country are propping up the Russian war machine by purchasing their discounted oil and selling to them. They are scum.


AdmiralKompot t1_issqtu6 wrote

To quote Jaishankar, "what India buys in a month is what the entirety of Europe buys in an afternoon"

The west media is pushing a false narrative, well because, spewing hate is how they generate clicks.


app4that t1_issrp2i wrote

Curious if it’s all false then where is his huge wealth gain coming from exactly?


Additional_Baker t1_isss5m2 wrote

Santa. Lots of mean kids around this year, obviously the coal stocks would skyrocket.


AdmiralKompot t1_isssp4m wrote

He own a lot of shit, ship ports manufacturing plants all that kinda stuff. His assets are seriously overleveraged.

At one point, he was the second richest pipping Jeff Bezos, but a couple of days later, he dropped to being the 8/9th richest.


cherryreddit t1_isstoo1 wrote

That's like asking why is there an eclipse when my wife farts. Completely unrelated. The Indian economy as whole is growing compared to the rest of the world, A single billionaire getting more money is not because of russia. Also adani is not a big energy player, who themselves (ambani in this list ) have lost wealth.


dog_eat_god t1_issuqjz wrote

Shipping is shipping. When you have access to cheap Russian oil it helps the bottom line.


cherryreddit t1_issvs5f wrote

This is such a brain dead argument, but I will reply you so that others reading in the comment chain don't fall for this.


Oil prices, even after russian discount are currently higher than pre pandemic levels. Even if it was, decreasing your fuel bills doesn't make a shipping mogul add billions to his wealth.

If access to cheap russian oil is the reason, (which is not the case ) why aren't all shipping companies becoming rich, most of them situated in china and europe. ?

The real reason adani is suddenly so much richer is because he is deeply over leveraged (taking loans) to run his businesses. He has links to current govt leaders and there is (IMO) crony capitalism/corruption involved


dodococo t1_issskq5 wrote

Stonks! You think he made 60 billion by selling fuel!?


dog_eat_god t1_issusmz wrote

How did your country vote on the conflict?


AdmiralKompot t1_issw6b3 wrote

Uh, neutral. Recently, they are shunning Russia.

Also, when has the west ever cared about the east and the wars here?


dog_eat_god t1_ist030r wrote

Recently shunning Russia.....because Russia is losing the war and you picked the wrong side.


AdmiralKompot t1_ist3ufa wrote

India has nothing to gain if Russia wins or loses. Sure, maybe certain defense deals and oil get more expensive, but it isn't too much of an effect.

It's not a group of 9yo children who switch sides to the winning one.


Rad_Dad_Golfin t1_issull3 wrote

They all suck and do nothing to help make the planet better.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_issv3sv wrote

Tesla legitimized the electric car and Gates is the biggest philantropist of all time, from clean energy to fighting Malaria. Let go of the reddit koolaid.


Rad_Dad_Golfin t1_isswo3l wrote

So you think Musk is a good dude and not a grifter lol ok bud.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_issxh39 wrote

I know the "eat the billionnaires raaaaaa" echo is prevalent on reddit but try to remember its not real life.


LivingMemento t1_issndnw wrote

Ten of the world’s biggest criminals


ModsBannedMyMainAcc t1_issnw60 wrote

How's Bill Gates a criminal?


LivingMemento t1_istlndi wrote

Of all of these Gates may be my favorite. He stole DOS from a guy he knew. 🤣🤣🤣


icecreammodel t1_issspsa wrote

Just generally speaking, record profits = wage theft
