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snerdaferda t1_j8xv6er wrote

This is all really strange, I can’t smell it at all and have no residue on my car or anything. I can’t tell if it’s real or mass hysteria.


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j8xxcvy wrote


Rain always smells weird this time of year because theres so much road salt everywhere. And the rain rehydrates the dissolved salt on our vehicles, leaving dark muddy spots, that people think are "acid rain".

That being said, things are much different in East Palestine, OH.


[deleted] t1_j8y8hm2 wrote



[deleted] t1_j8yaxk3 wrote

Plus this is reddit - I've seen several threads like "how worried should I be" and I don't even bother clicking because I'm sure it's nothing but "you and probably everyone you hold dear are already dead".

After the reaction to COVID here my "trust" in reddit has waned just a bit


Significant_Shake_71 t1_j92d435 wrote

It’s mass hysteria. Apparently nothing has ever smelled weird before this. So if it does, it must mean it’s from Ohio 🙄


UpsideMeh t1_j916yav wrote

I have residue on my car In metro west. Yesterday east coast was still being hit with Palestine Ohio air quality according to Seems all clear now.


snerdaferda t1_j919koz wrote

I don’t think we saw any of that from the NOAA maps and might I remind you that fire was over two weeks ago


UpsideMeh t1_j91akwr wrote

I was definitely looking at old data then.


FoodGuy44 OP t1_j8xxb0g wrote

Been near the Harbor since this morning. The smell is hard to miss IMO


snerdaferda t1_j8xy4ab wrote

I mean the harbor always kind of has a smell. I will just chalk it up to the weather, it’s been like 60’F out the past couple days, and I’m no meteorologist but it’s probably some flavor of petrichor.


tylerrific t1_j8xz4jh wrote

Cringe. "I can't sense something, so it must be MaSs hYsTEriA"


snerdaferda t1_j8yavc5 wrote

I can smell something different so it must be a giant natural disaster and I’m going to get cancer and die

Edit: also it happened two weeks ago why do people think it got here today? Jesus.


stargrown t1_j8ybfea wrote

Nothing says America like a public health announcement hidden behind a paywall


anurodhp t1_j915pog wrote

Hit the reader mode button on safari


New-Shoulder2384 t1_j915gf8 wrote

Are you talking about the paywall that had a very clear “CLOSE” button on the top left to view the article?


_MUY t1_j918qoq wrote

The close button on the Globe paywall is not always there. I get it on some devices and not others, some IP addresses and not others as well. I don’t have it on my phone at home right now, for example, so if I wanted to read this article I would have to switch to my laptop.


BrainOfTarth t1_j8yf0rs wrote

If you are looking for “public” health guidance, go sign up for updates from your government. In this case, Braintree residents received guidance from their local government.

The Boston Globe is a private business and is allowed to require a subscription to read an article about something the government has suggested to residents. They should not be forced to provide that story to you for free.


frege2021 t1_j8yp3t6 wrote

Jesus Christ, no one’s arguing the globe should be forced to remove their paywall. Relax


BrainOfTarth t1_j8yqf7s wrote

Simply pointing out some alternatives, and that the Boston Globe is not a representation of America or the only means of receiving public health updates.


stargrown t1_j8yf9fd wrote

Exactly! Why would any American entity want to do a good deed if their weren’t being monetarily reimbursed for it? Thats unconscionable!!!


BrainOfTarth t1_j8ygi2e wrote

The government is that exact entity you are looking for.

There are also plenty of American media sites who do not have paywalls. Many with this exact story. They of course are still compensated via other means, but I wouldn’t label paywalls as an American thing or say America has a paywall problem when it comes to news from public officials.


HANDSUMCLEANR t1_j8y772u wrote

Seems like people are trying to make a big deal out of something that isn't there. I live in Brighton biked to work. nO CHemicAL SmeLL.

Checked my car, no residue. I think some of you are full of shit and bored.


DooceBigalo t1_j8yh97e wrote

Tiktok has hundreds of people showing their cars have spots after it rained in Mass lol. Like that doesnt happen every time...


BsFan t1_j908t4g wrote

Don't get your news from TikTok. In fact don't use it at all.


DooceBigalo t1_j90acvs wrote

I don’t I was laughing at the bozos thinking the world is ending from Ohio


EvenOne6567 t1_j8yl3ae wrote

Yea "i didnt experience it so its not real" bulletproof thinking, really. I havent been shot so america doesnt have a gun problem, i guess.


neogonzo t1_j8y0goc wrote

I noticed it on my car Wednesday night, I had to wipe it off the side windows with paper towels it was so filmy and dirty. just chalked it up to winter weather but... that's not what it was.

It is back on there this morning. Drove down Rt 2 today and all the white cars were dirty with it. Had to run my windshield wipers about 2x as often even in light rain. Something is definitely not totally normal out there.


Drunkelves t1_j8yclp9 wrote

>winter weather but... that's not what it was.

That's exactly what it is. Your car is dirty and the humidity in the air condenses on the cool metal and glass on your car and when it dries you see all the grime that the condensation collected.

-black car owner obsessed with keeping it clean.


neogonzo t1_j8ydbuw wrote

yeah, that is what I was figuring Wednesday. honestly I wiped it off, didn't really think much of it. I can't think of the last time I had to wash the outside of my side windows with a paper towel, but it did seem humid and surely there is some road grime etc.

But the fact that is there again this morning - after a drizzle overnight/light rain today - all I can tell you is that the rain itself was not a wet as you typically see. Not sure that it's chemicals from OH (could it be dust from OK/TX storms?) but it's filmy.


jojenns t1_j8yr5i3 wrote

“The rain itself was not a wet as you typically see” ?


neogonzo t1_j8yscm1 wrote

sorry that sounds a little preposterous, but you know perhaps if you have a wintry mix of snow/rain, it looks a little slushy as you wipe it from your glass windshield? Or if you are driving behind a Tractor Trailer on the Pike after a blizzard, and your windshield is just coated with a salty sludge? It was like that, except just with the precipitation that collected on my car on Wednesday and again through this morning's weather. The rain seemed to leave a filmy, or grimy streak/residue. When driving, we were prompted to wash the windshield noticeably often. Again I have no information that it's related to pollution but it just looked like rain but did not run off, wipe off, bead up etc. the best way I can describe it was that it was just not as wet. more viscous.


randomlurker82 t1_j8yh562 wrote

I went out to my car around 9:30 this morning and it had white spots where the rain had dried on it. I thought it looked like salt but they haven't been using road salt that much lately...was kinda weird yeah.


BlindBeard t1_j91m7km wrote

I was working in Pittsfield yesterday and when I got home (near foxboro) there was a pretty apparent strange smell in the air. Definitely not the normal rain smell. It was just strange.


TheSlayer696969 t1_j8ygs17 wrote

I definitely smelled something akin to bleach / chloride, in our kitchen, after leaving the windows open all night for fresh air... bad choice. This was after reading the other posts asking about whether the vinyl chloride gas can make it's way over to Boston. The fact that we both smelled the same type of smell means it was real, not imagined. Just unclear if it's from the Braintree fire or made its way over from Ohio. Didnt seem to smell like phosgene or vinyl chloride, at least according to how wikipedia describes the smell of those gases.


earlylarge t1_j8z91ld wrote

Still waiting on my sense of smell to return from Covid 14 months ago


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j94h1fs wrote

In the early 1900s a huge holding tank filled with molasses burst in the North end and flooded the streets. It killed a bunch a bunch of people and animals. It took a long time to clean up and they say the smell lasted for decades. I've heard that on hot summer days in the North end there's still an occasional whiff of molasses in the air. I think that is probably urban legend but the molasses flood really happened.


stargrown t1_j8ybpf3 wrote

There was a solvent smell last week on that foggy morning before the Ohio shit went down, at least in JP. Was very odd, never experience anything quite like it.