Submitted by CasualfarmerBOC t3_124v8b6 in books


I'm Casualfarmer, author of the web serial and novel Beware of Chicken. Suspiciously Canadian. Maple fudge enjoyer. I will do my best to answer all questions related to my magnificent rooster. Beware of Chicken 2 is now available on Amazon and Audible, performed by the one and only Travis Baldree.

Edit: Link is broken. Here is the actual link!



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Cuxtercall t1_je17fjo wrote

I really like the "casual" style of the story and how it manage to keep it through so many chapters, especially considering so many novels just jump to the action at some point and don't recover that "casual" style and feel different from then on.

But now to the question: What was the feeling you want/wanted to convey to the readers while reading? Or let me rephrase it: What mood did you think readers would have reading your story? And considering your alias "Casualfarmer", in what kind of mood are you writing the story? And maybe even reading it?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1888d wrote

I wanted a story about relaxation, growth, and family. I wanted something I guess "Noble Bright". Things can get bad. The world can be a terrible placce; but in the end, the good guys will win, even if it is a bit cliche.


3carurosu4 t1_je19x3q wrote

Hi Casualfarmer, I’m a super big fan and also a fellow author from Ontario, Canada.

I wanted to ask if you have any tips with writing your series and the pitfalls you dealt with along the way? I publish on a weekly basis and I find it difficult to wrap my head around how you’re able to write so much without giving up in terms of quality.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1b3jq wrote

Most of it is just discipline and determination. You write every day, even if you have no motivation. There is no secret sauce, unfortunately, but 80 hour weeks are definitely in the future. Each chapter is maybe half to a quarter of what I actually write before it gets cut down.

I'm no match for pirateaba of the Wandering Inn for example (Hi pirate!) who can do 60 K words in a week, which is just mindboggling to me.

Also beta readers are your best freinds and I would like to take this moment to thank them for putting up with my schedule.


of_thoughts t1_je17fwc wrote

No real questions. Just want to say that your story brings joy to my life.


XKARNATION t1_je1971h wrote

How did you find your experience on RoyalRoad?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1ahq8 wrote

Good. Its got some good tools for authors, and has lots of content I read. What's not to like?


arramdaywalker t1_je1oh5f wrote

We, the people :D

But on that topic, what can the fans can do to help encourage RoyalRoad authors?


ThinkPan t1_je3bhfe wrote

I got this one.

Pay them. Patreon is linked on every chapter.

Review them. Every good review is worth gold.

Boost them on topwebfiction.


dl107227 t1_je15m0u wrote

Pi Pa is the 2nd most powerful spirit beast on the FaRam. Am I wrong?

We know that individuals can gain Qi through eating food. This is how Bi De first gained Qi, along with Pi Pa and Chun Ki. We know that even a "vegetarian" can gain Qi from meat containing Qi because Miantao insists that Yin eat every bit of Qi laden food they come across. This gives her digestive issues while refining that Qi.

Pi Pa consumed Sun Ken and at least 2 other cultivators when the might of Fa Ram instructed the Whirling Demon Gang. She was still refining the Qi a week later when Jin gave her some of Meiling's stomach medicine. Now some may say that demonic Qi is not compatible for the cultivation of a member of Fa Ram but demonic Qi can be used. One of Shen Yu's complaints about being called away to the war was that the demons he was fighting were too weak to be refined into a pill.

So what I'm saying is that Pi Pa has consumed a lot of Qi. She rarely leaves the FaRam so is always eating Qi rich food and eating the cultivators was a whole lot more Qi. Wa Shi isn't really a spirit beast but could be argued that he is stronger than Pi Pa because you know... dragon. And perhaps Tigu on account of all the training she does could be rated 2nd. However, I am still convinced it is Pi Pa and we just haven't seen her unleash her full might.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je16kzf wrote

I would say the title of second strongest actually goes to her hubby, Best Boi Chun Ke.

That said, she's certainly not somebody to sleep on when it comes to strength; lest she consume you whole.


DarianWebber t1_je2gwxx wrote

Yeah, Chunky, with the best connection to Tianlan outside of Jin, would be my pick for next strongest after Big D.


Dominant_Peanut t1_je10vf9 wrote

Do you have the whole story planned out (at least in broad strokes) and if so, how many books do you see it being?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je120bg wrote

I do have most of the story planned out, including the ending. How I get there however... sometimes things take longer than I think, so I cant give an exact answer write now. At least 7 books is the plan for right now.


bootrick t1_je3br9p wrote

Oh wow! A true ending.

May the Heavens smile upon the work of your hands


Unknown0ne7 t1_je1dsja wrote

Hey Casual! I love your work, and it's always a joy to read BoC and it makes my day!

I'm curious, do you have any favorite characters/POVs to write for? If so, could you share? I personally always adored reading Chunky's POV, he's such a cinnamon bun.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1esvf wrote

I like Jin, honestly. theres something comforting about writing him.



3carurosu4 t1_je1ga8t wrote

Do you have any other series in the works after BOC?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1i434 wrote

Yes I do! I have some ideas for a viking story called Einherjar, and an adventure story with skyships called Stormbreakers, but those are quite far away for now.


Undeity t1_je300dw wrote

>I have some ideas for a viking story called Einherjar

Have you checked out Valheim yet?


Neuropain t1_je17lg0 wrote

Hey Causal, long time reader first time caller. Do you think it will be harder to keep the pacing as good as it has been now that the members of Fa Ram are splitting up and all have important missions? Before the splitting was, as I experienced it, more focused on one or two important things with some slice of life in between, but now we have Washy going of to get delicious food and two other almost as important missions.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je17t4j wrote

It is, yes. Its something I have to constantly think about, and hope I manage to keep things well paced


PeanutSalsa t1_je17y2o wrote

What is your process like or what steps do you take to create well rounded dimensional characters?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je18ro7 wrote

I don't really have a standardized process.

I tend to think of a core personality trait, and then go and add things to it that may be kind of strange. Like the arrogant cat loving carving, or the lazy fish being good at math. As for side characters, most of them I try to just make them people. not exactly good or bad, but wanting to have a good life.


sweetenerbyAG t1_je1b5ao wrote

Hi, loving the story so far! Thank you for your hard work. I love the characters and how you give them life, regardless of their importance in the main story.

I just wanted to ask; where did the idea of the story come from, and how did you go about researching elements of Xianxia and cultivation stories? Or did you already have prior experience?

In the future, I would like to write a story of my own with Xianxia elements but my only experience with them is from the books I read (which outside of yours, I have only read one other book that does the genre justice) and was wondering what your process was going about it.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1bw60 wrote

The idea of the story was a writing prompt that said "The Cultivator Fucks off and becomes a farmer."

I thought the cultivator having a magic chicken would be hilarious. And thus BOC was born.

And yes, I did read Xianxia and Wuxia stories before I wrote one. The parody comes from a place of love. I do enjoy me some face slapping and defying the heavens, even when I do poke fun at it.

As for writing Xianxia? read. Get to know the tropes, in all their glory and all their horror. Its certainly quite different to english novels I find, and theres nothing quite like it, even machine translated like a lot of them are.


Davis_Davison t1_je12j4g wrote

Hey Casual! Love your series

However, in a long running series, surely you must have written yourself into a corner with various details. What would you say is the plot event you would most like to retcon in your story, and why?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je146mq wrote

I don't think I've managed to write myself into a corner quite yet, knock on wood. That probably will happen at some point, but luckily I've got a bunch of people helping me out to specifically avoid that.

As for a plot event I'd like to retcon? theres some stuff that happens in book 3 and 4 that I would like to handle a bit better, but thats mostly just changing when it happens in the story rather than how it happens. Which means that those sore spots get to be fixed on official release! One of the benefits of writing a web serial, I reckon.


MSL007 t1_je17z1r wrote

When did you realize that that this story was becoming popular and I assume we’re now a full time writer?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je18dyj wrote

When I hit the best rated royal road story in a month, and I was making 5K off patreon with no advanced chapters.

It was rather a shock, if im honest.


Bargle-Nawdle-Zouss t1_je1glqy wrote

As a followup to the question below, what was the single most difficult scene or chapter for you to write?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1i7gx wrote

Honestly? Probably Meiling's "Just Don't" scene, or the aftermath of the Deuling Peaks.


poboy975 t1_je13hy6 wrote

Hey! No questions, just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed your first book on audio, and am totally looking forward to listening to book 2!


spamjwood t1_je1dpos wrote

Are you planning to do a Kickstarter, or some other method, to get physical copies into the universe at some point?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1epe7 wrote

We actually did have a limited run of a hardcover through podium, and we're working on a soft cover!


spamjwood t1_je1f503 wrote

Awesome! I'll watch for it. Would love to buy as physical series as it becomes available.


roberh t1_je2co1u wrote

I was late to the party and I am also from Europe, but I would have bought your book without a second thought. Good luck with the soft cover, I'll hopefully own it soon.


Xenix56 t1_je1ci3t wrote

Hey, Farmer. Big fan.

Just curious how you got started. Heard Royal Road has a good set of tools to work with, so curious to see what you'd recommend for someone who recently earned unlimited free time.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1d86j wrote

I actually got started on a forum called Questionable Questing. It was posted one chapter at a time in the thread, before being cross posted to Spacebattles.

Then somebody recommended that I post on Royal Road, so I did.

If you go on royal road, I would suggest actually going the forum route first, to get some feedback on your story and build up a backlog, and then post every day on RR until that backlog exhausts itself. That gives a bump in the numbers,. as well as asking politely your viewers to help out with a review on RR when you start posting on RR as well.


throwthisidaway t1_je2kjgy wrote

Piggy backing off of that question, any tips on writing the actual start of a novel? Your prologue was wonderful, and it seems to be one of the most difficult areas for a novice writer to pin down.


Sivartius t1_je1dzbb wrote

Does the area of the Fa Ram's improved chi and nature have any potential growth limit beyond the borders of the Azure Hills and how much the spirit's reconnected?

Also, how does the Chi level of Fa Ram compare to lands outside the Azure Hills?

Edit: Also also, I've noticed in the books and the Patreon chapters there are a lot of parallels with Shennong, beyond just the basics, including with the stringed instrument playing. How much of that is deliberate, and how much just the way things turned out.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1f25b wrote

Not really beyond the hills right now. Its about average for a mid level area.


Sivartius t1_je1gwh0 wrote

So it could reach all the way to the border of the Azure Hills?


ErinAmpersand t1_je1ovc1 wrote

Hey, love your story. I named my Stardew Valley animals after your characters. :) Made my farm feel extra awesome.

What are your favorite reads? Either web serial or traditional.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1sobl wrote

I have a soft spot for Kennith Oppel's Airborn, as well as the Edge chronicles by Paul Stewart and Chris Ridell. Both of them influenced my style of worldbuilding heavily.


drillgorg t1_je1swbx wrote

I'm considering starting a novel of my own, but I've never written much before. I've always known about traditional publishing, and in the last couple decades it seems like print on demand and ebooks have really allowed self publishing to flourish. However recently I've also become aware of serial fiction online, and it seems like a really interesting option. What advice would you give to a brand new author in 2023 with regards to where to start with publishing?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1vg2a wrote

Just start would be my advice. Thats the hardest part. Starting, and then keeping at it afterwards. Writing is hard work. there is no secret sauce, there is nothing special to make it easier. You have to be prepared to knuckle down and just do, even if you have no motivation or inspiration.

Find a smaller forum or two you like, and start posting there, get feedback, then use your backlog to post on a larger platform like Royal Road as well. With luck and good writing you'll get readers and feedback. Because luck is a part of it.


Gofarman t1_je1a42t wrote

I read quite a lot of serial fiction and won't start a new one if it is content blocked, kindle unlimited for example.

How do you balance the growth of your readership against using a service like kindle unlimited?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1bdo7 wrote

From what I understand KU itself drives growth. People binge reading off KU, then getting converted to reading the newer chapters of the serial happens.


of_thoughts t1_jee7yc0 wrote

Here is a recent post from the author of Beneath the Dragon Eye Moons.

"This year I'm looking at roughly $500k total income on the extremely conservative side, closer to $600k if I'm a little more aggressive with my estimates. Patreon's about half of that, with Amazon being the other half. Within Amazon, KU is 70% of my income."


of_thoughts t1_je1f7yx wrote

Not an expert but from talking with other authors once you have up around 60+ chapters and are up there in the rankings, the growth of new readers slows down. Those who were going to read the story have already discovered it. Those who are just discovering Royal Road for the first time will add to your numbers but they are much smaller. The growth plateaus.

By then going to KU (which unfortunately is the dominant player out there) the authors gain a HUGE new audience and then this new audience hops over to Royal Road if they want to get advance reads of what comes after the KU book.

Sure it sucks to come across a "new to you" story 1-2 years later and it is stubbed but the authors need to put food on the table. Royal road without Patreon/KU is not paying the bills of full time authors.


RJWolfe t1_je2j6ia wrote

> Royal road without Patreon/KU is not paying the bills of full time authors.

Does Royal Road pay authors, at all? I was under the impression that it's like love in the '60s.


RavensDagger t1_je2on6y wrote

No, RR doesn't have an system of monetization on it. You can link to a Patreon/Kofi/Paypal from it, however.


of_thoughts t1_je88zbh wrote

Exactly, no bills being paid.

So essentially people are saying, "Keep posting thousands of words here for free and leave them up forever" while authors are saying, "Hey, here are thousands of words here for free but after tons of people have enjoyed them I am going to take the early work down to post them somewhere else where I can get paid and will use that money to live and keep writing NEW words I will post here for free for you to read." And people are like, "No, keep posting for free".


of_thoughts t1_jee7r19 wrote

Here is a recent post from the author of Beneath the Dragon Eye Moons.

"This year I'm looking at roughly $500k total income on the extremely conservative side, closer to $600k if I'm a little more aggressive with my estimates. Patreon's about half of that, with Amazon being the other half. Within Amazon, KU is 70% of my income."

If you check out their Patreon they are at $30k/mo! So RR will let you build your audience but then you need to monitize those eyeballs somehow at it looks like 50% is Patreon and 50% is Amazon.


Bargle-Nawdle-Zouss t1_je1bw1n wrote

What other tech innovations from "our world" do you plan on having Jin introduce?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1cmpv wrote

I don't know. Jin himself is no great mastermind of uplifting stuff, as he says quite often. He has no idea how most things from the modern world actually work. If it makes sense when I get to it, it will happen, but I dont really have a list.


Bargle-Nawdle-Zouss t1_je1e6f9 wrote

I gotta ask: how much do the forum comments on Royal Road and on Patreon influence you?



CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1ez6b wrote

Not much, honestly unless theres a lot of backlash to a decision. But even then I normally stay the course.


An_Open_Field_Ned t1_je1ed1l wrote

Hey casual, you are the creator who got me onto patreon, so thanks for all the great art and stuff! Two parter for you:

I know you always talk fondly of writing The Lord Magistrate, but who is your favorite character to write that isn't Jin?

Following that, what is your favorite section of your writing? Mine are further the books cover, but I'm interested


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1fcrz wrote

Not Jin and not TLM? There would probably be 3. Chunky, Washy, and Xiulan.

Chonkers because hes simple and enjoyable, Washy because hes a lazy shit, and Xiulan... theres just somethigng about her that I like writing.

My favourite section is perhaps Chapter 33 of Volume 1, connections, or [Break The Rocks]


wallywoods2020 t1_je1hyul wrote

I don't have any questions, just wanted to say that I loved your first Beware of Chicken, and have listened to it several times.

Thank you for such a lovely time!


RavensDagger t1_je1lqv3 wrote

Oh hey! I remember you from Space Battles and QQ! How does it feel, moving on from such niche little corners of the internet to the wider world?


-A fellow wordy Canadian


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1n8e7 wrote

Well, I certainly haven't moved on! I still post to both of those sites, and I enjoy reading stories on them.


RavensDagger t1_je1nmll wrote

Oh! Any faves? Well, maybe not for QQ, the stories on there tend to be a bit... spicey!


theyellowmeteor t1_je1p3r5 wrote

What xianxia novel would you recommend to someone who wants to be hit in the face with the straight tropes that Beware of Chicken parodies and subverts?


Hyoyun t1_je1dcm7 wrote

Any chance another physical edition comes out? I missed the special hardcover since I started reading recently. Love your work, looking forward to more in the future.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1e11r wrote

We're currently working on a soft cover of the story! no concrete release date for that yet, though.


retrofunkus t1_je1avop wrote

Just stopping by to say that I am really appreciating your work. I had happened upon this story at a tumultuous time, and it just hit the right spot. Looking forward to reading/listening to Jin and companies future hijinks.


FinisCoronatOpus595 t1_je1bhc8 wrote

I started reading the story at the start of Book 2 and your writing has been beyond my expectations everytime. It was always my favorite comedy and slice of life book but I didn't expect your action scenes and character designs to be this good, especially in the tournament arc. Congratulations on all your success!!

So between all these genres what other stories do you want to write in the future?

Please tell me the answer is "The daring adventures of Lord Magistrate Jr !!"/s


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1c6rp wrote

Well, there is a more traditional Viking cultivation story called Einherjar I have, as well as an adventure story on skyships called Stormbreakers. Both of them on are on the back burner for now, though, as I work through Beware of Chicken.


TWICEdeadBOB t1_je1fu32 wrote

Single favorite piece of fan created stuff(art/map/plushie/fic)?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1gl0r wrote

Soembody recreated Washy's drawing of his adventure, lambasting the turtle.

The other is a drawn action figure of Jin who has "shoveling action" and a "kung fu grip."


Rysterc t1_je1p9hv wrote

Hello CasualFarmer big fan and follower from royal road. I was wondering are you planning on making more side stories with the animals of fa ram going off and exploring azure hills like Bi de did during his quest to uncover the mysteries of the azure hills or will the rest of the merry crew just hang round Jins farm for the time being.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1spxw wrote

You'll just have to wait and see!


Rysterc t1_je1wmlv wrote

Thanks for the reply I'm just going to enjoy the new audiobook while I wait to see lol


psiut t1_je2nk52 wrote

Big fan of BoC!! Would love to know if you have any other novels you recommend in RR that you enjoy and are not well known?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je3ierv wrote

Not well known is probably a bit of an issue. I enjoy mother of learning, RE: Trailer Trash, and Hard Enough. Hevent had quite as much time to read as of late, though, which is a bit sad.


StrangeSoup t1_je3cbtm wrote

Thanks for all the effort you've put into this story. Its been so refreshing compared to the usual cultivator tropes, but your skill at developing unique and interesting characters has really pulled me in.

Two questions:

  1. Do you think Jin will reveal his true origins to everyone else besides Meimei? I'm wondering how Gramps will react.

  2. Are there any stories that you would recommend that are similar to Beware of Chicken? I love it so much, I can't get enough.


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je3j7ps wrote

I don't know yet. I don't want it to be a really big part of the story, honestly.

2: I'm a little unsure, because i've been so busy.


StrangeSoup t1_je4el0g wrote

I can understand not wanting to focus on Jin being from another world.

Do you think he'll perhaps ever confide in the others that he is actually two people blended together? I've always wanted to see the others reaction to such a thing.


Rorschach113 t1_je1jldq wrote

I love your story - been reading for a while, and I’m active in your patreon discord. My question is - why is it being published on Kindle Unlimited under your username as opposed to your actual real name, whatever it may be? Love your writing and basically all your characters, looking forward to chapters resuming!


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1ms0x wrote

Mostly because I like it. Casualfarmer is a fun name. No real reason other than that.


oscar_w t1_je1lrk5 wrote

Do you eat fairly healthily?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1nc05 wrote

Yes I do! I try to make most of my food home made if I can, and I make a mean Baozi if I do say so myself!


Alias719344 t1_je2g4cz wrote

My biggest question is, How have you managed to develop your characters as the cast expands and new characters are introduced?


1998326 t1_je3bekm wrote

I love beware of chicken thank you for writing it! Question: If you were going to do another style next other than Xianxia what would it be or do you think you’d continue on something similar?


consumepotatoes t1_je3f2dn wrote

Enjoying the series! Churning off a few questions; 1. How many kilo of poutine do you consume a year? 2. Ever try popcorn with nutritional yeast? 3. What smaller forums have you used for feedback prior to royal road?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je3jc2x wrote

Enough that I'm certified canadian

  1. nope!

3 Questionable Questing and Spacebattles.


ProffFloraGagen t1_je17bbs wrote

Are we going to get speaking stone radio or just sound crystal recordings to spread jin’s other worldly tunes?


White_Knightmare t1_je1oi6x wrote

How long do you plan the story out and do you have a end for the story in mind already? In the same vain, do you have any other story ideas or writing projects that you want to do?


CasualfarmerBOC OP t1_je1qpfd wrote

I do have an end in mind, its actually been planned from the first book. And I do have a few other ideas. dont know when I'll get around to them though.


zoboso t1_je2dxqx wrote

Is Jin ever going to acquire a goat? If he will can you name it scape?


TheDevilChicken t1_je35i00 wrote

If Bi De turned to demonic cultivation how could it happen and what would be his powers?


RoAscp t1_je3d3mi wrote

How are you so cool?!?


BladesShadow t1_je3d4kl wrote

Hey Casualfarmer, I don't really have a question but I just wanted to say I really enjoy your series and I hope you continue to find success with your writing!

This series has such a nice cozy feeling and it has its serious moments meticulously places.


Dbooknerd t1_je3w6ze wrote

I loved the first book and just bought the second. I really enjoyed his focus on family and building the farm. I have recommended this book to several people.


bootrick t1_je3bcfn wrote

What are you reading on Royal Road nowadays?


Zenom t1_je3ipy5 wrote

When is Jin finally going to realize he is in Mei Mei's harem?


MrLazyLion t1_je49y1o wrote

Fuuuuuuck, I missed it. And I had QUESTIONS!


Majestic-Adnn t1_je4pzki wrote

Are there any other xianxia novels that you could recommend/take inspiration from? From my experience, Sturgeons law REALLY applies to that category.


Donnum12 t1_je4rfq8 wrote

Just wanted to state I remember reading your web novel a year ago on royal road and loving it! Amazing work!


Xsotty t1_je5409h wrote

W book and author


MattTheStrategist t1_je8qlr4 wrote

Hey CF, I know I'm late to the post, but I wanted to know if you have any tips for writing dialogue. Also I love your work. It's always the highlight of my day when a new chapter drops. Thanks!


No_Contest_7670 t1_je8tmh0 wrote

Hey Casual! Love your series

However, in a long running series, surely you must have written yourself into a corner with various details. What would you say is the plot event you would most like to retcon in your story, and why?