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call_of_the_while t1_j1tmod5 wrote

I’m not sure if the town will survive, the day he runs into Clifford the big red dog.


Rosco777 OP t1_j1ttu8s wrote

It's gonna be a battle to remember


TheLastSpokaneWobbly t1_j1tijbc wrote

Lovey. Truly. It’s also r/oddlyterrifying


Rosco777 OP t1_j1tiz0b wrote

I'm sure he's harmless.. during his nap at least


TheLastSpokaneWobbly t1_j1x0az5 wrote

I’ve seen what my kitten does to spiders. That person you have walking down the hill is a mad lad.


surajvj t1_j1tmxeg wrote

Princess Mononoke vibe


Impressive_Doorknob7 t1_j1uove3 wrote

Beautiful! What medium is this?


Rosco777 OP t1_j1vsewk wrote

Thank you! It's Photoshop, a combination of doing photo bashing and digital painting in that software


BadsieB t1_j1uj6pa wrote

Stunning! You are blessed with so much artistic talent!


LogNo8166 t1_j1xjwat wrote

I love it! The sleepy atmosphere is perfect!


Grey_Woof t1_j1y0atk wrote

Lol did u get the idea from the sandman?


Rosco777 OP t1_j1ytrd8 wrote

Nope, it's a series of similar works I started doing 2 years ago. This is the third giant cat in my portfolio haha I did watch the sandman series but I haven't finished it yet


lunchspider t1_j1uyxsk wrote

So the Siamese got a 1000 kitty to dream the dream!


LovePeaceHope-ish t1_j1vztt0 wrote

This is stunning! You managed to capture the true personality of cats (they think they are masters of the world, afterall!😄)


VonJustin t1_j1we4an wrote

This happened to me once when a cat laid on my D&D battle mat.


warriorsdeath t1_j1tjgmn wrote

Typing a prompt into an AI generator not only doesn't make you an artist, it's actually stealing art from real artists who did not consent to their work being used to train the AI :/


Rosco777 OP t1_j1tts9q wrote

Don't speak about the rights of artists if you can't even make the difference between normal art and Ai generated Mine it's not. Check my profile and at least do your research before commenting like an ignorant trying to defend something no one asked you to.


Zephyr_Is_Thriving t1_j1uo3g7 wrote

I was surprised by the comment above because wow, yeah your work clearly does NOT look like it was done by AI (as an artist who has some inklings of your approaches and method but honestly I can’t be very sure). Followed your profile, I love all the pieces I saw!