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JHoney1 t1_j1qi3ms wrote

Feared missing? They were missing. They were feared dead lol


3riversfantasy t1_j1qpbw8 wrote

It said 10 people were on video shortly before the avalanche, the worry was all 10 had been in the avalanche, 6 of the 10 were identified and located but were not in the avalanche, so feared missing makes sense...


iCryKarma t1_j1qt37m wrote

What you're saying makes complete sense to me and i still don't like the usage lol


JHoney1 t1_j1qx1fs wrote

They were still missing until they were found lol.


foggy-sunrise t1_j1riqzu wrote

They were missing according to everyone but them and the people who know and care about them.


djsedna t1_j1r0pze wrote

Reminds me of that mountain hiking party who all just randomly went missing and were never found. There's just one last incredibly surreal video of them silently trekking a sheer mountainside. That's all anyone really knows.


ColinKennethMills t1_j1rwjhi wrote

Maybe this type of last image is common. The first time I started being aware of avalanches was when the climbers Jonny Copp, Micah Dash, and Wade Johnson were all killed in an avalanche in the Himalayas. I remember seeing the last photo on their camera and it was eerily lit, predawn, with a faint figure walking through the snow into the dark.


bronxbombers5 t1_j1r7p3j wrote

More info?


djsedna t1_j1r8gqt wrote

It was the Martin Moran party in 2019. They did end up recovering some of the bodies and a GoPro, which shows that last bit of footage. It's assumed that the narrow path they were crossing in the video gave out shortly after the filming ended and caused an avalanche.

Googling Martin Moran video will probably find it. It's totally SFW, just some climbers trekking. But the implication is surreal.


JHoney1 t1_j1qwzd0 wrote

They were missing, until they were found. At which point they were not missing. There was never a fear of missing. You can be missing, without being in an avalanche.


furiouscowbell t1_j1ri1si wrote

They didn't know if they were missing or they were still out


sleepykittypur t1_j1rbsza wrote

They weren't really missing, they just didn't know who the people in the video actually were so that they could be accounted for.


Ehwaz196 t1_j1u74dl wrote

Just admit you were wrong


JHoney1 t1_j1u7xvo wrote

I’ll die on that hill. Being in the actual avalanche is not a requirement to be missing.


1ce9ine t1_j1rdm1x wrote

If they were found, wouldn't they be missing? I think feared lost might have made more sense. Like when you are missing your glasses, looking all around, and they were on your head the whole time... they were missing, but not lost?


furiouscowbell t1_j1ridxf wrote

Feared missing would be you were out and you get a phone call saying that your house has been broken into. You fear that your dog is missing so you race hope but the dog is still lying on his back on the couch.

The dog was never missing. You were afraid he just duffed off.


TwoFigsAndATwig t1_j1tshm4 wrote

If they had the new GoPro 18++, 18 people would have been on video. In stunning 8k HDR video.


PristineBiscuit t1_j1v05sa wrote

...If I had to guess, this was likely a translation issue. "Missing" translated from what was meant to mean "lost", "lost" as in "deceased".

So, in German: "Vermisst" instead of "Verloren"


1nsider1nfo t1_j1seoso wrote

Like when people say "near miss"....that's a mean a near hit


SokoJojo t1_j1qwsv8 wrote

No they were feared missing because they hadn't been identified


thejordanhall t1_j1q3cj0 wrote

Avalanches are scary AF from the outside; can't imagine what it's like to live through one. Hope these people bought a lottery ticket soon after.


NIRPL t1_j1qu9sq wrote

No point in the lottery ticket. All their collective luck has been spent! Happy to read everyone survived


Cerebral-Parsley t1_j1rgnvt wrote

I read an article about one that killed a group of skiers. One of the survivors dug out his friend, who was crushed into a ball shape with every limb disjointed and most bones broken.

Found it:


SuperRockGaming t1_j1rpavt wrote

Oh my god.. I've always wondered what the aftermath of being in one would look like, that's awful.


Mybluesky t1_j1rog6s wrote

Wow that was a amazing read. What a sobering story. Thank you for sharing.


FlyingWhales t1_j1s6fjz wrote

Damn, what a read. Thanks for sharing.


Cerebral-Parsley t1_j1scec5 wrote


BubbaUGA t1_j1uonj7 wrote

That was fantastic. Thank you for sharing!


Bearcat2010 t1_j1xuata wrote

Thanks for sharing. We were just at Steven’s Pass earlier this year. I had no idea.


svernon t1_j1qt1ef wrote

It sounds like they just won the lottery!


ChaoticGiratina t1_j1qioo6 wrote

That is great news! Suffocating under the snow would be so scary. Rescuers did amazing work man.


Snakend t1_j1rje5p wrote

The problem isnt suffocating, but low body temperatures and being crushed by the snow.


lineasmg t1_j1rqcuf wrote

Not quite. You have 9 minutes without oxygen before you get irreparable brain damage. Hypoxia will kill you you way faster than the cold will. Getting crushed is a mild concern because the snow is much lighter than you think.


Snakend t1_j1rt65o wrote

you can breathe in snow.


pidgey77 t1_j1ruw25 wrote

So many avalanche experts in this thread


pessimistic_platypus t1_j1rxkn4 wrote

Only up to a point; air doesn't move as freely in snow as in, well, air, so you do eventually run out of oxygen if you can't create a sufficiently-large vent to the surface.

This article says that 70% of fully-buried avalanche victims die of oxygen loss within 35 minutes without an air pocket, and after 90 minutes, even air pockets aren't enough (unless they connect to the outside atmosphere).


pjshaw1995 t1_j1s0etm wrote

yeah but the snow can be so densely packed that your chest cavity literally cannot expand to get air in. source: am a ski patroller.


kelp_forests t1_j1s4319 wrote

I think everyone is talking past each other and the real answer is if you survive without a life threatening injury, your main issue is oxygen for, then “shortly” afterwards, cold.

Source: ER doctkr with no ski experience, open to corrections.


Higira t1_j1twr0r wrote

Yeah sounds about right.

Source: some dude on the internet.


JackRusselTerrorist t1_j1ugbzf wrote

Generally speaking in any collapse/land slide/ avalanche/ etc. your best bet is to be on your hands and knees, to ensure you’ve got a void beneath you that your chest can expand into, and have a little air pocket.

In an avalanche, having your back to a ledge is your best bet.


1_small_step t1_j1s4azf wrote

In avalanche hardened snow, you run out of oxygen in around half an hour.

About half of all avalanche deaths are by suffocation, the other half is due to trauma. No one dies in an avalanche due to freezing.


YoudontknowSMIT t1_j1rvbln wrote

Perhaps, but it’s significantly more difficult to breathe after avalanche snow has packed into your entire respiratory tract and filled your lungs 😳


pessimistic_platypus t1_j1rwu7q wrote

Avalanche snow isn't a fluid; I'm pretty sure it isn't typically going to get forced down your throat, and definitely not into your lungs.

But if the snow is dense enough, you still will run out of air eventually.

According to this study, most people buried in avalanches do die because they run out of air, but it sounds like it's a lot slower than drowning, so there is a better chance for rescue if people get to you soon enough.


JackRusselTerrorist t1_j1ufs97 wrote

Snow is a great insulator, actually.

In the small space you’ve got to yourself, your body heat can make a pretty comfortable cocoon. It’s actually recommended that if you find yourself stranded in the wilderness in winter, that you make yourself a little snow cave for shelter.

The crush isn’t as much of a concern, because that happens right at the beginning. Once you’re crushed by an avalanche, you’re not doing much more worrying.

The main concern is CO2 levels in your little cavity. Each breath you take makes the aid you’re breathing a bit more toxic.


atlas_eater t1_j1qzv37 wrote

As a backcountry skier one of the scariest things about avalanches is that they are almost completely silent. They can break trees and if you are skiing below, you would have no idea that it was coming for you unless you saw it.

Last year my group saw an avalanche and knew that there was a group in that area as we had left the parking lot at the same time and chatted with them.

They made it to the ridge and had lunch and dropped in, they were on the ski out, back to the parking lot when we ran into them. We had seen the slide, called search and rescue and started up towards the bottom of the slide expecting to be digging them out, but found them on the skin track.They were completely unaware that the slope they just skied had slide right behind them.

Apparently just as they were about to drop in a solo skier showed up at the top and skied the same line and triggered the Avi on top of them.

We all went back to the debris pile to try and find the solo skier and he was there, he was uninjured and looking for the skiers we were with. He definitely shit his pants though.

The avi had snapped trees that were probably 10 years old making this a particularly large one that had overlapped its historical path.

I would estimate it at a class three based on the volumn of snow in the debris pile.

The Avalanche was triggered in the alpine and this dude was lucky that he triggered it below himself, or he would have been dead, the scary part is all the skiers that went before skied the same line.

Back country skiing is a lot like playing mine sweeper, but if you hit a trigger the slope slides.


parsifal t1_j1sz4my wrote

Avalanches sound scary. How would you feel if you saw a Bruce Vilanch up on the mountain?


DivinationByCheese t1_j1tk1qd wrote

Would be great if people stopped putting themselves in areas prone to avalanche for an “hobby”


atlas_eater t1_j1tt5qt wrote

I don’t disagree with you, the problem is that people don’t get adequate avalanche training, and have very little idea how to navigate in avalanche terrain, much less disseminate an avalanche hazard report.

For me, I take at least one avi or ski mountaineering course a year and only travel with experienced backcountry skiers or split boarders. And once the season starts, it’s full on, skiing, planning missions, watching the weather, and having the patience to wait for the snowpack to consolidate after a storm , then checking/ recording snowpack observations as we move through the terrain.

People think that skiing in the back country is laid back, but it’s anything but. It’s about planning checking gear and waking up at ungodly hours in order to summit before the sun comes up and starts warming the snowpack. It’s about knowing when to back off and having a back up plan. It’s about respecting the slopes and getting home safe.

the fact is if you ski enough you will get caught in a slide at some point, or have to deal with an injury way out in the middle of no where, it’s about mitigating the hazard and knowing when to huck and when to take a granny line.

There is a steep couloir line that I have wanted to ski for about three years now and I have been up to it about 10 times and still have never skied it, because it’s exposed, and has no where to exit or stop.

Usually on these slopes we leap frog between islands of safety, but this line it has to be shredded top to bottom,it’s a no stopping steel legger, it’s so sexy, fast and dangerous it will be extremely rewarding when it hits.

Ski touring/ mountaineering is fucking awesome, it’s not a hobby and that’s the problem, people think it is something they can jump into every once in a while, it’s not. It’s a way of life during the winter.


EmpressElisa t1_j1q5547 wrote

This would be called a holiday miracle if you were inclined to believe in miracles.

Glad everyone were found safe and alive.

Happy Holidays to one and all



Snakend t1_j1rjb0t wrote

A miracle implies the intervention of God. This was achieved by trained humans.


chacmool1697 t1_j1srlpx wrote

But god gave them dope-ass skiing abilities just this once so they could do it. Did you just become a Christian yesterday??


Tiruvalye t1_j1qmxqo wrote

A burden was lifted from me today after I read it earlier this morning. Thank you so much for reposting this very uplifting news!


Spikole t1_j1rgqpq wrote

Do they still use Saint Bernards to help there? Monks trained them to go out in groups of three males in the alps many years ago. If you could walk they would lead you back to the monks, if trapped and unable to walk two would sit and keep you warm and one would go back to get monks for help. Long haired saints are a result of rough winter they mixed with Newfoundlands for thicker coat. These coats froze and weighed them down killing them not helping them and they quickly went back to short hair only. The long hairs we see now like in Beethoven are actually just a mistake that didn’t work out. They’re able to sniff someone below ten feet of snow… mine was great at hide and seek when he used his nose.


lineasmg t1_j1rqsb1 wrote

They don't. In the is case there were around 200 rescue volunteers and several helicopters that helped search for the missing people


CrocoPontifex t1_j1s0ynb wrote

They are too big and heavy, break through the snow cover all the time which makes them slow. Its mostly german shepards these days.


thatsapeachhun t1_j1tig6s wrote

And Labs, due to their resistant nature to cold conditions, ability to smell through water, and unrelenting worth ethic.


Muntjac t1_j1vhyab wrote

Iirc, they haven't used St Bernards for their original purpose since the late 1800s or early 1900s. After the darn Victorians got to them and did their usual kennel clubbin' pure breedin' shenanigans, the modern dogs are nothing like the original rescue dogs, which were smaller and more varied (and tbh the modern dogs would be pretty crap at the job). Back when the dogs were originally used, and before the newfies were brought in to help save the breed after avalanches killed a bunch of them, the monks didn't use a proper stud book or anything like that. They kinda just let the best workers breed, no matter how they looked.


gyarnar t1_j1qoa2q wrote

I fear missing myself.

I'm glad they were found.


Tcat61 t1_j1qnhjh wrote

Great news!


Available_Username_2 t1_j1q5dt9 wrote

If you are only feared missing, are you really missing? No.

How can you be found if you aren't really missing?


Major_t0Ad t1_j1qbprd wrote

Four injured, one seriously. So four people "really" were there. The other six were only visible on a video taken shortly before the incident. Rescue workers assumed 10 missing because of the video. They continued searching until all persons could be identified and asked to call in.

Hopes were already high since no person were called missing by relatives or hotels.


furiouscowbell t1_j1rivm6 wrote

Yeah, you can be.

  • You and your friends are known to be walking on a trail
  • You do not have a radio
  • Authorities are informed that a bear, an apex predator, is high on cocaine in your area.
  • Authorities do not know if you are missing or if you are still on your hike.

jihadi_adruk t1_j1s0bc9 wrote

Going skiing near Lech in a couple days! Glad they’re all ok


UndeadBBQ t1_j1tvk2x wrote

Everytime I read something like this, I can't overstate how much I love that we have these largely volunteer troop of mountaineers who won't hesitate for a second to basically sprint up a mountain to go looking for everyone and anyone whos missing.

Absolute madlads.

If anyone feels inclined, here is a donation page for them:


X3ll3n t1_j1rjsa0 wrote

Finally some good fucking news


Inversecat t1_j1sl8ve wrote

So they all completed the games.


amitym t1_j1t6sw3 wrote

They were not "feared missing." They were missing.

They were feared dead.


DuelOstrich t1_j1trla5 wrote

I don’t think people understand actually how impressive of a rescue this is. Even if they were wearing avalanche transceivers, a 10 victim scenario would be chaos. I’ll be very interested to learn more about the actual rescue and how they were able to pull this off!


AutoModerator t1_j1q1i1j wrote

Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here.

All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


BluudLust t1_j1qhldk wrote

That's a miracle.


SoundlessScream t1_j1rbiq7 wrote

I thought this said australlia and I was like "When did australlia get snowy mountains wtf"


amazingphrasing t1_j1remp9 wrote

we actually have a snowy mountains. it’s not anything compared to the Austrian / Italian / Suisse/ French alps. But, you can ski and it does actually snow. Perisher and Thredbo are the main places to ski in Australia. They’re great fun, nothing spectacular, but skiing through eucalyptus trees is pretty cool.


SoundlessScream t1_j1uqltj wrote

I was hoping I would get an answer like this, thank you.

> skiing through eucalyptus trees is pretty cool.

😂😂 The koalas scream as you fly by and yell "I'm a giraffe"


g_r_a_e t1_j1sgypc wrote

We got a mountain range called the Snowy Mountains so this is probably one of the few times I could say 'we literally have snowy mountains' and be literally correct.

edit: porbably haha!


MoreMagic t1_j1ugeuq wrote

The actual answer to that question is: about 100 million years ago. :)


SlyguyguyslY t1_j1rnl9o wrote

Epic! Some actual uplifting non-political content, for once!


patxy01 t1_j1rzq8a wrote


Do you people know if kangaroos were involved also?


x15vroom t1_j1s50s9 wrote

Ok I love this sub, that’s so rad!


ZeldasDad t1_j1s7f3f wrote

And reposted from the Apollo app! Yay!


ybdiel OP t1_j1zogfd wrote

Irony is that the day I was posting this one of my friends died in the snow while climbing up Olympus mountain in Greece. Although the story is in Greek, google translate will work, so i am leaving this here as a memory

Wish you all attempting such feats to be safe and extra careful.


jawshoeaw t1_j1rwthc wrote

They were feared missing?


HeeenYO t1_j1qm8vn wrote

I thought it was summer down there

Edit: Guys it's simple. Didgeridoo. Common avalanche prevention. Best practice, really.


afr33sl4ve t1_j1qny5d wrote

You're thinking of Australia, my dude. This is Austria, which borders Germany.


kennymakaha t1_j1qt9nz wrote

Lovely accent you have there. New Jersey?


HuntStuffs t1_j1qw4xu wrote

G’day mate! Let’s put another shrimp on the barbe!


patxy01 t1_j1s01xk wrote

After the heavy fire they had... Something is really against this country!

I really hope that kangaroos are fine!

Like to send prayers!


SargentSnorkel t1_j1regbm wrote

They weren’t FEARED missing. That’s the second one doing this on the same story. Fucking karma posting bots.


ybdiel OP t1_j1rljsx wrote

Did you just call me a bot bro?


kfh227 t1_j1roxo3 wrote

Feared missing?

Like... They didn't know they were missing?


n33daus3rnamenow t1_j1rt1f3 wrote

There was a video that showed up to 10 people being swallowed by the avalanche. Turns out that a few managed to escape off camera and make it down the mountain unscathed.

Emergency services didn't know that at first and kept looking for all 10 people in the video.


baphometromance t1_j1q8gdh wrote

This is such a dumb title. I really hope it was just an error in translation.


deepthought-64 t1_j1qbjhz wrote

Glad you explained why!


baphometromance t1_j1qfinp wrote

I assumed it would be extremely obvious to the average person, but i was wrong, sorry. What i meant was they were missing and were feared dead, not whatever the official title was supposed to mean


89141 t1_j1qh2ai wrote

It seems pretty straight forward to me.


lostharbor t1_j1r2xfn wrote

Why are you going out of your way to being rude for no reason? I hope your day gets better.