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Acheal85 t1_iy7tjjj wrote

Now imagine if they did this with all Nestle products.


Yeuph t1_iy816q1 wrote

And coffee

And most everything coming from China


TransposingJons t1_iy8b3l4 wrote

The US only does this to companies headquartered in, or run by, governments we don't get along with.


[deleted] t1_iy6i531 wrote

Ironic given how closely US prison labour resembles slavery.


Thespel t1_iy6n0gr wrote

"Maybe I don't want to be the bad guy anymore"


Independent-Site2572 t1_iy7ir78 wrote

They should pay their workers more than 86 cents per hour then


FLORI_DUH t1_iy9kz2n wrote

No problem, they'll just start charging for room and board and take it out of your increased pay


[deleted] t1_iy6m3tm wrote



[deleted] t1_iy6mgc4 wrote


Morbo_Doooooom t1_iy7qwde wrote

The ACLU wants them to have OT and unions? Gtfo here. Worker safety sure job training sure. But allowing a prison population to organize? Ya like that wont cause its own issues.

Also its hilarious to me that anytime the US does a good thing someone starts bitching about something else.

Other countries are exploiting free labor and grossly inhumane conditions from free citizens.

At least we work on ourselves and critique ourselves.


CantHideFromGoblins t1_iy88wdb wrote

> But allowing a prison population to organize? Ya like that wont cause its own issues.

Yeah I mean have you SEEN Australia?


Stats_n_PoliSci t1_iy6xqap wrote

Note the article never calls prison labor slavery.


[deleted] t1_iy6yomy wrote

No, it’s not. OP was talking about forced labour, which American prisons practice. What do you call it? In my country, forced labour falls under our slavery legislation.


[deleted] t1_iy6n83u wrote



[deleted] t1_iy6nl7b wrote

  1. I’m not American. 2. My point was to illustrate USA’s double standards in relation to human rights. 3. I’m actually fine with it, thanks.

tearsaresweat t1_iy6j3kq wrote

More like Haitian slave labor.


not_that_planet t1_iy8ez9m wrote

Was gonna say... "forced labor". Isn't there another word for that?


samanime t1_iy8pmuv wrote

Strictly speaking, slave labor is forced labor, but not all forced labor is slave labor.

Community service is technically "forced labor", but those people aren't slaves.


chrisp909 t1_iy9rrow wrote

The 13th amendment of the US Constitution seems to disagree.

>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

"Forced labor as a punishment for a crime" could be considered involuntary servitude if it was in repayment for a fine, I suppose.

Involuntary servitude involves debt of some kind.

If the labor performed was the original sentence punishment, or if you are a prisoner doing compulsory work for the state then it's considered an exception and is legal slavery in the eyes of the US constitution.

Pretty sure that's how this works. Not a lawyer though. Would love to hear from one if I'm wrong.


samanime t1_iy9t0eq wrote

The Constitution doesn't say that doing "involuntary servitude" makes you a slave. It is just outlawing both, other than in cases of punishment for a crime.

Being a slave generally means you are treated as the property of someone. You can be forced to perform labor without being considered someone's property.

Also, I was talking in general, plain language sense, not in the sense of a legal definition in a single country...


chrisp909 t1_iya0ehr wrote

>The Constitution doesn't say that doing "involuntary servitude" makes you a slave.

Correct. As I stated they are two different things.

Involuntary servitude is forced labor that involves a debt.

Slavery is forced labor but there is no debt associated with it. Documented ownership of a person isn't necessary.

You stated that community service isn't slavery. According to the US Constitution it is or can be. It's forced labor so why wouldn't it be?

Sorry if this was confusing for you.


samanime t1_iya3bwq wrote

Slavery =/= involuntary servitude and slavery =/= forced labor (though slavery can involved forced labor)

All forced labor is not slavery. Community service is involuntary servitude, repaying a debt to society for a crime.

They are different. I'm not the one confused.

And even if the US Constitution said otherwise, that wouldn't alter the plain language understanding of the terms for the whole world. The US =/= the world.


chrisp909 t1_iyab25r wrote

>Community service is involuntary servitude, repaying a debt to society for a crime.

Under your definition, just being in prison is involuntary servitude. I don't think that's an accurate definition to a lot of people.


>And even if the US Constitution said otherwise, that wouldn't alter the plain language understanding of the terms for the whole world. The US =/= the world.

Your colloquial definitions may be correct to you or even in some countries / regions but language and colloquial definitions are not apples for apples all over the world.

You != the world.


alabasterwilliams t1_iy777dy wrote

How in the blue fuck is this uplifting?

Sugar in the US was made possible by forced labor and a tragically bloody path carved through Cuba starting in 1899.

We are responsible for such an immense amount of suffering, this is like slapping a dirty band-aid on an already gangrenous wound.

Empty and meaningless.


CopperFoxsee t1_iy7yfh3 wrote

It is 100% public relations bullshit. If big corporations really wanted to end slave labour, they would work with the supply chain to stop it, not just refuse to buy the product.


MarvinHeemyerlives t1_iy8p3v6 wrote

The big US sugar manufacturers are behind it, they don't want cheap sugar in America. Rest of the world pays half what we Americans do for refined sugar.


CO_PC_Parts t1_iy94dx7 wrote

Yup, the US gov't heavily restricts foreign sugar. This is just another excuse to exclude additional sugar. Also sugar is price fixed and not a true market commodity.

I grew up in a sugar beet region of the US. If you bring any of this up they say that sugar needs to be protected and yadda yadda yadda. They bitch about everything the gov't does, except when it comes time to hand out those subsidy checks.


GnomesSkull t1_iy7zyli wrote

Bad things in the past invalidating good things now is a good way for no progress to happen.


alabasterwilliams t1_iy84rd9 wrote

Acknowledging the bad past, and doing something other than refusing not to play is a good way for progress to happen.


SlaverSlave t1_iy82oe0 wrote

What about empty gestures masquerading as meaningful policy?


Mental_Bookkeeper658 t1_iy84qv9 wrote

One of my clients was the local community college system a while ago. Sat down with the head of interior design early on to go over their role and processes. Anyway I asked about bids and orders for furniture, and she said “yeah we basically don’t bid things out and buy all the furniture from the prison system.” Apparently this is the case for all public colleges in the state. All the desks, beds, everything, are done with prison labor.


Girion47 t1_iy80ndw wrote

The posts I read from DR commenters seem to indicate this was only done to punish DR for rejecting Haitian refugees. Which if true seems shitty to only enforce when we'd rather a different country deal with refugees, than us. The richest country


Future-Being t1_iy83a5q wrote

The problem is part of the Haitian refugee issue is due to US influence. The US can’t expect the DR to take a massive amount of refugee when the Dominican people barely have any public resources that work. I think the US should take a look at some of the pictures of their border. See what they do then.


raypkm t1_iy8mwx8 wrote

Dominicans recently always feel like they are being punished by the west because of their treatment of Haitians as if they aren’t actively racist and historically have marginalized them.. I agree you cannot expect the DR to support another poorer country when they struggle with poverty as well. However, Dominicans struggle with discrimination and blatant anti-colorism which makes it difficult to reach a resolution the public can agree to.


Electrical-Bed8577 t1_iyasq4q wrote

I'm guessing you have never been to Hispaniola. I encourage a trip there to see some truth.


raypkm t1_iyat5xb wrote

I am Dominican. I go often, both sides of my family are from there. I have formally researched this topic and have interviewed many folks about the relationship been Dominicans and Haitians. I am not speaking of ignorance or white knighting defending the United States.


Electrical-Bed8577 t1_iyatt56 wrote

So then maybe I misunderstand your comment ... who is or is not racist? Dominicans? West?


raypkm t1_iyaybnn wrote

Dominicans are def racist lol


Nemphiz t1_iyedc0o wrote

Isn't that generalization, racist?


Electrical-Bed8577 t1_iyezg7f wrote

None that I met. Definitely extremely classist but I saw and heard no racism. Our guys drove us around much of the island, including past the armed guards at ... Haiti mountain border over the months we were last there. Unless you count trying to have enough babies to outnumber everyone else as a race case... I just didn't see it.


raypkm t1_iyf0360 wrote

Thank you for sharing your personal experience. I don’t think it beats out my lifetime of intimately knowing my own culture, language, politics and people. But you know. Different opinions I guess


Electrical-Bed8577 t1_iyfbvt2 wrote

Just saying we didn't see it, not competing. Many other questionable things seen, but not racism. We care for people there and visit often. I'm sorry for your experience.


pigoath t1_iy946mc wrote

>actively racist and historically have marginalized them..

How the heck are we racists if we are black and they're black too?

If they're so marginalized why they keep crossing to our side to live, work and have their children educated in our schools?

Stop spreading anti-dominican propaganda.


Ebmat t1_iy9m62d wrote

Easy to point the finger from the outside browsing from your iPhone.


pigoath t1_iy9rwmd wrote

Have an Android 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ebmat t1_iy9w58t wrote

Ok at some point. We are all benefiting from some abusive type of labor. Bet you most people feeling outrage by this are using an iPhone.


pigoath t1_iy9wdns wrote

>We are all benefiting from some abusive type of labor.

That's true.

>Bet you most people feeling outrage by this are using an iPhone.

Possibly true. Like the people who say Down to capitalism on twitter with the Twitter for iPhone tag in the bottom.


BronxLens t1_iy86thg wrote

Do this to iPhones next…


pigoath t1_iy94vcz wrote

It's important to know that this is an American Company whose owners are Cuban Americans. It isn't "Dominican sugar imports" the title is misleading. The company is Central Romana owned by the Fanjul brothers.

And yes it seems retaliatory since the US issued a travel warning to US citizens claiming that we are deporting people based on race without providing any evidence. Rep. Adriano Espaillat and a Senator for NY. Asked the US. Gov. To provide evidence to these claims. Our foreign ministry hit back with a letter calling their BS a few days after then travel advisory and then this happened.

It's political; this company has been operating for years and years. Why doesn't the US do the same for China and their literal slaves and Uyghur Muslim abuses?


Ebmat t1_iy9mq41 wrote

Un ironically ban sigan imports while watching the World Cup. Are we doing the same to the emirates?


MarvinHeemyerlives t1_iy8oobi wrote

Isn't the Washington Post owned by a famous slave driver/master?


AutoModerator t1_iy6bpre wrote

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PigeonsArePopular t1_iy7rygm wrote

Apple computers etc linked to forced labor totally welcome though


datDANKie t1_iy9bfga wrote

now the slaves have to work even harder for the loss


FLORI_DUH t1_iy9kt3m wrote

This isn't really uplifting news, because domestic US sugar production is an unmitigated environmental disaster that is currently devastating Florida, including the Everglades. Reducing imports is just what they want, since it'll make us even more dependent on their product. We'd be far better off supporting slavery than contaminating water that ~20 million people rely on.


StarGG4358 t1_iy9qpb5 wrote

Genuine question, how do they now know if it’s slavery or not?


KingWut117 t1_iyas0ik wrote

We don't want competition with our own forced labor


WG4H t1_iy6nkaa wrote

