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frealfr t1_je6gb9l wrote

Wait. They were extinct. These do not exist.


thethpunjabi OP t1_je6gkwc wrote

They were locally extinct (extirpation) from India but the Asiatic cheetah subspecies still survives in Iran (though their current situation is bleak and dire). These reintroduced cheetahs belong to the southeast African subspecies. They’re all cheetahs, however.


Norwester77 t1_je6xii9 wrote

Extinction Extirpation (extinction within a particular region), but yay!


Outrageous_Humor_313 t1_je81kub wrote

Asiatic cheetah are extinct in India and only 100 are remaining in entire world.


Norwester77 t1_je84xap wrote

Right, but “extirpation” is the proper term for when a species is gone from a particular area but still exists in the world.


MizElaneous t1_je8dbm3 wrote

extinct means they don't exist anywhere in the world.


yellowzebrasfly t1_je6dx1z wrote

Great, now protect them. Does India have good wildlife conservation?


thethpunjabi OP t1_je6fgjs wrote

I would say so. India is doing a pretty good job in-regards to conserving megafauna species. Rhino, tiger, and lion numbers are on the rise. However, I worry about habitat destruction, fragmentation, and degradation.


wazbang t1_je73spm wrote

They still got asiatic lions in India? That’s great news! I thought they where virtually extinct


Snizl t1_je9cdxh wrote

Baghjan has been quite the disaster though, unfortunately...


[deleted] t1_je8427m wrote



TheMountainRidesElia t1_je88p0t wrote

A lot of the bad air quality is mainly in the North Indian Gangetic plain, which is surrounded by mountains thus the heavier smoke tends to settle there.

Additionally the farmers nearby also engage in burning crop stubble, which causes heavy smog in Delhi especially. The government tried to stop it with laws, but that led to... Problems.

The capital of India, Delhi, is most affected so there's a bit more bad pr there.


zethuz t1_je8e572 wrote

India is quite massive . Quality of air is bad in cities not forests


fiddler013 t1_je9brq8 wrote

The country with regards to cheetahs is trying to fix what the Brits fucked up big time. If that’s any important to you.


SmokedEarth t1_je9p5is wrote

These fucks will never admit to that. European colonialism has been the primary cause of many extinctions.


fiddler013 t1_jecoct0 wrote

Coz admitting it would mean reparations like France demanded from Haiti for its independence. Or US for Afghanistan for bombing it for 20 years.


Outrageous_Humor_313 t1_je6m1tt wrote

Yea it does, fun fact there are only 5000 tigers living in the wild in entire world and 3000 happens to be in India. Back in 2000 the tiger population of India was around 782, today there are 3000 tigers. Which is almost 4 times the population growth in 2 decades. And also in case if someone tries to poach there is shoot on sight orders on poachers. So yes i think they are doing pretty good job.


sash71 t1_je8qacq wrote

>if someone tries to poach there is shoot on sight orders on poachers

If this is the only effective way to enforce the law then I'm all for it.


CharacterOtherwise77 t1_je7d4et wrote

And I quote: "I congratulate the entire team of Project Cheetah"


Tattycakes t1_je9bbky wrote



Monkfich t1_je9elc9 wrote

That’s a long gestation, I can’t imagine the chances of repopulation if it’ll be like this every time.


zotstik t1_je842zz wrote

I absolutely love hearing that things like this are successful. however, my worry is that they're still going to be hunted?


-Orcrist t1_je8mgg4 wrote

Always a possibility anywhere in the world.


pras t1_jea7lrj wrote

No haha that was 75 years ago.


AutoModerator t1_je63u20 wrote

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ferrett321 t1_je7plig wrote

Good, now leave them alone


dinamitad t1_jeb7tk9 wrote

Let’s wait and see how long they last…


Now-it-is-1984 t1_je8o7zk wrote

They’ll be extirpated in India again by 2033. Sheesh, I have a grim outlook sometimes but in this case it’s probably warranted.


ReallyNeedNewShoes t1_je7fh7a wrote

cool that's not what extinction means


_music_mongrel t1_je7o7mq wrote

They were extinct in India specifically. They still existed elsewhere. A species can be locally extinct or extinct in the wild while still technically existing


jeho22 t1_je89bz4 wrote

My dog just left my living room and is now in the garage. Is it safe to say that dogs are now extinct in my living room?


_music_mongrel t1_je8ac1z wrote

That would be migration


jeho22 t1_je8bjmf wrote

OK... if I have an indoor cat, and an outdoor cat, and the indoor cat dies... indoor cats are now extinct in my house, yes?

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a brat. But I feel that using this term, that has historically been used to represent the end of a species forever, in this way that focuses on regional populations instead, will only degrade the seriousness of 'extinction' to the public in general. Pushing extinction this way in social media will only dull people's reaction to it in the long run. And there's already a word for what this is trying to do anyway, extirpation. But people on social media don't know that word, so well here we are ;)

Call it regional extinction, or locally extinct, and we'll all on the same page at least.


Blaze___27 t1_jeakdm8 wrote

and after getting new shoes please study about the topic before commenting about it


Hillz44 t1_je82py1 wrote

“This word… I do not think it means what you think it means”

Edit: Princess Bride quote, people


jeho22 t1_je8agxh wrote

It used to be accepted that extinction of a species occurred with the death of the last member of that spices that represented a chance of reproduction in the wild. That being said, definitions of words change over time, same as trends and social norms. Things just change. And we eventually rewrite the definitions to accommodate that.

I don't think that it is particularly wrong to say an animal can be extinct in one region, while existing in another, but it it most definitly confusing to somebody who uses the traditionally accepted definition of extinct. It's much more concise to say that cheetahs disappeared entirely from the region, and only approximately 100 of their particular subspecies exist in the wild somewhere else. In fact, I would say that using the word 'extinct' in the way it is used in this post is most likely intentionally missleading- tho I appreciate that it is probably being done so to bring attention to an issue that I also believe needs to be taken more seriously be humanity on the whole.


HauntingSamurai t1_je9mo7a wrote

The word extirpated is specifically used for "not here anymore but exists elsewhere". So yes, extinct isnt tbe correct wording here. Extinction still means that they're all gone


gorgonopsidkid t1_je7suzk wrote

The Asiatic cheetah, the animal that originally existed in the area, is still locally extinct. They still exist, mostly in Iran. These are African cheetahs. Take this how you will, I personally see it as introduction of an invasive species.


thethpunjabi OP t1_je7y7xs wrote

They’re all the same species, Acinonyx jubatus. Just different subspecies (Acinonyx jubatus jubatus and Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) and genetic studies show a separation of only 32,000 and 67,000 years between the Asiatic subspecies and African subspecies.

Citation: Charruau, P.; Fernandes, C.; Orozco-Terwengel, P.; Peters, J.; Hunter, L.; Ziaie, H.; Jourabchian, A.; Jowkar, H.; Schaller, G. & Ostrowski, S. (2011). "Phylogeography, genetic structure and population divergence time of cheetahs in Africa and Asia: evidence for long-term geographic isolates". Molecular Ecology. 20 (4): 706–724. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04986.x. PMC 3531615. PMID 21214655.


-Orcrist t1_je8mc8h wrote

I'm sure the wildlife department knows a bit more than the average redditor.