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LadyOfMayhem211 t1_je6j1g1 wrote

Sure you can.

I asked my husband to remove a half dead bush from our front lawn. Out he went with a shovel and dug around it for five minutes before sticking the shovel in the ground and leaving it. He came in complaining about the roots being deep and went and napped.

That was two days ago and there is still half a hole next to that bush.


Eversnuffley t1_je6jkzh wrote

Looks like you discovered half a husband


donnielp3 t1_je6x9e1 wrote

Or half a wife that expected someone else to move it for her.


Bakayokoforpresident t1_je76b2n wrote

Maybe the half a wife does other stuff?


donnielp3 t1_je9axhw wrote

Maybe the half a husband does other stuff? We could literally do this all day lol


Bakayokoforpresident t1_je9dyr5 wrote

I mean we could lmao. The main point is that we can't make assumptions and automatically blame the wife (or the husband).


CheckMateFluff t1_je6rp3l wrote

Can you not remove the bush if you wish it not to be there?


hashtagtdsp t1_je75w36 wrote

Why does Ross, the largest friend not simply eat the other five?


SpreadingRumors t1_je6xb8i wrote

The point is for her husband to remove the bush, not her.


Zen1thGam3z t1_je6vyb8 wrote

Well half a hole is still technically a full hole because a hole doesn’t have a defined size


SnooCompliments1875 t1_je78eo1 wrote

It does if I tell you to dig a 5ft hole and you only dig it 2.5 feet deep. Go dig the other half of my hole.


Zen1thGam3z t1_je78o2w wrote

Yeah but the 2.5 ft hole is still a hole it’s just half the size that you want it to be but that doesn’t mean it’s half of a hole


suckleknuckle t1_je8zoms wrote

It’s half of a 5ft deep hole, and a 2.5ft deep hole simultaneously.


SlimRoTTn t1_je6xtk4 wrote

Get a spade shovel and step on it. It'll cut bush roots.


SnooOranges5459 t1_je691ds wrote

you could dig a normal hole then fill in half the dirt. technically it’s still a hole but it is “half what the hole was” interesting to think abt though


TheVyper3377 t1_je6adw1 wrote

You’d still dig the whole hole first. Now, if you were instructed to dig a 10-foot hole but only dug a 5-foot hole, you could then claim that you dug half of a hole.


SnooOranges5459 t1_je6al6d wrote

True. But what a 5 foot hole still is a hole. half of that would be a 2 1/2 foot hole. it’s funny to think abt


Dilpickle6194 t1_je70w9n wrote

Well, you dug half a 10 ft hole. But you still dug a 5 ft hole.


bigmac22077 t1_je7gk4s wrote

No, you dug half the required hole. But the hole you dug is still the whole hole.


PomegranateIll7303 t1_je6jxgv wrote

You can dig half of the hole but not half a hole.


Jatyha211 t1_je6ofrx wrote

Need someone to fill my hole asap


Gqsmooth1969 t1_je6ookt wrote

I think you wandered into the wrong sub... Although this could be a shower thought itself.


bigmac22077 t1_je7gowx wrote

If you’re referring to your ear hole, I’m down. What we sticking in there?


Jatyha211 t1_je7hyw3 wrote

Not Q-tips for sure.

Those would be bad for my earhole.


stumblewiggins t1_je6dqgq wrote

You can dig half of the intended hole, but yes, a hole is a discrete thing that has no inherent dimensions.


nonresponsive t1_je738ou wrote

The technical definition of a hole can definitely be a contested topic.

Ask yourself, how many holes does a straw have?


Rhovanind t1_je75sq3 wrote

Luckily we have a field of mathematics to solve problems like this. "Topology... is concerned with the properties of a geometric object that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending; that is, without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing, or passing through itself" (Wikipedia).

From my (admittedly basic) understanding, a straw is topologically identical to a donut (torus), which has only 1 hole.


Vincent541 t1_je7739u wrote

You topologists also say that a coffee mug is topologically identical to a donut. What's next cows are spheres?


wj9eh t1_je77bno wrote

A cow can be simplified to a sphere.


Dry-Faithlessness184 t1_je75t7e wrote

Not really? Hole has an absolute definition of a hollow place or opening in a surface or solid.

The better question is usually one to do with relevancy. That there are naturally 4 holes in a t-shirt doesn't matter if I'm asking about how many holes are in a damaged one. The same goes for straw, to what type of hole are you caring about.


TheGeekno99 t1_je77brv wrote

The definition of a hole is quite simple, really (given in the other comment about topology). Or at least that's the definition of hole that works best with the real world.

(As my math teacher used to say, everything is just a bunch of conventions : We could say that lim x/x x->0 = 3, but a lot of things in the real world wouldn't be as coherent as they are with that)

Also a straw has one hole.

Another more interesting question in my opinion : If you dig a hole in a hole is it 1 hole or 2 holes ?


Riothegod1 t1_je78ia5 wrote

My answer is “none”. It doesn’t have a hold because it is a hollow cylinder.


Priest_of_Heathens t1_je6ewi8 wrote

What if none of the holes we dig are really holes because they don't pass all the way through the earth? Maybe you can only dig half a hole.


92lozza t1_je6iiex wrote

If you dug a hole from one side of the earth and out the other, would that be one hole or two


FlyingSpacefrog t1_je74xrc wrote

It is geometrically similar to a donut. Donuts have one hole. So the earth would have one hole in it. Straws are the same way.


Skintents4days t1_je6nhdi wrote

If my buddy and I go dig a hole in the backyard we’ve each dig half a hole


ChiefBlubberNuggets t1_je6vhzs wrote

If the desired hole was meant to be a specific depth or width then yes, you can absolutely dig half a hole.


bigmac22077 t1_je7h7dw wrote

The hole they dug is still a whole hole. If you walked away and a new person walked up, they wouldn’t think “there’s half a hole” they’d think it’s just a hole.


ChiefBlubberNuggets t1_je7i2i8 wrote

What is a hole to you, u/bigmac22077?


Ingenrollsroyce t1_je6vtad wrote

At some point during the hole digging process there is going to be half a hole, can't go from no hole to 100% hole instantly


Sheikhaz t1_je75keu wrote

it's a Boolean, not a number. it's either true or it's false there aren't any other options.


Wimbledofy t1_je6waus wrote

what is a 50% hole? It either is a hole or it isn't.


Leafsong-Warriors OP t1_je6wrli wrote

In my eyes, if you have shovelled one spadeful of dirt out of the earth, that is a hole. It is a small hole, but it is still a hole. Therefore, it has gone from 0% hole to 100% hole instantly.


SnooCompliments1875 t1_je78ymu wrote

So if I remove one spec of dirt that's a hole? I disagree holeheartedly with that notion.


bigmac22077 t1_je7hlpd wrote

Removing that spec of dirt may result in a hole so big it could take microbes days to get to the bottom.


SnooCompliments1875 t1_je7vcvi wrote

Indeed, all a matter of perspective. Kinda like how we say tear and cut are different actions but on a microscopic level cutting is literally just causing so much pressure on a single point it causes the material to tear.


JokerTokerJR t1_je7hti6 wrote

I think it's logically sound.

Your just comparing it to something illogical. Removing one speck of sand is not "digging" that's like calling walking digging.

That's like calling a single piece of sand a pebble. Cmon, you know the difference.

I agree with op. You can't dig half a hole, and it's pretty funny.


SnooCompliments1875 t1_je7v4l4 wrote

Disappointed you missed the pun, why so serious Joker?


JokerTokerJR t1_je84p5x wrote

Na, you missed the pun bro.

Ima Joker, ima smoker, ima midnight Toker.

I might be Slow, keep it on the down Low, but just so I Know, Snoo. What pun did you Bestow? Must have missed the memo.


KeepingMaToast t1_je6rgm8 wrote

If you have a certain measurement you need to dig the whole, technically you can dig half a hole


LongLongMan_TM t1_je6h5lj wrote

Sure you can. If I get you to dig a 5 feet hole, it better be 5. Everything less is not the complete hole I ordered/commissioned.


SophiesUncle t1_je6o79n wrote

It's still a hole even if it's 3 feet. Maybe it's not the complete hole you asked to be dug, but still a hole.


tweetiebryd t1_je6uksg wrote

I dig three feet into the earth, Hand you the shovel for your turn of the labor. You dig the other half of one six-foot-deep hole while I stand up there smugly until you admit that nobody likes a pedant or it becomes the hill you die on.


yubioh t1_je6zfwx wrote

Reading all other comments, and I still logically end up with OP's shower thought... nailed it.


weedgay t1_je76d0u wrote

Sure you can, if the body is 6 ft deep and you only dug 3 ft that would be half a hole. Everything is about context


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_je67tav wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Christy_Cola t1_je6k9ow wrote

If I dig it out all the way I might find what I have been needing and that scares the shit outta me


daHob t1_je6kmyc wrote

I bet I could find a large number of drill sergeants that would vocally disagree with you.


kyunirider t1_je6op8n wrote

Please don’t bury anyone half way. If you only bury half way your going to stink up the grave yard.


Mausel_Pausel t1_je74foi wrote

And that is why there is no answer to the age old riddle: If a man and a half can dig a hole and a half in a day in a half, why can’t a chicken kick a wart off a pickle?


boredtoddler t1_je74trl wrote

Sure you can. Just make someone else dig the other half. Now you have one hole dug by two people. So you dug half a hole.


Nurmu_YT t1_je74yqc wrote

If you dig for an amount of time and then someone else continues, you have dug halve of that hole.


TheresNoAmosOnlyZuul t1_je74zca wrote

What I'd you and someone else both dug a whole together at an even pace? I feel like each of you dug half the hole.


DongLongus t1_je755fr wrote

If you dig a hole and fill half of it with water is the whole hole dry


ewanneedscoffee t1_je75cec wrote

If you want to dig a hole that is 3 feet deep and 2 feet diameter you could dig half of that.


ARussianSheep t1_je77qx3 wrote

“Now we’re digging a hooooole, that’s what we’re doin. But is a hole even a thing?”


wasupmadodos t1_je7815u wrote

"Half" is a subjective concept, so it would depend on your original goal.