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shottylaw t1_ja145xz wrote

I'm pretty sure the ultimate biological weapon is the air in daycare facilities


theWildBore t1_ja159me wrote

Didiaper oxide is lethal


mhk98 t1_ja1z6rd wrote

You’re thinking of diaper dioxide actually: DiaperO_2


mrfitty t1_ja1pclr wrote

I think you may have proved the OP's point. Are toddlers not tiny stupid people?..


vkapadia t1_ja1zwaj wrote

My wife works at a daycare. Can confirm this is true.


Incredulous_Toad t1_ja21gyw wrote

Kids are just buckets of disease.


vkapadia t1_ja23veo wrote

Yup. Her immune system is stronger now, but when she first worked there she'd come home sniffly all the time.


KickBassColonyDrop t1_ja20lhc wrote

Tough call. They don't develop object permanence for several years. I think you need that in order to qualify as someone being stupid. If their brains can't remember that because their eyes can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, then it's impossible to claim they're stupid. In fact, claiming that they're stupid is on of itself stupid. You neeny.


ScarTheGoth t1_ja14vrv wrote

Can confirm. My cousin worked in one and got Covid twice.


DarkGengar94 t1_ja21bcj wrote

What about old ppl smell?

Old lady was near the register the other day and I was dam choking


FranKing0807 t1_ja16tu0 wrote

>the air in daycare facilities

Have you been to a daycare, like ever? What the f🦆k kind of health inspector just allows the daycare to constantly smell like someone just opened 20 diapers on a summer day at the dump? Are your kids and/or you ok, u/shottylaw?


shottylaw t1_ja1ctrq wrote

I'm referring to the fact that kids are always sick, and daycares spread that wildly. Settle down


peter13g t1_ja1dirr wrote

I thought that was obvious, I never caught the flu… until I had a child. They just cough and sneeze right into your face and then laugh when you freak out.


asyoucommandstan t1_ja1j7zx wrote

and people ask why I dont want kids. Tack that reason on to the list I already have that's a mile long.


0r0B0t0 t1_ja1qzft wrote

Last week I got hand foot and mouth disease so bad I’m partially blind now. It should get better in few weeks. I hope anyway.


shottylaw t1_ja1r4qv wrote

Oh man, that sucks! I also got that when my kid was in daycare. Worst sore throat of my life


Tu_mama_me_ama_mucho t1_ja1xnn5 wrote

Shit bro, last year August. We send the 1 yo to daycare 5yo to kinder, 10yo to 4th. We had:

Stomach flu. 2 times

Flu. 1 time

A covid virus ( not 19)

Cold 2 times

We mask at home when someone is sick. This week is the only one we haven't been sick, one gets sick 3 days later the next one... just keep going


Dissastronaut t1_ja1d6sd wrote

China gave the united states tic tok algorithms for this reason


darkwhiskey t1_ja1p3gp wrote

blew my mind when I learned that China has an entirely different TikTok for its own citizens (more emphasis on education and business) than in the USA


APintOfFreshAir t1_ja1vz1u wrote

Honestly, as a professional… it gives me hope. I’m a little late on the field, and I thought Id be competing more.

Nope, kids are almost proud to be dumb as rocks.


Tu_mama_me_ama_mucho t1_ja1y6pe wrote

Almost? My my 20+yo nieces don't know about the Tulsa massacre and CRT, they went to protest during the floyd murder, they thought that was something new.


spyanryan4 t1_ja20qr3 wrote

At least they're trying? Why don't you educate them? They don't teach that in school


Prince_John t1_ja2dyxf wrote

CRT is a university level specialist topic that they will never study outside of that field and the Tulsa massacre isn’t part of the curriculum.

Do you expect them to have genetically encoded history or something? Get Uncling/Aunting and tell them about it!


DinoRaawr t1_ja1vzb7 wrote

My neighbors are Chinese, and their TikToks are all livestreams of people selling make-up and other garbage


[deleted] t1_ja2a296 wrote



kai325d t1_ja2hzyy wrote

He isn't, that's a lot of Asian tik toks in general


Breakfest-burrito t1_ja2icgl wrote

I'm saying he's an idiot for thinking it's not geographical and that simply being Chinese grants you access to the Chinese version of TikTok. Your region determines your viewing, it's like if someone says everyone in the UK watches BBC but I chime in saying "I have a neighbor from England and he watches CSPAN" yeah, you idiot, because he's your neighbor here in America


kai325d t1_ja2iuua wrote

Yh, no. There is literally a different Tiktok app that's not available to you or I and is region non affected and only displays Chinese contents so yh, he might actually be right.


DinoRaawr t1_ja307q4 wrote

Lol what? Why do you think I wouldn't have considered that? Obviously I asked follow up questions. It's almost a completely different app for them. You can buy things off of it by swiping, and it has a few fundamentally different features like a new UI. It's not like they're just using it in Chinese.


dodgythreesome t1_ja1q01s wrote

Divide and conquer baby, Chinese have learnt well from the west.


TossAwayGay92 t1_ja1rxh1 wrote

Says the one living in the former empire of Britannia, owner and operator of the East India Trading Company.


dodgythreesome t1_ja1ywjn wrote

Was born here against my will mate, I’ll be getting out of here at the first opportunity.


xxxsur t1_ja1x273 wrote

As a Hong Konger, whom have been reminded over and over again is Chinese by CCP, cannot use tic-toc since it is banned.

Come to think of it, CCP some times do good work to their people


urawesomeniloveu t1_ja29xs4 wrote

That sounds like my Tiktok, and i'm in Australia. I believe Tiktok just feeds uaers what they're intetested in and I guarantee that there are plenty of users in America that get educational and business related feeds.


TossAwayGay92 t1_ja0z7h8 wrote

No, they're just the ultimate means of transportation. The Enola Gay isn't regarded as the reason Hiroshima and Nagasaki were blown up, but rather the means of transportation for the tragedy.


JSwartz0181 t1_ja1k92m wrote

Just a point of pedantic correction: Enola Gay only dropped the bomb (Little Boy) on Hiroshima. Nagasaki (Fat Man) was Bockscar.


Lkorjo t1_ja1lk9b wrote

I mean... The statement still works. Enola Gay was the means of transport for the tragedy


nwbell t1_ja1q2s4 wrote

If "Ackchually" was a person


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_ja20g6w wrote

It also wasn't a biological weapon. Biological weapons have to be the direct cause of injury.


Velvet_Pop t1_ja1jh43 wrote

“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”


jagdpanzer45 t1_ja21lmb wrote

Reminds me of a remark from someone working with the US National Parks “the problem with designing a bear-proof trashcan is that there is significant overlap between a dumb tourist and a smart bear”


redditQuoteBot t1_ja1jz1m wrote

Hi Velvet_Pop,

It looks like your comment closely matches the famous quote:

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." - Douglas Adams,

I'm a bot and this action was automatic Project source.


CA1EBYT6 t1_ja1k9sr wrote

that’s kinda why it’s in quotation marks


Sumpm t1_ja1n24c wrote

Your quote closely matched a quote. I am a robot. beeboo-beeboo


Joe4o2 t1_ja25fw6 wrote

I grew up hearing a slight variation of this: “whenever we try to make something idiot-proof, someone comes along and makes a better idiot.”


Batman_AoD t1_ja3aurz wrote

Adams also wrote a Hitchhiker short story, "Young Zaphod Plays it Safe", that is essentially about a particular person being treated as an extremely dangerous biological weapon because of his personality and behavior.


ReallyDumbRedditor t1_ja0uen9 wrote

Yup, look at the US education system. Our government is intentionally underpaying the teachers so that no sane person will ever pursue teaching as a career in the future. With no teachers, we will eventually have no schools. Stupid people will be the only people left, easily giving the government complete control over them.


FranKing0807 t1_ja15y56 wrote

My ultimate guide to Utopia summarized by a comedian as a joke:

"If we started overpaying teachers and underpaying politicians, we'd have more smart people, and less stupid laws."


lIlI1I1Il1l1 t1_ja2bm02 wrote

Sad thing about underpaying politicians is even more corruption and bribery, unless we remove their power over laws


Lagasz t1_ja28wj0 wrote

Theres a sentence that stuck into my mind from school:

"A stupid Pig lives a happier life because the smart one knows it is going the be slaughtered"


monkey_trumpets t1_ja23w7g wrote

To what end purpose though? If there are no well educated people then there will be no medical staff and everyone dies. Then what.


Im_Randy_Butter_Nubs t1_ja25vap wrote

Only the sick will die. You'll have plenty of working age peons that might live to 40.


Lagasz t1_ja296ax wrote

Just bring the birthrate up by not giving proper education. Cancelling abortion or even getting people to stop use all thise things that prevent pregnancy


xxxsur t1_ja1xajt wrote

Meanwhile school shootings are not stopped. Sorry teachers, you are fucked


My_Username_Is_What t1_ja20bjs wrote

A country could, hypothetically speaking, spend around 800 billion dollars on their military and be the strongest country on the planet. You can't beat them in a fight, ever.

But you don't need to. Just get this hypothetical country to rot from the inside. You start introducing your ideas into pop culture, massage the media for a decade or two, and buy politicians. Convince those politicians to fleece their constituents, destroy the education system, and simultaneously get the public to think it's, once again hypothetically speaking, say a minority population that is at fault. Not the politicians.

Then you have uneducated stupid people running around killing each other and tearing up history in some "morality" based purge and tada, that once homogeneous and united country is now divided into city states busily attacking each other.

A wise man once wrote "in the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."


One-Step2764 t1_ja2bq3p wrote

Futurists worry about rogue AI for pretty good reasons; we've already experienced a primitive form of the problem in our social bureaucracy. Those politicians and powerholders do horrible things as they optimize toward a misaligned reward function, whether that's votes in a unrepresentative majoritarian polling system, leverage in an absurdly lopsided legislative system, or financial tokens in an economic system that rewards hoarders.

What's happening now in the US is not dissimilar from a game AI spamming some useless behavior that runs up a counter to no useful purpose. Unfortunately, the dollar-counter gives our social AI ever-greater power to perpetuate itself. Millions, billions, trillions of dollar-points, all redeemable for more and more human labor to be spent on accumulating more and more points, absolutely disregarding the humanitarian or ecological cost.


Poopoopug t1_ja28eth wrote

Reminds me of the movie Idiocracy


Wizzle_Pizzle_420 t1_ja2a5c0 wrote

Sometimes the characters in that movie don’t seem as terrible as what we’re dealing with. I had to stop reading/ watching dystopian movies, because some of them don’t seem as bad, and it made me angry that we’re in the age of douchebaggery.

We’re probably a horror movie for those in another dimension.


WettWednesday t1_ja38fxm wrote

>we are a horror story to those in other countries


In Germany they don't just learn about their past to prevent becoming nazi germany again, they also learn in their version of high school, about current American propaganda. And not only is Germany well aware how fucked up we are over here, so are most of western europe. And they're seeing a lot of same overlap in the UK with very similar propaganda and internal destruction.

When Americans stopped aiming for a better future for all Americans, and started only focusing on ourselves and the "I got mine fuck you" mentality, we started accelerating this process beyond a means of fixing it.


Bierbart12 t1_ja0vdhx wrote

Probably. Or they help build crowd immunity faster through their stupidity


LiamTheHuman t1_ja1zs8p wrote

I actually wondered something similar. Like if countries are using mental warfare on each other, are they hurting one another or just teaching the populous how to defend against it in the long run. I guess just like other organisms the strong cultures that can withstand the pressure survive and the weak are controlled or die off


_meshy t1_ja1jnrc wrote

I dunno. I've lived for decades around stupid people. I don't think I'd last as long around weapons grade anthrax.


zacablast3r t1_ja1k9j2 wrote

Warhammer orks if you just add a little bit of collective psychic power


Pacman_Frog t1_ja1salw wrote

"You can never completely idiot-proof something. Because God makes the idiots, and he's a better Engineer than you."


thedarkracer t1_ja150zk wrote

Agree and it is not confined to diseases only. They never listen to reason and just argue endlessly whilst putting others in danger. Take someone on the road for example. They would cross signs and ignore traffic lights saying it is just government controlling them and they are meant to be free. And then they cause accidents.


ezbnsteve t1_ja0suli wrote

People have always been the means for spreading a biological agent. Stupid or otherwise. There were some test with mosquitoes…


HesThePhantom t1_ja0xjsc wrote

So it was the Chinese who invented lead paint and gasoline? /s


VagabondStarr t1_ja1d8ti wrote

Fourth and Fifth Generation Warfare more or less operate on this assumption.


sbringel74 t1_ja1rzbh wrote

I think its greedy people. But theyre still stupid, so your point stands valid.


vaportracks t1_ja26tr0 wrote

Greedy people with power are definitely the most dangerous biological weapons on the planet.


duskull007 t1_ja1v2xd wrote

Or just average people. Too dumb to realize they're being manipulated, but just smart enough to think they're coming up with these "clever" ideas on their own


Chewbacca0510 t1_ja1vxeh wrote

I’m legit waiting for world war 3 to be fought over whether we should vaccinate or not, are there other genders, is Karen as bad as the n word and so many other stupid things like that 😂


DishBush t1_ja22jcc wrote

And people considering the word obese to be a slur as well 😂😂


Chewbacca0510 t1_ja22r9c wrote

Oh yeah let me add this to the list along with “are pronouns in the Bible?”


Chewbacca0510 t1_ja265i2 wrote

Oh and also whether the moon landing was faked or not despite so much evidence that it couldn’t be faked


SuddenlyElga t1_ja20s08 wrote

A few years ago I heard about the train theory that kept humans from progressing as fast as we could.

I don’t remember it exactly, but it kind of went like this:

The locomotive represents science and people wanting to make life better. But that locomotive is held back by train cars full of religious people and other dumbasses.

I’m sure the real theory is a lot more politically correct but that’s the gist.


sadmimikyu t1_ja21sqm wrote

The lobbies as well.

Lots of products that were invented but the lobby forbids its use.


SuddenlyElga t1_ja22hpv wrote

Yes. I agree. I don’t remember greed being part of the “drag” on society in the example but it totally is.


Prime_Mover t1_ja20xzz wrote

Actually, it's period pains. Will absolutely incapacitate you for days without medication and often with , every month for decades. If they could weaponize it, god help us all.


The_BrainFreight t1_ja1xi9p wrote

What do you mean easily manipulated people can do your bidding?

This mechanic has been abused for as long as humans banded into larger groups


dudenamedfella t1_ja1yovs wrote

Of you haven’t seen this them check out this movie imdb


Bhodi3K t1_ja24ewz wrote

The biggest threat to humans long term survival, is that IQ is inversely proportional to the number of offspring.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_ja0s08i wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


WyattTheOak t1_ja1lvxg wrote

Did you ever hear tale of the Confederate 'dead man's switch'?


HWNY506 t1_ja1zalq wrote

Well they don’t put “Do not immerse in water” on new toasters and hair dryers for nothing.


Forsaken_Jelly t1_ja26y8a wrote

They're too stupid to be weaponized.

A sword that harms the wielder is not a weapon.


MagroMalo t1_ja28c9v wrote

Ever wonder why TVs are insanely cheap and have depreciated year over year while everything else is more expensive? Or why billion dollar companies find ways to facilitate people buying phones on payments when they can't get credit for literally anything else?

This post. That's why.


DandyLion23 t1_ja28x5g wrote

It's greedy people. While stupid people do stuff wrong by accident, greedy people actively do evil for their own gain.


MisterFixit_69 t1_ja2ag99 wrote

That's why china sends unrestricted TikTok to the rest of the world. And its working.


santz007 t1_ja2atn2 wrote

Republicans primary strategy is to defund education to keep their voter base stupid, it makes it easier to fool them with their lies


iren33 t1_ja23f3m wrote

Imagine spreading stupid people in the air or in the water lines


WuTang360Bees t1_ja1ptxq wrote

Stupid is not an infectious disease and it doesn’t make your insides melt into a puddle. So no


LOZLover90 t1_ja1rkrs wrote

The last three years would tell you otherwise.


Merry_Fridge_Day t1_ja1zy1t wrote

Just wait until you see what the next three years have in store... ...and to think, it all started with the murder of an innocent ape named Harambe.