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Accurate-Historian-7 t1_iutsgre wrote

I once hit a pothole on 95. Suddenly I felt my soul leave me body. Days later I hit another and felt it come back to me.


Jess_Tyr t1_iuuff9f wrote

A supernatural experience most every Rhode Islander has had


PM_ME_YOUR_LUKEWARM t1_iuvla2f wrote

I hit so many that now I have to talk to my car and profusely apologize with every bump; hoping that I didn't bend another rim.


SkiingHarp t1_iuu55xz wrote

One time I left a penny on Mercy Browns grave.

… nothing happened.


ragnar723 OP t1_iuub1vk wrote

Mercy Browns grave is tip 10 most anticlimactic places to visit


StinkyDingus63 t1_iuune52 wrote

I visited it last weekend and honestly it was just really sad. I don’t believe she was a vampire, alot of it can be explained by what we know in this day and age. I felt a profound sadness being next her and her brothers grave.


Megs0226 t1_iuua5gz wrote

I stayed at the Jailhouse Inn in Newport, which is supposedly haunted. Unfortunately for the other guests, the only eerie disturbances that night was me stumbling back from Thames St after a post-wedding pub crawl at 2 am.


ragnar723 OP t1_iuubaf5 wrote

Jailhouse Inn eh? Never heard of it, what's the story there? I've definitely scared a few people myself in a similar manner


Taylor0063 t1_iuu9m26 wrote

Saw an orb when I did a night tour at Slater Mill


ragnar723 OP t1_iuub3lw wrote

What do you think orbs are? Did anyone else see it?


Taylor0063 t1_iuudwdm wrote

I think orbs are spirits and no no one else saw it. Do you have any personal paranormal experiences in RI at all?


ragnar723 OP t1_iuufvt3 wrote

I have had some minor things but nothing explicit, I saw a shadow person once, stuff out of the corner of my eye, presences etc. But nothing concrete. People I trust have also had strange and definitely paranormal experiences. I believe in the paranormal, I'm sure there's lots of nonsense out there and I don't think they're necessarily spirits of the dead or demons or whatever people say. I think there's other options no one has thought of yet.


fatsmilyporkchop t1_iuui91x wrote

Got stoned and ate 6 all the way, pizza strips and followed that with some mixed vodka drinks. Pretty sure Satan’s cousin exited my body that night.


OctoberRust13 t1_iuuf7dp wrote

I love all the cynical answers. I once spent the night at the most haunted inn in Connecticut. I wanted so hard to experience something but did not. I am, Fox Mulder: I want to believe... unfortunately I don't. Because I can't.


shenbapiroswap t1_iuusqet wrote



ragnar723 OP t1_iuustrn wrote

Have you seen big rhody yourself?


BlueEyedRage t1_iuws0yw wrote

A good friend of mine saw an albino Bigfoot just outside W. Alton Jones campus in West Greenwich


ragnar723 OP t1_iuxe499 wrote

Really? Where was it, in the trees? Do you have any more specific info?


BlueEyedRage t1_iuxhtck wrote

I was standing out on Gardiner rd, if i went to the road i could see the stars better, it was in the road too, maybe 10 or so feet away from me.

Sorry, I thought I was responding to a different post. My friend and another friend were taking a short cut behind my buddys house to go meet up with a 3rd friend. They went past a pond on the back side of Leyden's tree farm and they heard something off to their left. When they turned to look they said they saw a large, white, hairy, muscular creature running along on all fours like a gorilla. It ran along side them for a split second, then turned off into the woods and they ran for their lives in the other direction. They each told me the same story, not in each other's presence, and they haven't changed the story for a decade or so.


ragnar723 OP t1_iuypzjf wrote

Interesting. Normally when I hear stories about Bigfoot he's usually walking on 2 legs upright like a human. It's possible it could have been something else but definitely nothing that would be a normal native animal. Maybe I'll go looking out in the woods near that area, very interesting. Thanks for the info!


AlabasterRadio t1_iuvm09h wrote

I grew up in an ancient farmhouse (iirc built in the 1780s) on what was at the time a dirt road in the middle of nowhere Glocester. That house was such a hotbed of strangeness I wouldn't believe my own memories if not for nearly every person who spent so much as a night in the house having some kind of experience. From Objects constantly falling to the cabinets needing locks so they didn't fly open, loud footsteps coming up and down the two flights of stairs, to clothes falling off of hooks, shadow people, floating apparitions and just every sort of nonsense imaginable. That house also had a weird vibe to it, being alone in it had a way of warping your senses idk. Probably lead paint and four generations of mass hysteria lmao. It did cause me to seek out every haunted place I could in the tri-state area and the only place that gave me a similar bad vibe was the Hawthorne Hotel. Old Hotels do just have a way of feeling strange though, didn't actually see/ experience anything outside that house.


ragnar723 OP t1_iuvujbn wrote

Could you elaborate on the floating apparitions? What did they look like? Is the house still there? Different owners?


AlabasterRadio t1_iuvusd7 wrote

Just white mist-like things. Those were really rare. House is still there but it's been entirely remodeled by my uncle who is now the owner. We don't really talk about the house now that it's only the one guy living there. (Used to be 8-10 at any given time)


ragnar723 OP t1_iuxetqz wrote

Interesting, did they take shapes or were just arbitrary? And inside the house correct?


AlabasterRadio t1_iuxfjsv wrote

The one time I saw it I didn't think it was shaped much like anything, maybe vaguely humanoid if you stretch the definition. And yeah I saw it in the second floor kitchen. My sister claims to have seen it on the third floor and my ex girlfriend (who didn't have a great grip on reality tbh) claimed to see every time she came over (maybe hypocritical but I never did believe her lol)


WetNetBet t1_iutw3kz wrote

We want answers…


ziddersroofurry t1_iuvkz6o wrote

I never had any because the supernatural isn't real :P


Remarkable_Baseball7 t1_iuvwaew wrote

Maybe not paranormal but working in a nursing home sometimes I’d hear voices when it was me and one other person around and there was nobody else 🫣


ragnar723 OP t1_iuxey5f wrote

It's possible, you never know. When I'm falling asleep I hear weird sounds and voices, maybe you were tired haha


BlueEyedRage t1_iuwswxj wrote

I once saw a shadow person. I was having a cigarette out in front of the house I lived at in Exeter, just starring off into space, not looking at anything in particular. Suddenly, right where I was looking, a 3 dimensional shadow turned 90 degrees, took about 3 steps, and disappeared. I was starring directly at it but didn't see it until it moved, and I could still see the trees behind it through it. I got the distinct impression that is was watching me, then got bored and walked away.


ragnar723 OP t1_iuxenny wrote

I saw one in my apartment in Warwick when I was younger. My dad was out of town so me and my brother were doing his paper route for the week and we had to wake up at 3am to go do the job. One night I was sleeping on the couch and all the lights were out, and I saw a person walk in to the living room where I was and they were standing behind the couch just looking over at me. So I sat up and said "Is it 3 already?" And turned the light on and when I turned on the light they were gone. Afterwards I got the most intense feeling of dread I have ever felt in my life and I stayed awake with the light on for the rest of the night lol


Space_faces t1_ivjgliz wrote

Can't share my experiences about stuff that isn't real.