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PatientNice t1_iwx3mpg wrote

Just as stupid as their national counterparts. Didn’t you get the election memo you dolts? You are now in the minority and STILL you waste taxpayer time on this nonsense when we need infrastructure, heating assistance, food assistance for families, etc. and THIS is what you waste our taxes on? I can’t wait until we wise up and throw you out of the Senate majority as well!


BurghPuppies t1_iwxbuzc wrote

Yup. They keep going further and further away from the center, losing independents and moderate Republicans. Crazy.


cpr4life8 t1_iwza9h9 wrote

Are they also going to investigate Hunter Biden? I mean they may as well go all in, right?


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_ix12c24 wrote

Investigate his friggin’ dog while you’re at it - that’ll waste a ton more tome and tax dollars too.


dizzle_1212 t1_iwyafki wrote

Don’t really follow politics but isnt a DA’s job crime. Isn’t crime rampant in Philadelphia actually terrible?


PatientNice t1_iwyx55f wrote

The DA prosecuted crimes. Unless you believe putting everyone in jail is the answer to reducing crime, there is no way it’s his fault. Since the US incarcerates more people per population than any other country, I happen to think putting people in jail is not the answer. It is so much more complicated. Political, social and economic failures are more at fault but as lazy Americans we want an easy answer. So blame Krasner. I don’t and the people elected him twice! So the Rs can go pack sand. Grandstanding yet again


stevez_86 t1_iwyy9ep wrote

That and the police refusing to work because they simply don't like that the DA doesn't give them carte blanche to do whatever they want.


dizzle_1212 t1_ixpmpqg wrote

Ok Then What’s you solution?


PatientNice t1_ixqdxgk wrote

I don’t necessarily have a solution but same ole, same ole obviously doesn’t work. So someone trying something different certainly can’t hurt. But when it’s a broken society (lack of opportunity, wealth gap, etc) we need better leaders. Unfortunately, we have too many do nothing Republicans.


BurghPuppies t1_iwxbru2 wrote

It’s clear that the GOP’s strategy nationwide is to create investigations and try to make look Democrats look bad as a reaction to the most recent elections.

This feels like a critical mis-read of the message voters were sending. Republicans should have gained 30 - 50 seats in the US House and 3 - 5 seats in the Senate. Instead, they gained only a handful in the House and lost a seat in the Senate. Other than the Qnuts and Ultra MAGAs, most people were voting against the party’s Trump-stremism. They seem to be intent to double down on it as their primer for 2024. I think they’re overestimating how much people care about Hunter Biden, etc.

I guess we’ll see… but they haven’t had a good election since 2016 and seem determined to stay the course. What’s that definition of insanity again?


IamSauerKraut OP t1_iwxdxm3 wrote

PA is happy to have helped the GQP lose a seat in the Senate. :-)


BurghPuppies t1_iwxe4hp wrote

Yep. I do wonder if Fetterman would have beaten McCormick if Trump had kept his nose out of it… especially after Big John’s stroke. But I’m glad it worked out the way it did, and I think Fetterman will be a good senator.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_iwwhzo3 wrote

Over 80 law enforcement types oppose the impeachment of Philly DA Krasner.


appleslady13 t1_iwwlsfh wrote

Only 1 of them is from PA. That makes it less compelling, at least to me.


Odd_Description_2295 t1_iwwlzdt wrote

Maybe the better question is "why is philly police so corrupt".

If you want to remove a DA that bad. It seems to me, if you had nothing to hide, a skeptical DA should be a non issue


IamSauerKraut OP t1_iwwo5e0 wrote

You can be parochial, sure, but the opinion of all those prosecutors and former judges - some federal - should carry some weight.


_KnightsDelight_ t1_iwwmgw6 wrote

And just one of them is from PA. List means shit.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_iwwocpo wrote

>You can be parochial, sure, but the opinion of all those prosecutors and former judges - some federal - should carry some weight.


BrightProfessional8 t1_iwwndz3 wrote

Lol almost all of the signers are outside of PA. Has anyone seen the latest homicide and crime statistics in Philly.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_iwwo9on wrote

Were any of those voting to impeach from Philly?



Dunn_or_what t1_iwwv2st wrote

You don't understand the implications of this letter. Come after one DA for no clear reason other than politics is like going after a cop for no clear reason. It's going to cause you a world of shit.


BurghPuppies t1_iwxc4rp wrote

I’m not sure Philly crime stats are the best measure of how a DA is doing, since crimes are committed before a DA gets involved. Unless you’re saying he’s letting people off, in which case the stats you need are recidivism.


raredad t1_iwwszrm wrote

What a waste of time and money from the lame duck Republicans


Fatterneck t1_iwzzd66 wrote

I guess it’s (D)ifferent when democrats do it though.


raredad t1_ix0a6wq wrote

No it's still a waste of money. Also democrats haven't had the opportunity to do so in 27 years.


Wuz314159 t1_iwwj3qz wrote

but if the GOP are about to lose the legislature.... Ò_o


IamSauerKraut OP t1_iwwkhzb wrote

Seems the Dems will rule the House, so managers may change or the vote to impeach may be rescinded, but they do not take over until Jan. Plenty of time for GQP to engage in mischief.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_ix1256a wrote

Republicans must focus on legislating for PA citizens, not their own divisive little vendettas and political abuses. for a change.