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eYan2541 t1_iws6zcj wrote

Man, I bet he was annoying


255001434 t1_iws85je wrote

Hey brother, look at my mandala. It's wild, man.


pump123456 t1_iwt1yar wrote

Blotter, window pane, orange sunshine, purple micro dot, pink barrels, birth control. Would I relive 1968 to 1975 again? HELL YES !!!


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwttwxy wrote

That orange sunshine was the cleanest acid I ever did.


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtu3c7 wrote

50 cents a hit 4 way.


pump123456 t1_iwtvs7o wrote

And that cheep shitty white cross 25s were$10 a 100.


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtw2jj wrote

Those white cross were nasty dehydrated me something terrible. Yel. 10.00 a hundred. Could get lb of Mexican for 90.00 that all there was. Wasn’t no fancy stuff like now.


pump123456 t1_iwtwhxk wrote

So true. On 3/4/1986 I got clean + sober, I just wasn’t tough enough to do it any more. Enjoying life now with great memories.


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtwtrw wrote

Yel that good. God bless you. I just smoke some weed and concentrate once in a while and raise grandkids. I really like that concentrates.


pump123456 t1_iwtxf4s wrote

As legalization spreads , you know I’m thinking about starting again. But I’m an all or nothing guy Starting up again where I left off, I know I wouldn’t last long. Loved that alcohol.


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtxrwh wrote

I got two brothers that drink all day every day don’t know how they do it. They don’t get hangovers. Hangovers kill me. lol. But I have a good time socializing though. Lol. I am from southern ill


pump123456 t1_iwty0rm wrote

Some people can do it. My hangovers were terrible especially in a south central Texas steel mill.


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtywhp wrote

Screw those steel mills. I worked underground coal mine a cool 68 year round


pump123456 t1_iwtzbxy wrote

We did what was necessary to get where we are today. Sounds like we should be thankful we are alive. I’m off to sleep. Good taking, enjoy life.


pump123456 t1_iwtu5p0 wrote

Was my favorite. And big band rock concerts were $3.50 at the door.


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtu94w wrote

Wow you must be as old as me 70


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtulni wrote

Cheapest band I seen was reo speed wagon 1.50 they had to step over me to get on stage Carbondale Ill.


pump123456 t1_iwtvdc8 wrote

Yes sir 69 years old. I lived close to Minneapolis and was able to attend the concerts as they toured through the city. Lived with others in almost abandoned farms


Due_Macaroon_3948 t1_iwtvtjh wrote

I live on a farm for 4 years grandparents took me in when I was down. He put me too work. I enjoyed every bit of it. Those hang overs were bad sitting on that tractor in the hot sun though. Lo


Spork_Warrior t1_ix6gkc9 wrote

Summer after the musical HAIR came out.

Hippie city.