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ChesterNorris t1_jabox6w wrote

"I love Disneyland. Sorry about that Pearl Harbor thing."

-Hirohito, on his way to the Teacup Ride, 1975


UnifiedQuantumField t1_jae7hlb wrote

I still can't believe we lost to these guys.

-Hirohito, on his way to the Teacup Ride, 1975


RussMantooth t1_jabka5r wrote

Emperor you just got nuked and lost WW2 what are you gonna do now? I'm going to Disneyland!!!!


nemoy2 t1_jae5nh6 wrote

Is that a mf food battle reference


huangyaopai t1_jabdil0 wrote

War criminal


DoubtsWhatYouSay t1_jabr7jh wrote

“The year is 3587, a new Japanese prime minister takes office after winning the election.

Xi ping pong formally demands another apology from Japan.”


kinky_boots t1_jacd9p6 wrote

What’s next? Denying the Holocaust too? Moron


DoubtsWhatYouSay t1_jackl3t wrote

Not denying they did it, but nobody who had anything to do with perpetrating the acts is alive today. Are the grandchildren to be held responsible and feel remorse for acts committed when they weren’t alive?

No, you fucking mong.


kinky_boots t1_jacn206 wrote

They’re still alive. Hell even a few of the Nazis are still around. Germany just put a 101 year old Nazi on trial. Would be nice to see some justice delivered.


Pudding_Hero t1_jad48bm wrote

Their society has never publicly apologized or acknowledged their WW2 atrocities and therefore doesn’t teach their population about it. Arguably they were just as bad if not worse than Nazi Germany but never admitted to it. Many disgusting people in Japanese high command were given at most a slap on the wrist effectively being rewarded for their barbarism.


Absurdionne t1_jae1q7b wrote

Yeah but the war criminal pictured in this post was dumb dumb


AcceptableVillian t1_jac4144 wrote

Did you.. Did you just insult China?

That is not allowed.
-50 social score, and no protein for a week.


StopUsingOxygen t1_jab9bpr wrote

This guy is such a POS- was on board with the crazy Japanese war crimes and then avoided punishment


AgileSpider t1_jabl5gx wrote

There is a lot more to it than just that. Hirohito had a role in which lead to many atrocities being committed, he himself however wasn't directly Responsible most of the atrocities. What I mean is this, its not deniable he knew many of which what was going on, but little to no evidence points to him ordering said actions to occur such was inhumane experiments, mass genocide, torture and so on. A lot of it had to do with lack of military discipline within the ranks of which lead to many Soldiers going to extremes in order to compete with one another especially military branches competing such as the Navy vs the Army.

The Military had such influence in the Japanese Government that Hirohito was little but a Puppet Figure in comparison to vast Military leaders. Sure Hirohito had the authority but the Military having the highest Status and influence, makes those who go against the Status Quo "Eliminated", An example being former Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi whom himself was Assassinated after being an Obstacle to the Japanese Military as Inukai had disagreed with the Military invasion of Manchuria believing in Hirohito's positioning of honoring The Nine-Power Treaty of 1922 (Recognizing the Republic of China).

I would argue Hirohito's greatest responsibility was allowing the Military Generals and Military to go unchecked to do as they wished. Inaction on his end is what resulted in the atrocities Japan committed during WW2.


Eric1491625 t1_jacbuwa wrote

>The Military had such influence in the Japanese Government that Hirohito was little but a Puppet Figure in comparison to vast Military leaders.

I would say that Hirohito's influence was understated on purpose to justify keeping him there to stabilise Japan as a bastion against the USSR.

In August 1945 Hirohito wanted to surrender. Most of his commanders wanted to defend Japan down to the last woman and child.

Japan surrendered.

This says something about how much of a "powerless puppet" he was.


JamCom t1_jacnydt wrote

Well when all your soldiers and navy vessels are gone and two of your cities are razed youd be surprise how quickly the influence of the group that caused it will drain and how puppets can become the meisters


RevengencerAlf t1_jacwcel wrote

They literally staged a coup and tried to kill him to keep the surrender from happening and came plausibly close to success.


Halomir t1_jabvzx8 wrote

Woah sir! You’ve offered nuance of a sensitive historical topic on the internet. I’m almost positive that’s not allowed.


Avbjj t1_jacbpk3 wrote

Good post.


People forget that members of the Japanese ministry of war attempted to orchestrate a coup to prevent Hirohito from announcing a Japanese surrender after the 2 atom bombs.

He was a figurehead but he certainly didn't have absolute power. He was constrained in a unique way by what was expected of him as the high emperor.


the-moving-finger t1_jadx562 wrote

Did he ever try to exercise his authority to prevent the atrocities? If not, how can we ever know whether he was a puppet or not? It seems more likely to me that the high command deliberately shielded the Emperor from prosecution after the fact by downplaying his responsibility.


chrome-spokes t1_jadyr3n wrote

> avoided punishment

He did not "avoid" punishment. He was spared punishment through General MacArthur's influence. A wise decision for both our post-ww2 occupation forces and the Japanese people.


TrollTeeth66 t1_jac9x6g wrote

Probably wasn’t the first war criminal to visit


Odesio t1_jab54w8 wrote

He's a mousy little guy, ain't he?


ZigZagZedZod t1_jabb01l wrote

And there was a time when the photo of him next to MacArthur was considered scandalous.


RevengencerAlf t1_jacw0f3 wrote

To be fair not a soul on this earth deserves having to share a room with MacArthur and his ego.


heavymetalhikikomori t1_jady64k wrote

Downvoted for the truth. My favorite MacArthur story was him crying and puking after he got dressed down by Roosevelt.


RevengencerAlf t1_jadytzb wrote

Lots of army fetishist chuds, like the kind that putz around r/history and spend their time going on about what a decent guy Rommel was worship him too and dream about sniffing the taint of his dead corpse.

The WWII pacific theater was won in spite of him and every death after China entered the Korean War is explicitly his fault. He's a bad person and a worse military leader.


sasquatch-overlord t1_jadyqp3 wrote

Hilarious people are downvoting you. Mans spoke about himself in the third person


RevengencerAlf t1_jadz4f1 wrote

The r/history gang must have gotten wind of it. They love to suck the dick of both him and Rommel.


IAm-The-Lawn t1_jae2ln7 wrote

Shows how many people know that MacArthur was an absolute diva lol


RevengencerAlf t1_jae3fs1 wrote

The thing is he was also a bad general so it's not like there's an excuse for the shit personality and massive ego trip.

King and Nimitz spent as much time managing him as they did dealing with the IJN. And when he was let off the chain without another branch to keep him in check he complete fucked up Korea and turned what should have been a walkover into a meatgrinder by walking up to the Chinese border (and probably crossing it if we're being honest).


RepostSleuthBot t1_jab3zie wrote

Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times.

First Seen Here on 2020-08-28 98.44% match. Last Seen Here on 2021-12-17 100.0% match

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Queasy_Monk OP t1_jab48l0 wrote

My apologies if it is a repost.


BobbyTables829 t1_jab64jp wrote

I don't think it counts as a repost if it happened during the Ford administration


Dragon-Ash t1_jac1eg0 wrote

Which one is the Emperor?


duglarri t1_jadskpt wrote

My Dad alway said that Hirohito should have been hung at the end of the war, for all the friends that he lost.

Hard to disagree. For all the intricacies of the Japanese government prior to WW2, it's blazingly obvious that if Hirohito had so much as raised an eyebrow, Pearl Harbor would never have happened.


epic_meme_guy t1_jadzspr wrote

He surrendered. The war (and atrocities) probably would have gone on longer if not for him.


RE2017 t1_jacqhbk wrote

He probably thought that woman was a giant


HitmanClark t1_jad3lsu wrote

This is the strangest thing I have seen today.


HappyHighwayman t1_jadnc1r wrote

Meanwhile he should have been tried for war crimes.


AnybodyNo8519 t1_jae724r wrote

Yeah but who is the guy with glasses?


gchaudh2 t1_jaesmn5 wrote

We nuked your country so that you could meet Mickey Mouse

-Disney probably


OpeningOnion7248 t1_jabr1y4 wrote

I bet he had a blast. Disney Tokyo was opened in 1973 so about 8 years after.


Jiminwa t1_jac5s3d wrote

The more personal security a political leader needs, the less they're admired by those they rule.


grumblecakes1 t1_jacatgu wrote

And mickey mouse was asking him for tips on how to commit crimes against humanity the whole time.


ixkamik t1_jacd1vf wrote

Only he can pay the entrance fee.


nospamkhanman t1_jad7bpm wrote

I'm guessing the dude on the far right is security... look at that square jawed MFer


BroadlyValid t1_jadiiw7 wrote

He is looking for the Dole Whip stand


Slatedtoprone t1_jadx37l wrote

Interesting, this was man Japanese citizens considered a living god in their pre-war days? I wanna pick him and throw him into the laundry bin of sumo wrestlers.


Peperlepep t1_jadzkob wrote

watch how this comment section goes from jokes to full on ww3


NoNameNancy666 t1_jaehluc wrote

A bastard, should have been hung with the rest of them.


shaojiaxing t1_jab4nww wrote

Is Annie Oakley riding that horse side-saddle?


civillyReseed t1_jab5agy wrote

Charlie Chaplin one good looking dude.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jac78x7 wrote

Bloodish war criminal, as usual welcomed in the USA.


DaveFoxPayne t1_jac8cje wrote

If you are an American, that's a cringe line...

If you are an European, that's a hypocritical line...


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jac8qgi wrote

I'm Rossian, and learn the History of WW2 in China well, especially about Unit 731 and Nankin massacre by Japanese. Even SS insane butchers Germans was relatively less cruel and heartless! It was absolutely Asian horror!


DaveFoxPayne t1_jac9txf wrote

And how is related US to this?


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jaca0mt wrote

Ask about it in Nankin or in Harbin (unit 731), buddy.


DaveFoxPayne t1_jacho8k wrote

Did you , buddy, "learn well" about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Did you, buddy, "learn well" about how Japan was demilitarised. Did you boddy, "learn well" about how americans treat Japanese during the war (and it's not passing of americans)...

I know in Rossia it is popular to jerk off "learned well" WWII history with charging everybody's warcrimes, but USSR, and crying how "you can do it again". This war is about century over but nobody is about forgetting it's horror. By continuing "rEmEmBeR eVeRyBoDy'S wArCrImEs" and "kNoWiNg WhO wAsN'T cRuEl eNoUgH tO nAzI" you don't help everybody. You don't let the ghost of this terror rest in peace.

If a man has a huge scare on his face, you are not talking loudly how he got it, that is more when everybody know hoe it was.

PS: do you really need to cry loudly about WWII's horrors just to shit on US?


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jackaco wrote

About the senseless, American, nuclear bombing of civilians in Japan? I know about it, and it was another insane American war crime, just like the Korean and Vietnamese massacres in the future.

But the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities does not remove the war crimes of Japan and their bloody monarch. His hands are up to the elbows in the blood of the Chinese and Koreans, it was a disgusting act to invite him! Btw, Japan and the ruling regime there have not yet apologized to either the Chinese or the Koreans for the atrocities committed.


FullMetalT-Shirt t1_jac9tg0 wrote

Leave Ukraine.


Avbjj t1_jacbudh wrote

That's an absolute shit thing to say to someone who literally has no control over what a dictator of their country does.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacapv4 wrote

If it were up to me, this war would not have started.

All wars in modern history are started by capitalists, either in pursuit of new profits or in order to protect existing profits.

To stop wars for real, you need to stop capitalism.


Avbjj t1_jaccjxj wrote

You're forgetting the Soviet Union against Hungary, the Czech's, and Afghanistan.

But that's besides the point. All wars are started by capitalists in the same way that are wars are started by human beings.

People have been waging war for the entirety of human history. It has nothing to do with capitalism.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacd0ms wrote

The same as you forgetting about Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Haiti, Panama channel, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libia, Syria and etc.

Americans have no any rights to speak about aggressions.


Avbjj t1_jachmvn wrote

I usually hate saying stuff like this, because it's cringey, but i think it's appropriate right now. As an American, I actually do have the right to speak about whatever I want.

I didn't say the US hasn't started wars of aggression. Of course they have. I'm refuting you saying "All modern wars were started by capitalists."


A statement that's categorically false


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacks9p wrote

STFU about this topic. You have no any moral right on it. It's the same as Nazi German will lecture me of humanity. No, STFU!


Avbjj t1_jacn35o wrote

You brought it up. If you don’t like facts, then keep your head in the same.


DeadHuron t1_jace4bm wrote

Interesting, though Hitler wasn’t the only factor of WWII beginnings, I’ve never heard him described as a capitalist. Lots of other things but not a capitalist. I’m pretty sure Poland, Denmark, France and others didn’t invite his “capitalism” into their countries. Let’s not even go near his ethnic cleansing agenda. No, this does not wreak of capitalism. Being absolute and without exception, determining “all” about anything isn’t an accurate stance to take.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacekw5 wrote

Learn more dude, especially about role of Krupp and IG Farben in Hitler's political success.

Poland was the same fascist state, Sanation regime it's typical government, capitalist terrorists (fascists).


BennoDXB t1_jacbwdm wrote

I dont know what a Rossian is but it sounds very similar to the latest perpetrators of massive war crimes the Russians. They are in good company with the assholes you mentioned.


Soft_Shirt3410 t1_jacc90k wrote

Are you know? Did you think it's knowledge? From Nazi Azov battalion?

If you accept war criminal Hirohito, then of course you accept Ukrainian Nazi's "knowledge".

Think about it, if you can.


BennoDXB t1_jacei2t wrote

Ah the "ukrainian nazis", ok , so you are a terrible Rossian just like your evil dictator. Guy, you need to stop judging the past and start focusing on the evil you are doing. We cant undo the past, we can only learn from it but the only thing you guys learned apparently is how to kill women and children.


rafael-a t1_jacdqyf wrote

It’s funny how all Americans are calling him a war criminal (which I don’t deny) but seem to think that turning 60 thousand civilians into ashes is also a war crime. Such a ridiculous sense of self righteousness.


dlte24 t1_jacgfgc wrote

Wow. You know the opinion of every single American without even asking? That's quite a trick.


rafael-a t1_jae6o3a wrote

Not every single one of them, just the ones that commented


Demi_god6373 t1_jae2edh wrote

attention seeking ignorant comment


rafael-a t1_jae672m wrote

Just read the other comments and see that I have a point, and that’s probably why I got downvoted. And why is it ignorant, did I lied?


Demi_god6373 t1_jaev5tl wrote

you have no point , you got downvoted because you're ignorant.


rafael-a t1_jaez035 wrote

My point is that Americans are too quick to point other’s mistakes and hard to acknowledge their own, that’s a point alright.

Why is my statement wrong?


johnboy2978 t1_jaba6gh wrote

Wax on ... wax off Daniel son!
