We are member of the Nicotine Working Group (NWG) at Brown University. The NWG consists of many members across multiple disciplines such as clinical psychology, medicine, nursing, epidemiology, social work, and anthropology who conduct research on nicotine and tobacco. Collectively, our work looks at many different people in many different parts of their lives and tries to understand when, why, and how people use nicotine and tobacco products, the problems caused by their use, and the best ways to help quit or reduce harm, even when traditional methods don’t work. We’ll answer whatever questions we have the knowledge to answer!
Proof: https://sites.brown.edu/thrulab/reddit-ama/
Members in attendance (click on names with publicly available profiles to see publications):
Alexander W. Sokolovsky (founder and co-chair)
Lauren Micalizzi (founder and co-chair)
Mariel Bello
Sarah Maloney
EDIT: Thank you everyone for your awesome questions! We are signing off for now but we will check back to answer any lingering questions.
rmalmnop t1_j5l0bkd wrote
I've been using 2mg nicotine gum for several years after quitting tobacco products. I haven't noticed any long term negative effects. If my dosage stays low, are there any long term issues I may experience?