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[deleted] t1_j45zhhu wrote

I’ll be doing this forever. I’ve always thought I was fat. But every time I see a picture of myself from the last few years, I wonder why I thought that back then. And the cycle continues for all time.


mcpickledick t1_j46ddyw wrote

Kind of a double edged sword though because essentially what you're saying is "don't worry, you'll be wayyyy uglier in the future"


Bojacks_butthole t1_j47l83z wrote

For me, it’s not really that I’ll be ugly in the future. It’s that my current state of mind and body dysmorphia make me see my present self in a warped way. But looking at pictures from the past, I look different than I do now and it’s more objective than critical.


Urgazhi t1_j46icmo wrote

I was ugly then, I'm ugly now, I'll be ugly in the future...



PhantomTroupe-2 t1_j46ebiw wrote

I used to hate myself as a teenager, but nowadays I’ll be look at old pictures of myself and be like

“damn….I coulda had it all of I had confidence” lol


madziper t1_j4861eh wrote

I have struggled with confidence since I was conscious… But looking back and seeing how I looked has helped me so much. I always thought I was so fat and so ugly; my whole family tried to tell me otherwise and I thought they were liars but I was so gorgeous and definitely a healthy weight. I never try to hate on myself now, especially since people say that I look so much like my mother, who is the most gorgeous woman ever!!


YesterdayLonely1463 t1_j477r66 wrote

Yes and I thought, if I knew I was not such an ugly kid, I would have lived with less anxiety.


pandatheghost t1_j466fio wrote

What about adults that reaffirm why they were so insecure as a teenager?


Bland-fantasie t1_j46u4et wrote

This LPT has resonated with me. I keep looking at my schlub self in the mirror and seeing my positive attributes now, because it’s true, it’s only getting worse. This tip has an unexpected magical effect for me.


BarnacleMcBarndoor t1_j462pqm wrote

I look back at my photos and immediately think that I should have been MORE critical. I was an ugly kid, but fortunately I didn’t remain an ugly kid for too long.

Now I’m an ugly adult.


xmassr t1_j498jid wrote

When I feel anxious I do this exercise. Not gonna lie it helps a lot


Unusual_Speech_4589 t1_j49z3uo wrote

I write poetry as a creative outlet but I get nervous reciting at open mics…in my 20’s and early 30’s I was never able to go up and read/recite without sitting on a bar stool due to nerves…now that I am in my 40’s…I finally don’t care and I am ready to get up there, and read standing with no bar stool.


Auirom t1_j480pq3 wrote

Ha! Jokes on you! I KNOW I have no reason to be insecure and I can name all the reasons. Still am though


ceramikid t1_j49seat wrote

You’re probably right.


Goge97 t1_j4a1zi4 wrote

We tend to be overly critical of ourselves, making a comparison to an unrealistic standard.

When we get older, we compare our appearance to our younger selves!


-DethLok- t1_j4abw8r wrote

Pfft, nope!

I'm one of the lucky ones who was able to retire early at 55 and got an instant $100/fn increase in take home pay. It's gone up 3 times since then and will go up further every 6 months until I die.

I wish defined benefit pensions still existed for everyone else, but sadly, the Big Bosses decided to increase their own pay, not the pay of their workers nor the pension plans of their retired workers... Hmm...

Perhaps consider this next time you vote in an election?

Review the history of the people wanting you to vote for them, and review their polices - do their policies make your life better, or just make THEIR life better?


ozhound t1_j4aowq2 wrote

Hindsight is hindsight for a reason. The expression, easier said than done also applies here