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Turbulent_Cow_5652 t1_j30ty0g wrote

The assumption is that doing it (whatever that may be) is a good idea to begin with. There should be another box in the beginning that says, "Should I do it?" or "What am I trying to accomplish?" Also missing is, "What is my plan?"


EmeraldGlimmer t1_j30wbia wrote

Really depends on what you're scared of and how reasonable it is to be scared of that thing.

Get back together with your abusive ex? -> Do it! -> But I'm scared! -> Do it scared!

The context matters. This kind of platitude only works if we assume that there are no "real" risks in the world, and that we only have invalid reptile brain feelings. But neither of those things are true. There are real dangers in the world, and many feelings warning us to stop are legitimate.


Areyouuk2 t1_j31oa2u wrote

I have anxiety and I can say that it is a good idea to do things scared. Like applying for jobs or getting out of bed etc. Sometimes the scared feeling doesn’t go away so there’s no point waiting for it to go away. Realising this has helped me to take action and puts anxiety at the back of my mind.


goldensaur t1_j31478b wrote

I thought it was a dad joke for a bit


yo_yo_dude001 t1_j31mw91 wrote

I want to kill myself

Kill myself scared


TicketPleasant8783 t1_j31wpm1 wrote

Love this!! For all the anxiety I have this is good to remember!


notmyrealnam3 t1_j32hm8n wrote

Your afraid ? My afraid ? Our afraid !


tobiiam t1_j36aqei wrote

This one is like, actually impactful to me for some reason. Other ones, not so really. This one, yes.


I_na_na t1_j31a3et wrote

It describes discipline perfectly. Scared is interchangeable with any other negative feeling you might have. You don't have to wait for feeling better. Because for some of us it never comes. Just doing what you need regardless of your feelings is the way.


I_na_na t1_j31ye2a wrote

I will upvote all you motherfuckers, just because. Do your thing even if you are scared or depressed. The Universe cares about you, a tiny winy bit.


The_AmyrlinSeat t1_j32c0vw wrote

I wish I'd have applied this before. It's so simple. And yet.


Rainy63879 t1_j32lieo wrote

Easier said than done but yeah, you make a point.


IncognitoSoup t1_j32sgt6 wrote

7 words in the title and OP still fucked it up.


DanielBaldielocks t1_j34n98i wrote

Thanks for finally giving me the courage to end it all