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WhiffleBum t1_jbi6ps4 wrote

I like it. Its weird. But I like it.


bornagy t1_jbipcow wrote

Disturbing would be my adjective for the drawing style. Superficial for the message.


ChurchofPancake t1_jbjk4l9 wrote

I think it’s a nice way of portraying the ideas behind the words, if you just had the text it’d be far less impactful imo


vegainthemirror t1_jbik718 wrote

Viruscomix!! Wow, haven't read anything from them for so long. If you guys ever want to feel philosophical with a webcomic, check them them out.


DudleyMorris t1_jbk3nxj wrote

Is that the guy who used to do illustrations for The style looks very familiar.


vegainthemirror t1_jbkryw6 wrote

I don't know. They were a standalone comic, but it's possible they did some commissions.


kid_ampersand t1_jbl4hfs wrote

Yes, his regular comic is called Subnormality, and he used to illustrate for Cracked under Abnormality, It's all under a blanket of Virus Comix. His (pen) name is Winston Rowntree, I highly recommend looking him up.


vegainthemirror t1_jbmzkhg wrote

Thank you! Subnormality was on the tip of my tongue. I'd been reading his comic for a long time and almost religiously for years. But I didn't know his name/pen name. Maybe it's time to revisit


clinicalpsycho t1_jbigo08 wrote

I like it, two refutations.

  1. Institutions have money, which means power. They are limited in that they are only composed of humans.
  2. Have you ever felt the feeling you get, when you try to talk with all of your neighbors at least once, only to realize that you do not feel like a peer to them? As in, your opinions or abilities are drastically different to them? THAT, is loneliness. To be among people yet incompatible with them.

TheFunnyShah t1_jbiksti wrote

>>THAT, is loneliness. To be among people yet incompatible with them.

My refutation. I believe that there's a common thread that unites most if not all people, be it music, food, sports, etc. Finding it is hard, but that is the key to attaining compatibility


Cynical_Manatee t1_jbit3pn wrote

Or you are just looking in the wrong places. The people closest to you by proximity might not be the people closest to you as a friend. I know I have met more people online whom are all over the word that are better friends than anyone I have met irl.


clinicalpsycho t1_jbj9d9o wrote

Indeed, but that's still a lonely experience.


nlikelyReaction t1_jbjv7e5 wrote

That's subjective, those online friends can be enough for some lol it's not like they can't ever meet up


nlikelyReaction t1_jbjv7xk wrote

That's subjective, those online friends can be enough for some lol it's not like they can't ever meet up


DBProxy t1_jbkgtvv wrote

My 2 closest friends, who I’ve known for 15 years, 1 lives in a different state, and the other lives in another country. We’ll likely never meet, but I don’t think I’d trade them for anyone else.


nlikelyReaction t1_jbme9u2 wrote

Yeah that's my point regardless the option is possible if you guys really want to and have the time to lol it's not like there won't ever be a small window to take the chance its just up to the people involved

I also understand the need for a more physically close relationship so yeah but not everyone operates on that level so that's why I said it's enough for some


ThisOnePlaysTooMuch t1_jbmex6o wrote

This. I don’t agree with some of my coworkers on broader issues, but we function by laughing about other things.


SenileTomato t1_jbift4s wrote

This is really...odd and not entirely straight forward.


abitofaLuna-tic t1_jbihs2t wrote

I don't understand the institutions one.


realsmartfun t1_jbijm9e wrote

They look like massive, powerful, impenetrable beasts, but really they’re weak, top-heavy and barely held up under their own weight.


Zyxyx t1_jbiv7im wrote

Which is simply not true in the slightest. It takes a hell of a lot of effort to topple the average institution. It's why they became an institute in the first place; they endured when other would-be institutions didn't.

Some institutions are stronger than entire nation states, which are institutes themselves.

Even weak institutions are tough and take years to bring down. Do you have an example of an institution that the image applies to?

In fact, I'd say the image has it completely backwards. Some institutions appear fragile on the surface, but in reality are so ingrained into the fabric of their respective society that they're for all intents and purposes invulnerable to a whole generation of people.


realsmartfun t1_jbjqjap wrote

Lol. Right. Uh.. the medical system. Education. The legal system. Finance. And that’s in America. In developing countries these institutions are 10x more fragile.

You’re taking this too literally. Institutions are hard to topple because they’re required for functioning society and that’s how society has and wants to be organized, but that doesn’t mean they’re tough.

They’re made up mostly of overworked people who are actually running them, they’re often very slow and mired in bureaucracy which means if they’re hit with sudden influxes they will essentially fail, and executives who are corrupt, out of touch, useless and who contribute to their weakening.


mattsprofile t1_jbmfxya wrote

Sure, a large impact can take out an institution, but it needs to be a large impact. One squirrel biting the institution's leg won't take it down, it would need to be a million squirrels who used to be working for the institution that suddenly decide to work against it. Which isn't an easy thing to achieve if you are interested in taking down any particular institution.


realsmartfun t1_jbmlf3c wrote

Wrong. One thing can knock out a leg and completely destroy the integrity and function of an institution. Take the example of one sexual assault and abuse case against the Catholic Church - it has never recovered the piety, integrity and trust that existed before that - it is a huge body, standing on very thin, weak legs.

The fact that it still exists isn’t the point, it’s that fact that it’s massive, portrayed as one thing, but is very much not what it seems.

I’m not going to keep explaining this to your or arguing your incorrect interpretations or beliefs. It’s a good metaphor - you just seem to be fawning over institutions and how big and powerful they are - look at education, the economy, healthcare, justice, the family - most of what is spoken about in current events is how EVERY SINGLE ONE is broken.



eetuu t1_jbjjiqi wrote

And why is that either frightening or comforting? Institutions is such a broad term. A lot of positive and negative things could be associated with institutions.


galactictock t1_jblt68t wrote

I don’t think the author is saying it’s either, just that the illusion is there. To the lone outsider, institutions seem indomitable but to the institution, an individual outsider could pose a significant threat. Institutions can be helpful or harmful, but either way we should bear in mind they are not invulnerable


Amphy64 t1_jbjzlgk wrote

Right. So, while waiting on the NHS, I should be motivated to...pull it down? Not sure this will help.


realsmartfun t1_jbjzwah wrote

No one is saying anything about what you should do. This image isn’t telling you to do anything. It’s just making a point about the state of many institutions. If anything, maybe this should motivate you to… help?


Amphy64 t1_jbk4c8z wrote

The little monster on the leg kind of makes it seem like the image suggests pulling down, to me. I think the artist was probably thinking of institutions in a negative light.

(My ability to help is probably limited to whether being sick on things is helpful...)


griftertm t1_jbij3sv wrote

Winston Rowntree is one of my faves


SeanJ44 t1_jbjcule wrote

Meh, seems suggestive


haHaa_cmonBruh t1_jbjkhkx wrote

Nice gender politics in a motivational post


IDontTrustGod t1_jbi11ci wrote

Love this, great visualizations! I feel like a lot of people could really benefit from some of these, especially the sexuality one


scifishortstory t1_jbim5w6 wrote

Yes, but to be fair I think the sexuality one is kind of exaggerated. It sort of implies that the majority of people are bi, which isn’t the case


Hargelbargel t1_jbiqhgk wrote

Not necessarily. To me it the left picture means "pervert or pure." I think there's a lot of stuff that isn't quite "same-race-heterosexual-lights-off-missionary" that people can do and not have to feel ashamed of.


skatmanjoe t1_jbkjzsq wrote

I understand it more along the lines of masculinity/femininity. Everyone has both masculine and feminine traits, generally man have more masculine traits and women more feminine traits, but its always a mix. A similar idea is represented by the ying-yang symbol in Eastern religions.


CursedFlute t1_jbi6m7i wrote

Definitely have felt that first one


bayindirh t1_jbiw50y wrote

Viruscomix has great content for what it conveys. The artist makes the reader think through it.

Actually, this is one of the comics which changed the course of my life, and I'm not exaggerating it, a bit.


TheGrumpyre t1_jbjmagf wrote

My favorite is "I wish to have everything I could ever need"


TheBaikIvan t1_jbjwp2r wrote

Upvoted... To the top I'm telling you!


kkkreg t1_jbk1yr3 wrote

saw this on tumblr years back. had it printed and tacked on a cork board in my room. it really helped me pull focus on what goes on in my head versus what really is happening. sometimes our anxious, over thinking side dominates and these illustrations do a great job of reigning that side of myself in


rotating_pebble t1_jbk29ou wrote

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven”

― John Milton, Paradise Lost


tandomayo t1_jbk2mhb wrote

This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.


Richard-Long t1_jbk2mpq wrote

Definitely a dream, the second to last one with the rain is amazing, my favorite. This doesn't explain being cursed with anxiety or overthinking but it helps.


Rompkins t1_jbiypyz wrote

Needed this today!

And every day really…


Erilaz_Of_Heruli t1_jbjj6ld wrote

It starts off pretty normal then...

"Hey, you don't need to feel insecure. Also institutions are pretty fragile, arent they ? Ever thought about starting a revolution ? Aren't you happy that you aren't on fire right now ? Life is just a dream."


no14now t1_jbjq3qt wrote

Third one had me confused


Pudding_Hero t1_jbjye3l wrote

I can’t say that sexuality has ever been portrayed by virgin demons but I suppose I need to get out more


MarshallBanana_ t1_jbjzlko wrote

Thanks for posting this! I used to love reading this comic years ago but I had forgotten what it was


TheRealBillyShakes t1_jbk99se wrote

I agree, except for the confidence thing. There are some that are extremely self assured and there are brain exercises one can do to improve one’s confidence, just like working a muscle at the gym (just don’t expect overnight miracles at either location; it’s a long process, but a worthy one).


bubblesthehorse t1_jbkds5w wrote

Some of these i like. But some... Motivation sometimes seems to be like "hey your problems aren't that big!" But people are for real sick, for real homeless, for real friendless, for real suicidal. Problems can be actually really big and you can't stand up to everything and everyone.


Optionzmenu t1_jbklv35 wrote

I may be seeing it wrong but I don’t think this was trying to negate the problems that someone feel? But just trying to put into perspective to be thankful for what you have and that you may be more fortunate than you initially believe?

Like if you do have a serious problem, at the very least, there is some comfort in knowing you are not alone and others are experiencing it too


bubblesthehorse t1_jbkn7nv wrote

no, i think that's never the intention of these but for example, the last one "is it all a dream?" no, it's not. and it kinda makes me feel like... an easy way to dismiss people? they just rub me the wrong way basically.


areolegrande t1_jbkksob wrote

Thx, this saves me a trip to a the rapist


mknott22 t1_jbko6ug wrote

Love this visualization!


Advocate_Diplomacy t1_jbkst4f wrote

It is true, because any institution is only as good as the members of it’s faculty, which are all subject to corruption and death. Things can change in an instant that might completely topple even our greatest and most popular institutions.


FoolOnTheHill420 t1_jbl0n2i wrote

This is phenomenal. Really needed this today. Thanks 🙏


kid_ampersand t1_jbl47ea wrote

I have never written fan mail to anyone in my almost 40 years of existence: despite absorbing a ton of media, never written a favorite author, director, musician, actor, anyone. Until I read this specific comic (it's from Subnormality by Winston Rowntree), and I wrote him an e-mail letting him know that a lot of his work really resonated and helped me, inspired me, and sometimes just entertained me.

I highly recommend you check out his other stuff, but be forewarned: although he's a webcomic artist, don't expect many three-panel jokes and the like; each one is more like a short play or novella, so you have to strap in.

Edited to add: I actually bought of poster of this and have it on a wall of art I love. It's a nice daily reminder.


nerd_in_training t1_jbl5m8f wrote

Wow, I saw this a long time ago and wanted to buy a print… then promptly forgot about it. Not this time, though! Print ordered… thanks for posting!


ABinturong t1_jbljai8 wrote

This is very good, well done!


AlphaBSM t1_jbm03qs wrote

Still gonna kms


FO_Steven t1_jbm9gju wrote

What, no gender panel? Nothing about POC? Fucking bigot


vnummela1 t1_jbmgwe8 wrote

These are all woefully optimistic. Reality is often much more grim than your observation on the surface level.


Doc_Anya t1_jbmomm6 wrote

Thank you for sharing this.. It helped me..


Tyk3s t1_jbmsk9b wrote

Yaay lgbtqilmnop+ monsters! So motivating 👊


TotallynottheCCP t1_jbmuq5b wrote

This speaks to me.

Growing up I couldn't have possibly imagined that my actions would have any significant effect on others around me, I felt so incredibly invisible and meaningless and worthless, I did anything I could to feel like I mattered and to be noticed.

Only now, like 20+ years later do I realize that I myself am sometimes "the protagonist in someone else's movie" who's actions actually make or break someone else's day.

It's such a mind fuck when you realize that you actually do mean something to other people and your influence actually makes a noticeable difference in their life path just as someone else you liked made a difference in yours long ago.


DreadMirror t1_jbo5vo1 wrote

If only a picture could actually help you get over your mental issues. Life would be so much easier.


Gyoza-shishou t1_jboasnd wrote

Damn, the one about institutions really captures the current era, huh?


Michigainer t1_jbiekrr wrote

This is the most profound thing I've seen online since it's inception.🤯🥇


[deleted] t1_jbi8o8e wrote



pyracantha_ t1_jbih308 wrote

You should work on your self esteem. Maybe if you follow this guide you'll stop expressing the repression of your own feelings through hate.


[deleted] t1_jbi6esy wrote



TargetWifty t1_jbia497 wrote

You started with “Sexuality” and then are the only person to “inject politics” you alright?