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kenlasalle t1_ja55wwv wrote

Say it with me now...

"What could possibly go wrong?!"


mrm00r3 t1_ja5d45u wrote

I guess they could help with the photography at a lot of weddings before vaporizing most of the people who’d be interested to see the shots.


wbsgrepit t1_ja5irtf wrote

I sure hope none of their targets are my doppelgänger — ffs. Also reminds me of the facial recognition service a few years ago that would match like 1/4 black men to Michael Jordan.


No-Owl9201 t1_ja5h02c wrote

Lol.... You mean apart from the elimination of all biological life on earth larger than a small pebble??


OhhhhhSHNAP t1_ja60abv wrote

Does it just include flying drones or could it also be used to support autonomous targeting missions for say… 6ft tall walking robots


Dangeresque2015 t1_ja94avp wrote

What could possibly go wrong when the AI gets aggressive and just shoots you in the face? I thought robot dogs mounted with machine guns were bad. We ain't seen nothin' yet.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_ja5jpvf wrote

Now we have the capability to take out whistleblowers anywhere in the world even before we can discredit their reputations. And sure, maybe some actual enemies of the state -- so it looks like it isn't to abuse power and things like that. Maybe we let some of the really bad guys go so they can taunt us. "Oh gee, I guess if they hadn't cut back on our budget and used it on Medicare patients -- we'd be able to get these terrorists."

Every time they fail at something they get a raise.

Who protects us from the people who make sure more and more Americans can't afford to live here?


sysadrift t1_ja59p5i wrote

> US develops AI-powered facial recognition tech for military robot drones

The AI:


FlysDinnerSnack t1_ja5ggph wrote

I remember years ago my dad rambling on his shit about one day they are going to have AI drones with facial recognition, they will be able to keep track of everyone, and then how long until smaller stealth drones that carry a small caliber round that can get really close to you without you ever knowing and taking you out. I said dad that’s crazy talk.


raalic t1_ja95kr4 wrote

Don’t even need to carry firearms at all when you can just carry a syringe with a poison payload.


asyrin25 t1_ja9c0cm wrote

I mean, if someone really wants you dead you're as good as dead. That's just Joe Shmo able to walk down to a Sporting Goods store and buy a gun.


whitepepper t1_ja9h5da wrote

A random individual killing another individual is a bit different from mass produced seek and destroy assassination drones controlled by authority.


asyrin25 t1_jaa6c3f wrote

To the dead person?

If you're talking about the difference between a person and the government, I assure you, if the government wants you dead, they don't need murderbots.

I have full faith and confidence in the ability of the US government to end my life if they wanted to. Don't you?


Z3r0sama2017 t1_ja8k264 wrote

Seems the NSA was listening and thought, you know what, this is a brilliant idea, lets break out the slush funds!


The_Safe_For_Work t1_ja585d5 wrote

Those cameras had better be pretty damned high resolution.


Girafferage t1_ja5lcwl wrote

It's less the resolution and more gathering a huge set of frames from the video at different angles and lighting to determine if somebody is who it thinks they are. But yeah, I also hope it's still like 8k min


Explorer335 t1_ja5ho4i wrote

Those drones have incredibly powerful optics with multi-spectral capabilities.


heartofdawn t1_ja5pvsq wrote

Setting aside the issues of face recognition being far from 100%*, the decision to take someone's life should never be left to automation. There must be accountability.

^(*don't though)


Psychomadeye t1_ja6z382 wrote

This is why the UN banned autonomous weapons like this. It would be legal if the weapon had 100% accuracy in facial recognition but otherwise it's use would be a war crime.


Holiday-Beyond752 t1_ja59l8d wrote

Then we'll use this as excuse to spy on our own people, oh, I mean domestic terrorists


doniiebaseball2020 t1_ja5lcw6 wrote

Worldstar headline 2025: Drone spots ops in Ukraine. It was on site!


the_real_harold_holt t1_ja5tc5r wrote

> "The U.S. Air Force has completed a project to develop face recognition software for autonomous drones, sparking concerns that individuals could be targeted and killed,"

I don't know why people keep jumping to the conclusion that our new face-seeking missiles would be used to kill people. They have lots of uses.


CreamFilledLlama t1_ja6abei wrote

Saves me so much time applying makeup in the morning. Go out bare faced, BAM, face-seeking missile has made me up all pretty like.


OpusChao t1_ja6xdxy wrote

Yeah, missiles are so versatile, what on earth are people talking about?


tibastiff t1_ja5tbmy wrote

Murderbots are gonna kill a lot of people, i hope im dead before local police departments get their hands on tech like this


peter303_ t1_ja68zwz wrote

The official US position is there is a human in the decision loop for death decisions.

Now many other companies have developed drones, a human oversight is not always the case.


ashakar t1_ja8txbg wrote

Who do you think gives the drone a pic of the person needing killing? Obviously there is a human in the loop.


Dariaskehl t1_ja66ulr wrote

Can I trademark the phrase: “had the drone been armed, this tragedy could have been prevented in time.” -now; and somehow get paid when it’s used?


LLF2 t1_ja67unm wrote

Will potential targets be wearing masks to counter this then?


DukeOfGeek t1_ja8unga wrote

How about really big hats?


LLF2 t1_ja8vj5t wrote

Maybe. A sombrero might work best depending on the angle of the drone's camera.


jagoble t1_ja89lrd wrote

"538 children were shot and killed by unidentified assailants all within 10 minutes of each other during last night's Halloween festivities. All were dressed like Vladimir Putin. Authorities have no leads at this time."

  • Future headline, probably

Gari_305 OP t1_ja55st8 wrote

From the article

>The United States Air Force has reportedly developed AI-powered facial recognition techechnolgy (FTR) for autonomous drones.
>The drones will be used by special operations personnel for missions overseas and for gathering intelligence and other operations, according to a contract between the Department of Defense (DoD) and Seattle-based company RealNetworks.
>"The U.S. Air Force has completed a project to develop face recognition software for autonomous drones, sparking concerns that individuals could be targeted and killed," New Scientist reported on Wednesday.


FuturologyBot t1_ja5ahw8 wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305:

From the article

>The United States Air Force has reportedly developed AI-powered facial recognition techechnolgy (FTR) for autonomous drones.
>The drones will be used by special operations personnel for missions overseas and for gathering intelligence and other operations, according to a contract between the Department of Defense (DoD) and Seattle-based company RealNetworks.
>"The U.S. Air Force has completed a project to develop face recognition software for autonomous drones, sparking concerns that individuals could be targeted and killed," New Scientist reported on Wednesday.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


Skritch_X t1_ja5pxsw wrote

Hmm I suppose if I was a high priority target with money and power, I'd start forcing people to wear high quality masks of myself.


AlanMorlock t1_ja8jiz8 wrote

Time to bust out some German Expressionist makeup as dazzle camouflage


pacific_beach t1_ja5xs2b wrote

It's a message to top-heavy countries - we can loiter and kill your top people which is devastating to authoritarian countries like china and russia.


cbrrydrz t1_ja6pgjz wrote

Now equipment them with knife bombs and we're good to go.


oldar4 t1_ja6zqdc wrote

They've had this for awhile. They have drones thst can determine the target then kamikaze down and blow them up


slightlyassholic t1_ja82bhr wrote


There is ABSOLUTELY no way this could ever go horribly wrong!


ITAVTRCC t1_ja8s8ev wrote

There was a documentary about this, called “Terminator” if I recall correctly


CyclicObject0 t1_ja8wdg6 wrote

Wasn't this the plot of an avengers movie?


not_that_planet t1_ja9hgej wrote

So now international terrorists can just walk around with a bag over their heads with eyeholes cut out.


Splenda t1_jaaf88q wrote

So give the drone a photo of the target person and hope it doesn't find someone who merely looks like them first? Sounds like a Three Stooges plot.


fucktheworld1977 t1_jaanwuh wrote

Yes yes yes this is all wonderful but tell me, when will I finally get my phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range?


S-Vagus t1_ja5z34n wrote

"How detached humanity wants to be in terms of direct human contact and interaction."

Translated it as best I could.


dopadelic t1_ja6zal4 wrote

It's going to be like the Black Mirror episode of the drone bee that can target people by flying into their ear canal and then burrowing into their brains.


Ok-Discussion2246 t1_ja7zxdy wrote

Yep! And it’s going to be incorporated into Project Convergence. It’s actually incredibly fascinating. A few years ago at my old job I was reading up on the concept and some of the tests they did. It’s mind bogglingly terrifying for anyone who’s on the receiving end.

Basically what their goal is, is to use AI to have various weapons system “talk” to each other in the battle space and make an ultra fast decision on the best way to react to any given situation (maximizing threat elimination, minimizing friendly and civilian casualties).

A good way to explain it is a test that they did a ways back.

Systems included in the test: F-35, MQ-9 (drone), one of those Boston dynamics robot dog things (a big one, basically a pack mule with a sensor package), self propelled artillery with smart shells, a platoon of regular soldiers (walking with the robot dog), and some satellites. All using AI to communicate.

I’ll set the scene.

The robot dog and platoon are walking through a battlefield, think a semi-wooded area. There’s a drone watching from above, an F-35 orbiting nearby, and a satellite watching everything.

All of a sudden, there’s enemy contact and incoming fire from behind cover off in the distance. The sensor package on the robot dog picks it up. Immediately, without any human input, this info is shared with the drone, F-35, satellite, and artillery battery. Now the drone and satellite have eyes on the “enemy”. The AI makes a quick calculation about how to deal with it in the best way. In this particular situation, it seems to be artillery. Within 15 seconds of that first shot ringing out, there is an artillery shell in the air and on its way to the enemy location without any human input whatsoever. And not one soldier was put in any physical danger (outside of the original shots being fired at them)


Kakujya_ t1_ja8862s wrote

Wowwwww was not expecting facial recognition and ai tied to weaponry for a while. This is fucked


Junior_Interview5711 t1_ja8my64 wrote



Can we at least vote on this.

I think we should.


hiko7819 t1_ja7tvvg wrote

Didn’t Captain America the Winter Solider answer how we felt about facial recognition software with lethal force flying in the sky? The future of the world is so bleak. Would love to be back in the ignorance of pre-9/11 world.
