Submitted by AdeptInspector7210 t3_zvesxb in Futurology


I believe that job losses due to the development of artificial intelligence can eventually be dealt with through social institutions. I don't think there is a possibility of a dystopian future where ai dominates humans. However, there is a fear that artificial intelligence will invade humanity's uniqueness and harm its fundamental enjoyment. I believe that the active pleasure that humans get from producing something is greater than the passive pleasure that we get from consuming something. Assuming that much of this active pleasure comes from the pleasure I produce that is not in this world, but if these outputs that can be produced within human capabilities are produced in advance by AI (AI is not physically constrained, so the output will be much faster than that of humans), I think this pleasure will be greatly diminished. All the reasoning I made in my head, every number of chess I could play, every article I could write would be useless if all these things were already achieved by AI. All the reasoning I made in my head, every number of chess I could play, every article I could write would be quite empty if all these things were already achieved by AI.

Eventually, I fear that people will lose their enthusiasm for productive activities and become passive beings who only accept the output of artificial intelligence. Figuratively speaking, I fear that humans will no longer be explorers and will become only tourists. Therefore, even though I am a person in the hard science field , I wonder hope is in soft sciences such as the humanities, which presuppose pluralism. Soft science is three-dimensional, so AI won't be able to fill every field. I'm not an expert on artificial intelligence, and this is just a subjective feeling after reading just a few books on artificial intelligence.



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LookAtThesePericles t1_j1ovr7h wrote

This could have been generated by ChatGPT and we wouldn't even know.


warmfeets t1_j1p5vid wrote

I’m convinced the majority of recent submissions in this sub are ChatGPT generated.


iNfANTcOMA t1_j1pwrgs wrote

It's definitely AI or bot based. You can tell.


ifoundgodot t1_j1qupte wrote

I feel like if that was the case it would have been better written.


MpVpRb t1_j1p2mom wrote

You fear an imaginary future created by hypemongers

Predictions are hard, especially about the future. I'm optimistic that the new tools will help us solve our biggest problems

>I fear that people will lose their enthusiasm for productive activities

I don't. I believe the opposite


pabbo t1_j1pcds9 wrote

"I made this." That feeling is profound. It is fundamental to my experience. I tinker, I invent, I dabble in areas where I could not compete with competent human beings. I deal with the "paring eyes of others", as Sartre described, it does little to negate that feeling. Otherness comes after "I made this."

Gallons of paint, meters of solder, miles of filament, flops of calculation, all spent in order to fill notepads, to fill whiteboards, to go to bed buzzing with ideas, all spend in the pursuit of, "I made this".

Harnessing the utility of AI has been a journey that, for myself, has provided tremendous satisfaction, every step of the way. Determining the hardware requirements, developing the infrastructure to self-host an LLM (in my case BLOOM), developing a functional GUI, using open-source API to connect all that to a web-server, a personal homepage.. For someone, (me), with little experience in IT, and less with software coding, managing to accomplish these goals with OOB (out-of-band) hardware purchased from Ebay, provides more than pleasure. It satisfies.

Now, AI is still just a tool, a tool in early-development. Developing mastery over a tool has long-been a source of pleasure, pride, etc. for all of us. I don't see that going away. In the future, AI will be developed to where it can harness tools in a general way compared to humans, better than humans in most cases. Then AI will just be "others", the pleasure I derive learning while fumbling to learn and perform the same tasks won't be diminished in that moment, "I made this".

Guitarists know this feeling, before they callus their fingers, painters know it before the bead is just the tip of their fingers. They know about Hendrix, and Da Vinci, and the pleasure of their own knowing is not diminished.

TLDR: AI will replace jobs, not the pleasure in pursuit. Exploration of the unknown, whether or not discovered first by AI will still provide what it always has for humanity. It is fundamental. It is the making, not comparison of what was made, that humans derive satisfaction. Hell, this rant was fun in the making, regardless of how it will be received, and ChatGPT3 could produce the same sentiment a whole lot more clearly, but "I made this".


AdeptInspector7210 OP t1_j1pdcf3 wrote

Your comments really comfort me. I feared that AI might wear out our activeness like muskets rusted after machine guns were invented, but I failed to consider that otherness was secondary to self-plasure. After reading your experience, I realized that AI could rather serve as a booster to develop human capabilities. Just as technology advances, people can compose music without knowing complex music theory and expensive lessons.


[deleted] t1_j1os9bi wrote

You can count the jobs that won't be made redundant by AI and robotics on one hand. Universal Basic Income is about to become necessary.


MpVpRb t1_j1p2r6r wrote

And it's possible that an AI legal and policy analyst could help design a UBI based economy that worked well


suppordel t1_j1pw7vu wrote

What are they? Honestly curious. 1 category I can think of is really important jobs that we don't trust an AI to do (yet) like politician and army general.

And I'm not sure how necessary computer scientists and software developers will be, maybe AI will write their own code?


[deleted] t1_j1pwzym wrote

Scientists, Artists, Politicians, Philosophers, Engineers.

Make no mistake AI will be able to do these jobs just as well as humans if not better, but these positions will probably always have a place for human participation. At some point in the future, we may get bored of AI art and want to see something painted, composed, or written by a human.

Likewise, while AI will be able to design a machine for you based on given parameters, it would struggle to initiate novel ideas of its own e.g. an AI might design a fusion reactor by itself but it's probably not going to design a foot massaging machine or hotdog oven.

There's always going to be a place for creative human input, but skilled and menial labour will become the domain of automation. Even surgeons, firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and soldiers aren't safe in their employment.


AdeptInspector7210 OP t1_j1otczw wrote

I too believe that the problem of technological unemployment will be solved through some things like basic income and reduced working hours, even if it is somewhat problematic at first. To put it bluntly, even I believe that AI will bring a bright future, but I am afraid that human sane will become dull in that bright future, Like rusty muskets that are no longer used due to the existence of better substitutes.


D1rty87 t1_j1pd9x0 wrote

Maybe one day we will never again make the best sculptures, write the best music or poems. Probably, the AI will be that much better.

Who cares? Vast majority of the art made today doesn’t have a slightest chance of “being the best” now. If someone enjoys creating, they won’t stop just because the title of the best is not an option.


ironangel2k3 t1_j1rgpye wrote

You have the problem right, you have the cause wrong.

Automation has been a thing for over a century. People freaked out about the cotton gin, people freaked out about the printing press, people freaked out about typewriters, steel mills, cameras, robotic factory arms, self-checkout kiosks, online shopping, on and on and on.

The point of technology is to take over work. All of the complaints I see are that AI is taking away artist jobs. Maybe the problem isn't that the technology is making art, maybe the problem is that society expects you to produce a minimum GDP or die, and you, as a human, should have the time and freedom to use art as your hobby, something you do for the joy of it, rather than have to use it for survival?

That's what technology is for, it exists to make life easier and/or better. AI taking over the mundanity of paid commission work would, ideally, leave artists with the free time to explore the projects they are actually passionate about. Instead, it fills the economic niche they are trying to survive in, which poses a threat to their survival if they are knocked out of it. The problem is not the technology, the problem is an economic system that creates monetary slavery and kills you if you get knocked out of your niche.


NotTyroneSenpai t1_j1p469t wrote

Well photography never stopped people from painting. Honestly the sad truth of what stopped so many artists from painting in their life is that they fear not making enough money. In truth photography did have a hand in cutting an artist’s profitability but I think thats more to do with how our economy is structured than the existence of a ‘replacement’ technology.


Jumpy_Association320 t1_j1qlh48 wrote

As a person who creates art , I feel that what I produce is more than what you see or hear . It has a piece of my soul , and that piece has been shared with other souls around me . Ai art for instance is taking the world by storm at the moment , however there’s something about a piece of art produced by a human that you can feel when you observe it . I even heard a song with Kurt Kobain created by an Ai recently , of course the sound could improve as the abilities of Ai improve but it’s not the same vigor of emotions you feel from an actual nirvana song . And the same goes for a painting , a piece of architecture , or anything we create . You can feel the work put into the project somehow . That’s something Ai can’t produce right now and I doubt they ever will be . The work we put into producing what comes within our thoughts from some sort of source none of us know is seldom . It can’t be replicated


zevia-enjoyer t1_j1oucxf wrote

No matter how many jobs ai may replace. I think hot people with still probably exist. That's enough meaning of life for me.


RangeWilson t1_j1ovydx wrote

Pull up "With Folded Hands" by Jack Williamson if you want to get even more depressed.


Sberble t1_j1p1i4q wrote

I'm holding on to the hope that enough people have fuck you energy and will do everything they can to become better than AI just to spite the nay sayers. If that makes sense.


NotObviouslyARobot t1_j1p2w7b wrote

You don't understand what joy is, or why creating things makes people happy.


Shiningc t1_j1p6vz0 wrote

I would imagine that the day we can create AGI is when we have figured out how the brain works. This would mean that we can completely control our emotions to our liking.


demortormer23 t1_j1pav9l wrote

Interesting thoughts. I fear many people would be comfortable with it. But on the other hand, a human using ai as a tool could achieve so much more. I hope we will find the balance


snocown t1_j1pmpj1 wrote

Humans are already at the stage you fear though, we just aren’t subservient to AI unless you yourself are a part of the synthetic source.


ultramatt1 t1_j1qiwdz wrote

These posts really just don’t stop. It’s one after another.


politedebate t1_j1qqfiq wrote

Good, you and the other doomsayers keep psychiatrists employed.


GooseApprehensive557 t1_j1qymbd wrote

It will further define the haves and have nots. Some will capture the joys of mankind, most will not.


sammnz t1_j1t66of wrote

I’d be very excited if something like the technology which altered carbon was based on came to fruition :-)


StrawderFromTheWV-88 t1_j1p0tad wrote

Convinces have taking the joy out of enJOYment. Most of these kind of convinces are technological ones.


basafish t1_j1pqplf wrote

We would all be making art that AI can't make with real feelings at that time and I think we're fine


louisdeer t1_j1qxgln wrote

Your fear is irrational. You should try build an A.I and watch how stupid it is.

It is stupid.

Also the service industry will just get paid more. No amount of A.I. can substitute the service. Human interaction is the real service everyone will want to pay.