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Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_je8xutb wrote

It’s a pilot program to prevent them from starving to death or reoffending while they try to re-enter society. A bit of kindness can go a long way. It must be almost impossible to restart your life after getting out of prison.


Badgercakes7 t1_je90gcs wrote

Seriously this is 6 grand a year. That’s a fraction of what we would pay if they DO wind up recidivating. This is money well spent if it keeps any amount of people from having to go back to criminal acts to survive.


1234nameuser t1_je9a5x8 wrote

"Criminal acts to survive"

Are we still talking about US here? Nobody has to crime to survive in this country.

edit: people seriously expect those living in poverty to commit crimes? you people lack respect for those trying to climb the ladder in areas of concentrated poverty


Unfair_Isopod534 t1_je9jk9d wrote

Would you hire people with criminal record? Would your job,if u have one, hire people with criminal record?


1234nameuser t1_jea3nav wrote

If you're proposing pilot programs in which we pay / offer tax credits to companies that employ them,

then yes, I agree that sounds like a more effective option.


Unfair_Isopod534 t1_jea3wbe wrote

That's not what I said. I asked you if you or the place you work at would hire criminals?


Downtown_Feedback665 t1_jea0uy8 wrote

You have clearly never been in enough poverty to do something you’re not proud of. Everyone that has been there knows.


1234nameuser t1_je99pwf wrote

And yet tons of other folks , by far the vast majority, growing up in poverty still struggle courageously without resorting to crime.

I'd rather give them $500/mo.


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_je9z3kk wrote

If people treated others as equals in the first place, there wouldn’t be a need for a competition for such a paltry sum.


ethantremblayyy t1_je98ryo wrote

when you know and interact with the types of people who receive these types of benefits, you only grow more frustrated at the state and the likes of them. they will take take take and continue to destroy. they are mostly bad people who need mental health care more than money.


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_jea1wd0 wrote

Being mentally ill is not a character flaw and in those under the perpetual cruelty of poverty will resort to self medicating or immediate material gratification. Money management is difficult for even the competent and in the wealthy it is forgiven more readily.

Society’s fundamental responsibility to itself is to manufacture happy, healthy people. It is wisdom to educate, clothe and house one’s fellow man. After all, what is the use of government or an army’s might to protect goods above people. People make things better with incentive of purpose and self worth.

If the social system is failing, abandonment of its most vulnerable citizens will only increase society’s burdens, not eliminate it. Empathy is a great investment, even if only to avoid creating the self fulfilling prophecy of creating ‘bad’ people.


ethantremblayyy t1_jea3n7t wrote

you clearly don’t know any of these people. a lot are predatory manipulators, scum. most of y’all are good people so you can’t even comprehend their line of thought. they don’t give a fuck about society.


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_jea7myx wrote

I have worked in social services. Yes, it is ugly and discouraging. I, myself, was an abandoned child in foster care, born to a single mother enslaved by alcoholism. My foster parents were the sort that look virtuous and benevolent but they were abusive and bigoted.

Years of teaching has taught me that helping others with patience, boundaries and forgiveness increases the odds of a positive return rather than diminishing it. Respect has to be given first so one can recognize and return it.

It isn’t a walk in the park but it is a necessary journey. It is neglect and abuse that creates these people and neglect and abuse will not cure our problem with them or each other. The outcome really does depend on the input.


kingkush1974 t1_je91gpr wrote

This is false did 12 years in prison.i own a house several cars and a buisness .inmates have to want to change their lives if not it's a continuous cycle


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_je9sncm wrote

Your story is not every person’s story. I’m glad you achieved personal success. Many haven’t the perspective or self respect to know how to change for the better and some cannot regain the power of choosing their destiny without help.


ArgumentLost9383 t1_je97ydo wrote

I don’t know why this is down voted, that’s incredible that you were able to pick yourself up and keep on living. Good job you should be proud.


BrownMan65 t1_je99ig6 wrote

Because unverifiable anecdotes are worthless to the conversation. If it is true, great good for him. It’s still an anecdote and again worthless to the conversation. There’s more than enough proof showing that just sending prisoners out into the world with no support increases recidivism.


fuserx t1_je9huj0 wrote

For the record I am for this pilot.

But I do not agree with the way that it's being administered and I don't think that you can make any conclusions/ establish proof through this type of pilot.

Article said over 100 people applied and 20 of the worst people were selected. That's not how the scientific method works to establish "proof". You just get 20 anecdotes. Without randomization and a matched cohort of individuals with the similar issues, this pilot is useless


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_je9th4r wrote

Nothing is ever useless to resourceful people.

Journalists also have a bad habit of oversimplifying things for the layman. One would have to be a part of the process to completely understand their criteria.


fuserx t1_jea10v9 wrote

Perhaps. It sure it was oversimplified. But the standards for social sciences are so lax. Do a real experiment if you want to come to these conclusions that these programs work.


Specialist-Lion-8135 t1_jea2yth wrote

Unfortunately, time is necessary to prove theories and experience is necessary to understand results. My daughter participated in a Yale psychology study as an infant and it took thirty years to publish their findings. You can learn about their findings in the documentary, ‘Babies’ on Netflix. It is really fascinating. I wish I knew the things they learned while she was still a child but that is the paradox of education and experience.


BrownMan65 t1_jea98ma wrote

They aren't running an experiment here. They're basing their reasoning off of research that's already been done.


otis-potus t1_je9gpgl wrote

The fact that this is so downvoted, shows how completed blinded and delusional this sub is.


Fit_Low592 t1_je9abca wrote

Yeah? So? Take a guess how much money it costs per inmate to run a prison.


1234nameuser t1_je9htg3 wrote

Prison is a fixed cost, NOT a nightly rate.

But yes, prisons cost lots of money unless you can get by without building one.


wwdan t1_jebcz6e wrote

To say it's a fixed cost is a bit interesting.


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_je9fjdx wrote

I got out with nothing. I am so lucky I made it back and off the streets


RobbieL241 t1_je9ih7x wrote

Shit title, OP.


Justinontheinternet OP t1_jebwhxb wrote

It’s a summary of the article. That’s why I put editorialized title.

“ed·i·to·ri·al·ize /ˌedəˈtôrēəˌlīz/ verb past tense: editorialized; past participle: editorialized (of a newspaper, editor, or broadcasting organization) make comments or express opinions rather than just report the news. "the BBC itself was not to editorialize about the news or matters of public policy"


Viligans t1_je9li1m wrote

That title is irresponsibly misleading.

The first sentence of the second paragraph mentions that the program is privately funded.


kingkush1974 t1_je9d3t2 wrote

Spent alot of years in and out of prison just got tired of it and wanted to be a father to my sons and show them what a dad and gd man was


No-Ant9517 t1_je9rdsi wrote

would it have been easier with a little push in the right direction?


OpelSmith t1_je9lw4c wrote

"I am a gigantic jackass" -Justinontheinternet


Proud-Breakfast-8429 t1_jea1qo8 wrote

The problem is that no one wants to hire someone with a criminal record. I don’t have a problem with the program, but would prefer if the state program just hire them even as basic manual labor jobs. College graduates have problems getting hire from lack of experience. How is someone suppose to get hired when they have a criminal record and 5+ years of nothing on a resume especially if they only finished high school


kingkush1974 t1_jebphao wrote

Would've been easier if they start transition in prison maybe teach some basic life skills would probably help .maybe a work half way house for 6 months help inmates with work skills help budget money.get them hooked up with success ppl


silasmoeckel t1_je9fgph wrote

CT looks like a private nonprofit.


ovrhere_ t1_jea9tto wrote

CT needs to do a lot more too. Housing, occupation, etc. You can't take someone's life away, brand them a criminal, and then expect them to re-enter society. Our priorities are trash.


biglou203 t1_jeaxwvx wrote

Take someone’s life away? They chose to do the crime….no?


ovrhere_ t1_jeaynzu wrote

Does that make them undeserving of rehabilitation and reintroduction into society? There's surely a broader discussion to be had about conditions contributing to acts of crime besides the person arbitrarily choosing to do them, and whether prison is an actual deterrent to crime, but even if we assume all crimes are simply a matter of choice, does that make my first question less pertinent?


welcomebackjelly t1_je9s16r wrote

Criminals made their decision when they committed a crime. I’d rather see this money go towards those who actually contribute to society. The convicts can rot


G3Saint t1_je991d8 wrote

Is there a fund for the victims of crime?


CTNotPC t1_je9a5n3 wrote

I find it astonishing how CT just likes throwing money for solutions instead of making enforceable and equitable legislature to help solve the root problem.

Got a drug problem? Here is $100 bucks. Good luck. Cant find a job because you got a record? Here is some money, good luck. Suffer from mental illness? Here is some dough, good luck.


Burwylf t1_je9e79e wrote

Yeah, we should put them all in prison, that'd help


CTNotPC t1_je9jfen wrote

Giving free money is not a solution. Making programs like help re-introduce criminals from prison to society would be more helpful. Give an addict $500 bucks, is going to be spent on drugs. Give an addict help, training, and a solid program for him/her to reintegrate to society is a better option


Burwylf t1_je9k3l1 wrote

Ok, what do they need to better reintegrate into society? A home, a shower, a job... But wait, they'd just spend the money from the job on drugs, so we can't do that... And limiting employers ability to ask about criminal history would be soft on crime, and homes with showers would be a handout... I guess it's an impossible problem

The only solution is a for profit private prison system with a monetary incentive to maximize recidivism, it's the only way.

Also anyone that ever does a drug has to go there too


CTNotPC t1_je9lvqc wrote

Alright. Give them free money. Make it a $1,000 a month. Inflation adjusted income. That will solve their problems


Burwylf t1_je9lti4 wrote

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so snarky because people won't take it seriously, but literally, we pay the justice system per criminal from police on down to prisons, and the system knows this, and makes sure they have as many repeat customers as possible.


Mascbro26 t1_je9k61s wrote

Money can't buy hapiness but it sure can solve a lot of problems!