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stumpykitties t1_iyfbpz7 wrote

Nothing. It was a terrible time.

Living my best life in adulthood


MissAFaye6634 t1_iyfaodu wrote

A thrill of a night out, drinking with your group of friends around a fire.


Redlittlesexydevil t1_iyfas3f wrote

How careless and free you are because you don’t really have to worry about bills, and how easy it was to have a big group of friends.

As an adult, you can share 90% of common interests with someone and you’d still not be friends 😂 when I was a teen I literally became close to my bff because we both liked Hannah Montana lol


Staud59 t1_iyfax6p wrote

Parents cooking for me and washing clothes.


teethalarm t1_iyfd71k wrote

Not having bills or any real responsibilities. Also that my back didn't hurt.


crumumbooty t1_iyfdcj3 wrote

Not having to pay rent, that was lovely


crybaby-conformist t1_iyfaovr wrote

People were honest about the fact they don’t care about me. As an adult, people lie and pretend that they do care about me.

Bro, if you don’t care about children, I’m not at all agreeing that you care about adults.

Plain, simple, and fucking obvious.


Novae224 t1_iyfav0w wrote

I am a teenager and i’m living the worst life, i’m not even going to school because of social anxiety and surely am not living the free teenage life


KillyScreams t1_iyfbg92 wrote

Anxiety blows, but 99% of it is in your head and it can be helped.

Young people have no perspective and it's not nearly as life or death that it appears.

Hang in there


Novae224 t1_iyfdxq1 wrote

Yeah it’s a bit in more serious than puberty anxiety, I don’t know why. Been two many psychologists and other help and got them all to go quite because I explained the whole situation and they didn’t know what to say to that


[deleted] t1_iyfavwx wrote

Mostly the people I knew back then and the places I went to that aren't around anymore.


The_Milf_Enthusiast t1_iyfaz4x wrote

Beating the shit out of assholes and only getting suspended.


javanator999 t1_iyfbhno wrote

Having mom cook dinner for me every night.


Ok_Chocolate3253 t1_iyfbr66 wrote

Time moved slower. Friday after school and firing up PS2 with some friends and staying up til 3am with Surge and Doritos.....


RtxTrillihin t1_iyfbr9p wrote

my body could take a lot more punishment


papaHans t1_iyfcuhs wrote

Making out in a car at the drive-ins.


baudtothebone t1_iyfdzbm wrote

Miami Vice on Friday nights and no social media.


Other-Marketing-6167 t1_iyfe1ic wrote

Starting a screenplay and actually thinking it would have a chance to get sold and made when it was done.


anon-chann t1_iyfeiwo wrote

Not having financial responsibilities.